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"60 Words of Prayer for Husbands Working to be Granted Halal and Blessed Sustenance"

he translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: The words are a hope that the husband is always given good health and smoothness in seeking livelihood for his family

Dream - Prayers for husbands who are working are a form of support for wives so that their life partners are given smoothness in carrying out their work. There is already a lot of evidence that prayers and support from wives can be a driving force for the success of their husbands. Friends of Dream whose husbands have to earn a living far away and rarely come home certainly have their own concerns. This prayer can also be a remedy for worries because wives ask for protection from God so that their husbands are always protected by Him.

This prayer can also contain hopes for the husband to always be given health and smoothness in earning a living for his family. Here are the words of the prayer for a husband who is working, summarized by Dream through various sources.

60 Prayer Words for Husbands Who Are Working to Be Granted Halal and Blessed Sustenance
Kata-Kata Doa untuk Suami yang Sedang Bekerja Mencari Nafkah Demi Keluarga

Words of Prayer for a Husband who is Working to Provide for the Family

"May my husband, when you wake up today, may the good Lord grant every step you take to success, whatever you do today will be a great success."

"May you give him wisdom, so that he can use good thoughts for good deeds, then keep away from evil thoughts and corruption." "May your tomorrow be brighter than today and may your old age be smooth from a young age. God will never give you a reason to regret coming into the world." "Oh Lord, give my husband the best possible reward for his teachings to me and the greatest reward for the love and affection that my husband bestows upon me."


“My love, thank you for your sacrifices for the family all this time. May our family always be blessed with happiness.”

“Success comes to those who deserve it, may success come to you today because you deserve more. Always be blessed, my love.”

“When you step out to start your daily activities, may God be with you and never leave you.”


"May you be granted smoothness in your work, my husband, never give up for the happiness of your family."

60 Prayer Words for Husbands Who Are Working to Be Granted Halal and Blessed Sustenance

"I know building a household is not an easy task, so I always pray for God to strengthen you, my husband." "You are the source of my strength, my husband, so please stay healthy and well." "Oh Lord, You are Most Wise in testing Your servants. I pray for You to strengthen my husband's heart in facing heavy workloads. Grant him intelligence and wisdom in completing his tasks."

"Give him high self-confidence and give him satisfying results for all his hard work. "O Lord, I pray that You protect my husband from all forms of anxiety and worry that may arise in his work. Make his heart calm and trust in You. Give him the conviction that all his efforts will not be in vain, and that You will reward him with goodness. Give him courage and steadfastness in facing every obstacle and challenge that comes."

60 Prayer Words for Husbands Who Are Working to Be Granted Halal and Blessed Sustenance

"O Lord, I pray that You make my husband a good role model in the world of work. Grant him integrity and honesty in every action and decision."

Make him hold firmly to the principles of religion in carrying out his work. Give him awareness of his responsibility as a Muslim and bless him in every step he takes. "O Lord, You are the All-Hearing of the prayers of Your servants who truly hope in You. I pray that You hear my prayer and answer it in the best way. Bless my husband in all his efforts."

"Make every step easier for him and give him results that exceed his expectations. Protect him from any form of failure and give him outstanding success. "O Lord, I pray that You bless every effort made by my husband. Give him perseverance and endurance in facing every challenge that comes. Give him intelligence and wisdom in making the right decisions."

"Make his steps easier and grant him abundant success. Amen. "O Allah, You are All-Knowing of how hard my husband works and strives. I beseech You to grant him strength and endurance in his body. Protect him from excessive fatigue and provide him with enough rest to regain his energy. Grant him blessings in every effort and struggle, and give him motivation and high spirits to remain steadfast in facing challenges."

60 Prayer Words for Husbands Who Are Working to Be Granted Halal and Blessed Sustenance

"O Allah, You are the Provider of infinite sustenance. I beseech You to bestow upon my husband lawful and wholesome sustenance."

Please expand his sustenance and bless him in everything he obtains. Provide him with sufficiency and abundance in meeting the needs of the family. Bless him in every effort he makes to earn a living. "O Allah, You are the Giver of strength and endurance. I ask You to grant physical and mental strength to my husband. Help him to go through each day with enthusiasm and courage."

Give him intelligence and creativity in finding solutions to every problem he faces. Make his affairs easy and bless him in everything he does. "O Allah, You are the Most Generous and Most Merciful. I pray that You bestow Your love and mercy upon my husband who is working hard. Give him deep gratitude for every blessing You have given. Make him full of optimism and joy in facing daily challenges."

"Give him true satisfaction and happiness through his sincere and sincere efforts. " "O Allah, You are the Most Helper. I ask You to give assistance to my husband in his difficult work. Make him always feel accompanied and guided by You. Give him the opportunity to learn and develop in his career. Give him blessings in every endeavor and strive for continuous success for him."

Words of Prayer for Husbands Who Are Working to Always Be Under the Protection of Allah SWT

Words of Prayer for Husbands Who Are Working to Always Be Under the Protection of Allah SWT

"May my husband always be under Your eternal and limitless protection."

"\u201cMay my husband always be in Your strong and mighty protection.\u201d\u201cProtect my husband from all diseases and disasters, O Allah.\u201d\u201cMay God grant you goodness wherever you are.\u201d\u201cGod will go before and after you, wherever the grace of Allah is found lacking, you will not be there. May God protect and bless you always, my husband.\u201d\u201cProtect my husband from all dangers lurking in this world, O Allah.\u201d"

"Ya Allah, protect my husband under Your unshakable protection." "Ya Allah, keep my husband away from any possible harm that may befall him." "My husband, may you always be granted health and long life." "Oh Lord, protect my husband who is seeking Your sustenance. Grant my husband protection and safety. Amen."

"O Lord, You know how difficult this journey is for my husband. I beseech You to grant him strength and patience in his heart."

60 Prayer Words for Husbands Who Are Working to Be Granted Halal and Blessed Sustenance

"Keep the love for his family and religion burning in his heart. Give him the conviction that this migration is a righteous field that You are pleased with. Ease every step for him and bless him in everything he does there. Oh Lord, I pray that You protect my husband from all forms of temptation and temptation that surround him. Keep him away from any behavior that can damage our relationship. Guide him towards the path of goodness and keep him away from any actions that are not pleasing to You."

"Give him awareness of his responsibilities as a husband and father, and make his path easier to remain faithful to the family he left behind. O Lord, You are the All-Hearing, the prayers of Your servants who truly hope in You. I pray that You hear my prayer and answer it in the best way. Give strength and courage to my husband in facing the difficulties and challenges in his place of residence."

"Make every task easier for him and grant him ease in living far from his beloved family. O Lord, You are the Bestower of guidance and direction. I beseech You to bestow guidance and direction upon my husband in his place of sojourn. Guide him towards the path that is pleasing to You, and keep him away from all forms of misguidance and darkness. Grant him strength to remain steadfast in the teachings of Islam and fulfill his obligations as a Muslim."

"Make all his affairs easy and bless him in his life."

60 Prayer Words for Husbands Who Are Working to Be Granted Halal and Blessed Sustenance

"O Lord, You are Most Merciful and Most Compassionate. I pray that You bestow Your grace and love upon my husband in his place of sojourn. Grant him peace of mind and tranquility in living a life far from us. Facilitate every matter for him and make him a source of happiness and pride for the family he left behind. Amen."

"O Allah, the Most Merciful Lord, I beseech You to protect my husband who is currently residing in a foreign land. Grant him strength and tranquility in carrying out his work far from his beloved family. Shield him from all calamities and dangers. Protect him from temptations that may destroy his faith and loyalty. Guide him towards the path that is blessed by You and ease all his affairs."

"Dear Allah, You are the source of all sustenance and blessings. I beseech You to open the doors of sustenance for my husband in his place of sojourn. Ease his heart in facing challenges and difficulties in life there. Grant him courage to face trials and patience in enduring longing. Make him an example for those around him, so that they may witness the greatness of Islam through his actions."

"O Allah, You are the bestower of unmatched mercy and compassion. I beseech You to bestow Your mercy upon my husband in his place of sojourn."

60 Prayer Words for Husbands Who Are Working to Be Granted Halal and Blessed Sustenance

"Give him good health, peace of mind, and genuine happiness. Keep him away from all diseases and dangers. Make my husband a role model for those around him, so that they can see the beauty of Islam through his attitude and behavior. " "O Allah, You are the Creator of all things. I ask You to protect my husband in every step he takes. Shield him from all harm and disasters that surround him."

"Give him the strength to remain strong and faithful in the face of the challenges he faces. Make this journey a means to draw closer to You, and give him the opportunity to continue to worship and do righteous deeds in a place far from us. O Allah, You are the All-Hearing, I pray that You hear this prayer and grant it. Bring happiness to my husband in his place of sojourn."

Expand his chest from all anxiety and restlessness. Give him peace of mind and strength to face the heart-wrenching longing. Protect him from loneliness and keep him loyal to the family he left behind.

"Prayers for a Husband who is Working for Blessings"

"I am very grateful to have a husband like you. May you always be given smoothness and ease so that the future will be even better."

"O Lord, I sincerely pray to You for beneficial knowledge, lawful sustenance, and accepted deeds for my beloved husband. O Lord, You are Most Generous and Most Compassionate. I beseech You to bestow Your mercy upon my husband in all his affairs. Grant him abundant provision, abundant blessings, and everlasting success. Make all his efforts a field of righteous deeds that You are pleased with, and bless him in every step he takes."

"O Lord, You are the incomparable Provider of sustenance. I beseech You to open doors of lawful and pure sustenance for my husband. Grant him opportunities to achieve success in his work and facilitate all his affairs. Make him a good example in seeking sustenance that is blessed by You." "O Lord, You are the Most Loving. I implore You to guide my husband towards the path of goodness in seeking livelihood."

Give him intelligence and wisdom in making the right decisions. Make him an example that inspires people around him to seek halal and tayib sustenance. "Wherever and whenever you are, may you always remember goodness, my love. May God always bless and bestow His grace. "O Lord, bless the sustenance obtained by your servant husband so that it brings goodness to our family in this world and the hereafter."

"O Allah, the Lord who is the Most Generous Provider, I beseech You to bless my husband in his efforts to seek lawful and wholesome sustenance."

60 Prayer Words for Husbands Who Are Working to Be Granted Halal and Blessed Sustenance

"Give him strength and wisdom in carrying out his work. Guide him towards the path that is blessed by You, and make every step of his journey towards success that You are pleased with easier. "O Allah, You are Just and Wise. I ask You to bless every effort made by my husband to earn a living. Keep him away from all forms of deception, fraud, and forbidden transactions."

"Give him the sensitivity to choose a halal and tayib path, and the courage to reject anything that is not pleasing to You. O Allah, You are the All-Seeing, observing all the actions of Your servants. I pray that You witness the efforts and hard work of my husband in seeking halal and tayib sustenance. Grant him blessings in every step he takes. Protect his heart to remain sincere and sincere in his work, and keep him away from all forms of greed and avarice."

"Keep him away from any actions that may disturb the sustenance that You have bestowed upon him."

60 Prayer Words for Husbands Who Are Working to Be Granted Halal and Blessed Sustenance

"Shine the light of Your guidance so that the husband always receives lawful sustenance. Make the husband someone who is always grateful for the provisions given. O Allah, You know best what is best for Your servants. I ask You to give direction and the best guidance to my husband in seeking lawful and good livelihood. Grant him a good understanding of Islamic principles in business and work. Guide him towards success that is blessed by You."

"O Allah, You are the Giver of Guidance and Direction. I pray that You guide my husband in seeking lawful and pure sustenance. Keep him away from any job that is not pleasing to You. Grant him firm faith and courage to uphold Islamic principles in every aspect of his work." "Grant him strength of faith and piety so that he may always receive lawful sustenance.""

"“May these prayers be a support for the husband in obtaining lawful and blessed sustenance. Amen.”"

60 Prayer Words for Husbands Who Are Working to Be Granted Halal and Blessed Sustenance

"Grant my husband strength and courage in facing the test of sustenance. O Lord, I pray that You make my husband an honorable person in seeking lawful and pure livelihood. Bestow upon him dignity and blessings in his work. Make every provision he obtains a means to do good and help others. Grant him inner contentment and true happiness through his sincere and sincere efforts."

"O Lord, You are Most Wise in giving choices to Your servants. I beseech You to grant my husband a lawful and good job choice. Grant him clarity in recognizing good opportunities, and give him a firm resolve to choose what is best for himself and his family."

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