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7 Ciri Orang yang Memelihara Tuyul dan Cara Ampuh Mengusirnya, Waspadai Orang yang Berjalan Bungkuk

"7 Characteristics of People who Keep Tuyul and Powerful Ways to Drive Them Away, Beware of People who Walk Hunched"

Dream - When we hear the word "tuyul", what comes to mind for Dream friends? Perhaps little children with bald heads and only wearing undergarments on the lower part of their bodies. That is the image that often appears in Indonesian horror film representations.

7 Signs of People Who Keep Tuyul and Effective Ways to Exorcise Them, Beware of Hunchbacked People

However, not only in the entertainment world, the existence of tuyul is apparently also present in human real life, although not visible physically or spiritually. Tuyul is often associated with pesugihan practices. When someone around us loses money mysteriously, it could be the mischief of tuyul wandering in houses. With this phenomenon, society becomes more convinced that there are people who still practice pesugihan by keeping tuyul.

"This is the Characteristics of People who Keep Tuyul"

1. Like to Wander in Crowded Places

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: The characteristic of a person who keeps a tuyul is that they like to wander around crowded places. This is one of the tricks for the person to carry out their invisible theft actions smoothly. Because there are many people, usually the people around are not aware when their belongings are stolen. Examples of crowded places are markets, shopping centers, crowded events, and so on.


2. Walking Bowed

Another characteristic of people who keep tuyul is that they walk hunched over. This is because tuyul does not walk on its own, but is carried on the back by its owner. In fact, not only do they hunch over, they also appear to be carrying a child on their back. However, not everyone who hunches over keeps tuyul. It could be due to a spinal abnormality.

3. Skinny Body and Pale Face

The next characteristic that can be seen is that someone who keeps a tuyul is that their body appears thin and their face pale. This is because the tuyul sucks energy from its owner. So the appearance of people who keep tuyul does not always look weak. But once again, not all physical appearances indicate the characteristics of keeping tuyul. It could be that someone is pale and thin due to an illness.


4. Often Providing Offerings

The easily noticeable characteristic of someone who keeps a tuyul is that they often provide offerings. These offerings usually come in the form of flowers that are placed in a special spot. So, if you see someone who frequently provides offerings at their house, but their purpose is unclear, then you should be suspicious.


5. Have a Secret Space

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The secret room is usually owned by someone who keeps a tuyul. The room is used to perform rituals at certain times. Dream friends might find out about it when visiting the person's house. If you see a room that is not allowed to be entered by anyone except the owner, then you should be suspicious."


6. Change of Wives

Maintaining a tuyul is certainly not free, as this agreement is made with the jinn or demons. Usually, applicants are asked to perform rituals and provide sacrifices. These sacrifices often come in the form of humans, including wives or fetuses. Allegedly, if the applicant chooses the wife as a sacrifice, the wife is asked to breastfeed the tuyul with her blood. If the wife cannot endure it, she will likely choose to run away. It can even cause the wife to die due to blood loss. This is why the tuyul owner often changes wives frequently or has multiple wives.

7. The house looks gloomy

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The characteristic of a person who keeps a tuyul can be seen from the appearance of their gloomy yet magnificent house. For those who have a sixth sense or are paranormal, they might witness the tuyul running around in the yard of the house."


"How to Expel Tuyul that Can Be an Alternative"

"If Sahabat Dream often loses money without any clear reason. It could be that the money is mysteriously stolen by tuyul. There are several ways that some people believe can ward off tuyul. Here are the methods:"

Cara Mengusir Tuyul yang Bisa Jadi Alternatif

1. Place Shallots and Garlic

To drive away tuyul, you can use shallots and garlic. Tuyul dislikes both types of onions. You can place shallots and garlic in the money storage area. That way, tuyul will not dare to take the money.


2. Placing Mirror

The second way is by using a mirror. A mirror is an object that is feared by tuyul because it reflects their face. So, it is recommended to place a mirror in the room or your bedroom where you keep your money. With the presence of a mirror, tuyul is believed to be reluctant to come.


3. Provide Sharp Objects

The third way to ward off tuyul is with sharp objects. It doesn't mean to fight them with sharp objects, but according to the belief of many people, tuyul is also afraid of sharp objects. So, just place sharp objects where you keep your money. This can protect your money from tuyul who wants to steal it.


4. Place the Crab

There are also those who say that using crabs can also thwart theft attempts by tuyul. This is because tuyul likes crabs. Because they like it so much, this will make tuyul forget their task of stealing money.

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