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"Things to Know About Male Baby's Pregnancy in Islam"

There are several signs that can indicate that a woman is pregnant with a baby boy.

Things to Know about Carrying a Baby Boy during Pregnancy According to Islam

Dream - Pregnancy is a very special moment for every husband and wife.

According to Islam, there are characteristics that indicate that a woman is pregnant with a baby boy. One of them is a higher or rounder shape of the belly. In Islamic teachings, it is said that a high or round shape of the belly indicates that the fetus is a boy. Some Muslims believe that this sign of carrying a baby boy is a guidance from Allah SWT.

Things to Know about Carrying a Baby Boy during Pregnancy According to Islam

Although so, the certainty regarding the baby's gender remains a secret known only by Him. However, now the baby's gender can be checked through ultrasound technology. With that, parents are no longer curious about the gender of their baby.

The translation of the text "Ciri Hamil Bayi Laki-Laki Secara Umum" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "General Characteristics of Pregnancy for Baby Boys".

Pregnant with a baby boy can generally be recognized by several signs that appear during pregnancy. Although there is no strong scientific evidence that can prove that these signs truly indicate the gender of the fetus, many people believe that there are several distinctive characteristics that can indicate someone is pregnant with a baby boy.


1. Form of the Stomach that Appears Forward

The following text is already in English.


The changes in hormones in a pregnant woman's body result in the growth of the fetus and changes in the uterus and other organs. This causes the stomach to expand and take on a round shape. However, not all pregnant women experience a noticeable outward change in the shape of their stomach. Some women may have less prominent fetal growth and it may not be very visible when viewed from the front. This depends on each woman's original body shape and the position of the fetus in the womb.

With the presence of a bump, pregnant women need to pay attention to changes in their bodies. The change in the growing size of the stomach can be a sign that the fetus is developing well. However, it is also important to pay attention to any abnormal changes or worrisome symptoms. Consult a doctor if there is any discomfort or concern regarding changes in the outward appearance of the womb.

2. No Morning Sickness

Morning sickness or nausea and vomiting in the morning is one of the common symptoms experienced by pregnant women. However, not all women experience morning sickness during their pregnancy. Some women may feel lucky because they do not experience this symptom at all.

Things to Know about Carrying a Baby Boy during Pregnancy According to Islam

Not experiencing morning sickness during pregnancy is normal and not something to be worried about. Every pregnant woman has different experiences, including the symptoms they experience.

Although morning sickness is a common symptom, there are women who do not experience it at all. However, not experiencing morning sickness cannot be used as an indicator of the health of the pregnancy. If a woman does not experience morning sickness, it does not mean that her pregnancy is healthier than another woman who does. Every body and pregnancy have different responses to hormonal and physical changes that occur during pregnancy.

3. Baby's Heartbeat Less than 140 Per Minute

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Pregnant women carrying baby boys can be identified by the baby's heart rate, which is lower than 140 per minute. The baby's heart rate is one of the important parameters that concern parents and medical personnel. The normal heart rate for a baby usually ranges from 120 to 160 beats per minute. However, there are times when the baby's heart rate can drop below 140 beats per minute."

Decreased heart rate in infants below normal levels can be caused by various factors. One of them is the mother's health condition, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or problems with the placenta. In addition, the fetus's position in the womb can also affect the baby's heart rate. In the condition of a baby's heart rate lower than 140 beats per minute, it is advisable to immediately consult with medical personnel. If necessary, the doctor will conduct further examinations to determine the cause of the decreased heart rate in the baby and provide appropriate treatment.

4. Breast Size that Tends to be Unequal

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: The size of breasts that are not the same can be one of the signs of being pregnant with a baby boy. However, this condition can be caused by various factors such as genetic differences, hormonal differences, or injuries to the breast area. In some cases, the difference in breast size can be very noticeable, which can affect a person's self-confidence. This can cause physical and mental discomfort for individuals who experience it.

Many women feel dissatisfied with the size of their breasts that are not the same, but it is important to remember that this condition is something natural and normal. There is no "correct" breast size, and every woman has her own uniqueness and beauty.

Things to Know about Carrying a Baby Boy during Pregnancy According to Islam

5. Changes in Appetite

Changes in appetite are not uncommon for most people. Appetite can be influenced by many factors, ranging from health conditions, hormonal changes, to psychological factors. Changes in appetite can also be caused by changing eating habits or a changing environment.

One of the main factors that can affect changes in appetite is a person's health condition. When someone is sick, their appetite usually changes. Some become less hungry, while others become more voracious eaters. Hormonal changes can also affect a person's appetite, especially in women who are menstruating or pregnant. Psychological factors can also play a role in a person's changes in appetite. Stress, depression, or anxiety can affect a person's appetite.

Someone who is stressed may tend to overeat or, conversely, eat less. Changes in appetite can also be caused by changes in a person's eating habits, for example, wanting to lose weight or wanting to live a healthier life.

Things to Know about Carrying a Baby Boy during Pregnancy According to Islam

6. Weight Gain

Weight gain during pregnancy is normal. However, according to Islam, there are differences in characteristics when pregnant with a baby boy. When carrying a baby boy, weight gain tends to occur in the abdominal area. On the other hand, if pregnant with a baby girl, the additional weight will be distributed evenly throughout the body, including the face. These are some signs of being pregnant with a baby boy according to Islamic beliefs that can be observed without the need for an ultrasound. Although not as accurate as a medical examination, it can be tried as a reference.

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