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Doa untuk Kelahiran Diri Sendiri, Mohon Kemuliaan dan Limpahan Rezeki

"Prayer for Self-Birth, Request for Glory and Abundance of Blessings"

Please ask Allah SWT to be given a life full of abundant blessings.

Prayer for Self-Birth, Request for Glory and Abundance of Sustenance

Dream - Increasing age is something we should be grateful for. Therefore, in the opportunity given by Allah SWT in this world, it must be utilized as best as possible.

Prayer for Self-Birth, Request for Glory and Abundance of Sustenance

"To fill the special moments of Sahabat Dream's day, it should be accompanied by prayers for one's own birth. In it, there is hope for one's own future goodness."

In addition, as age increases, continue to pray to Allah SWT to be granted a long life full of abundant blessings. So that later it can bring benefits for oneself and others.

Well, here is a prayer for one's own birth that you can practice as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Prayer for Self-Birth, Request for Glory and Abundance of Sustenance

"The Essence of Longevity for a Muslim"

Islam's view on longevity is that life is a gift from Allah that should be utilized to the best of one's ability to perform righteous deeds and to draw closer to Him.

"Longevity in Islam is not just about physical age alone, but also about the blessings in that age. Allah says in the Quran, Surah Al-Asr, verses 1-3: 'By time. Indeed, mankind is in loss. Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience.' In the hadith, it also emphasizes the importance of filling one's age with good deeds. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:"

"Indeed, Allah loves it when one of you performs a task, so that he does it in a good manner." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim) Thus, a long life in the Islamic perspective should be filled with righteous deeds, such as worshiping Allah, being kind to others, spreading goodness, and performing other virtuous acts. This is a form of gratitude to Allah for the gift of life that He has given and as a provision for the afterlife.

In Islam, long life is not the main goal, but how that life is filled with righteous deeds that will bring goodness and blessings to the worldly and afterlife of a Muslim.

"Grateful for the Increase in Age"

The following is the translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The scholars in Islamic teachings conclude that the increase in human lifespan is a blessing from Allah SWT that should be appreciated."

Bersyukur dengan Bertambahnya Usia

They believe that the age of humans is determined by Allah and is part of His destiny. Therefore, the increasing age of humans should be approached with gratitude and more acts of worship. The relationship between human age and kinship is also emphasized in Islamic teachings. The length of someone's life also affects their kinship relationships.

Where someone can provide more benefits to their family and society and provide opportunities to earn rewards from doing good to others. The influence of long life also explains that a long life can be used to worship more, repent, and improve relationships with others. Thus, increasing age is a golden opportunity to get closer to Allah and do good deeds.

Ask for a Blessed Age and Not a Long Age

Ask for a Blessed Age and Not a Long Age

"Age that is blessed has a different concept than age that is long."

Age that is blessed refers to an age that is lived with full blessings, bringing benefits to oneself and others, and lived with full quality. Meanwhile, a long age only indicates the length of someone's life without considering the quality and benefits produced. Asking for a blessed age is very important because a blessed age will bring blessings in every step of life, spread goodness, and provide opportunities for self-improvement qualitatively.

Prayers that can be made to request a blessed life include asking Allah to grant a life filled with goodness, health, safety, and success in living. The Prophet Muhammad also emphasized the importance of asking for a blessed life. In a hadith, he once said:

This hadith emphasizes that a blessed age is marked by good deeds, not just the length of one's life. By seeking a blessed age, one will focus more on the quality of life and the benefits produced, not just on the length of one's life. Prioritizing a blessed age shows awareness of a more meaningful and significant purpose in life for oneself and others.

"Prayer for Self-Birth"

The following are some prayers for one's own birth that can be practiced by Dream friends on their birthdays:

Doa untuk Kelahiran Diri Sendiri

Prayer for Self-Birth to be Given Well-being

And may peace be upon me on the day I was born, on the day I die, and on the day I am resurrected alive.

"Prayer for Self-Birth to be Given Longevity"

Allahumma thawal'umurana washah ajsadana wanawir qulubana watsabit imanana wa ahsan u'malana wawasi' arzaqana wa ilalkhoiri qarabna wa'anisy syahri ab'idna waqdhi khawaijana fid daini wad dunnya wal akhirat innaka 'ala kuli syai'in qadir. O Allah, extend our lives, strengthen our bodies, illuminate our hearts, and make our faith firm. Improve our actions, provide us with abundant sustenance, bring us closer to goodness, and help us overcome difficulties in religion, worldly matters, and the hereafter. Indeed, You are capable of all things.

O Allah, lengthen our lives, make our bodies healthy, enlighten our hearts, strengthen our hearts, improve our deeds, expand our sustenance, bring us closer to goodness and keep us away from evil. Grant all our needs in this world and the hereafter. Indeed, You alone are the Almighty over everything.

Prayer for Self-Birth, Request for Glory and Abundance of Sustenance

"Prayer for Self-Birth to be Given Abundant Blessings"



"Prayer for Self-Birth to Seek Glory"

"Ya Tuhan kami, Anugerahkanlah kepada kami, istri-istri kami dan anak cucu kami sebagai penyenang hati kami, dan jadikanlah kami imam bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa."

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