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7 Ciri Perempuan yang Terkena Tipu Daya Dajjal, Salah Satunya Suka Mengumpat dan Tidak Bersyukur atas Pemberian Suami

7 Characteristics of Women who are Deceived by the Deception of Dajjal, One of Them Likes to Gossip and is Ungrateful for the Gifts of her Husband

- The emergence of Dajjal is one of the signs of the coming of the Day of Judgment. In a hadith, it is explained that women are part of the followers of Dajjal, whose numbers are many. As the Prophet Muhammad said: "The majority of the followers of Dajjal are Jews and women." (HR. Ahmad) This has become a concern for women to always be cautious so as not to be trapped as followers of Dajjal, namely through sinful actions.

Then, what are the characteristics of women who are affected by the deception of Dajjal? Here are the characteristics as summarized by Dream through various sources.

7 Ciri Perempuan yang Terkena Tipu Daya Dajjal, Salah Satunya Suka Mengumpat dan Tidak Bersyukur atas Pemberian Suami

"Characteristics of Women who Fall Victim to the Deception of Dajjal"

During this time, Dajjal has been known as a creature deviating from the teachings of Islam. It has been clearly stated in the Al-Quran and hadiths. Well, these are the characteristics of women who are deceived by the deception of Dajjal.

1. Tabarruj and Showing Off

Tabarruj is the attitude of a woman who likes to show off or display their jewelry. The world that offers various pleasures can deceive them until they forget the limits given in Islamic law. As a result, they prioritize the worldly life over the hereafter, which is actually the eternal place of residence.

2. Dressed but Naked

What is the meaning of dressing but being naked? It means women who, although dressed, still show the curves of their bodies. Where the fabric of the clothes is too thin or tight. Meanwhile, Islam highly respects the honor of women. It is by commanding to cover their aurah, not by exposing it.

3. Leaving Prayer

Praying is an obligation for every Muslim man and woman. A woman who neglects prayer will become a follower of Dajjal on the Day of Judgment. This applies not only to women but also to men.

3. Leaving Prayer

4. Apostasy

Women who apostatize will become followers of Dajjal in the end times. Therefore, it is important for a woman to always strengthen her faith and always pray to Allah SWT to be freed from the temptation of Dajjal. There are many things that women can do to strengthen their faith. For example, gathering with righteous people, always making time to read the Quran, performing voluntary prayers, and many more.

5. Reading the Quran Only Up to the Throat

In this case, the meaning is only limited to reading the Quran, but not absorbed in the heart. Therefore, women who like to read the Quran, but do not absorb it, their character may also be unvirtuous and engage in bad deeds.


6. Ignoring the Slander of Dajjal

The translation of the given text in Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: Women who will later become followers of Dajjal are women who ignore the temptation of Dajjal. This woman is not afraid or worried about the arrival of Dajjal. People like this are favored by Dajjal.

6. Ignoring the Slander of Dajjal

7. Disrespect towards Husband

Important to note by wives is how they treat their husbands. Islam teaches that wives should be obedient to their husbands and treat them well. This is also what husbands should do to their wives by fulfilling the rights of a wife. However, when a husband has fulfilled his obligations to his wife, but the wife still often curses and is ungrateful, then be careful.

This can be a characteristic of women who are deceived by the deception of Dajjal and will become followers of Dajjal in the future on the Day of Judgment.

7 Ciri Perempuan yang Terkena Tipu Daya Dajjal, Salah Satunya Suka Mengumpat dan Tidak Bersyukur atas Pemberian Suami
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