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7 Jenis Pernikahan Terlarang dalam Islam, Hukumnya Haram, Umat Islam Wajib Paham!

"7 Types of Forbidden Marriages in Islam, It is Forbidden, Muslims Must Understand!"

7 Types of Forbidden Marriages in Islam, It is Forbidden, Muslims Must Understand!

Dream - Marriage is a Sunnah worship in the belief of Islam. Getting married is referred to as half of the religion that needs to be done to perfect faith.

Speaking of marriage, it turns out that there are types of marriages that are invalid or not recognized in Islam. Even the types of marriages that will be discussed in this Dream article are considered forbidden.

7 Types of Forbidden Marriages in Islam, It is Forbidden, Muslims Must Understand!
7 Types of Forbidden Marriages in Islam, It is Forbidden, Muslims Must Understand!

According to Abu Bakar Jabir Al-Jaziri in the book Minhajul Muslim, it is mentioned about the types of marriages that are prohibited by Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW. The following are the types of marriages that are forbidden in Islam based on the book:

1. Nikah Mut'ah

Marriage that is not valid cancels out a lifetime of worship. One type of forbidden marriage is called mut'ah marriage. This marriage is also known as temporary marriage, because it has a specific time limit. If a man marries a woman with a specific time agreement, then it is clear that this marriage is not valid or cancelled.

7 Types of Forbidden Marriages in Islam, It is Forbidden, Muslims Must Understand!

From Ali bin Abi Thalib, it is said that the Prophet Muhammad SAW explicitly prohibited temporary marriage (nikah mut'ah). If such a marriage exists and the man has already had sexual intercourse with his wife, then the dowry must still be paid. However, if they have not yet had sexual intercourse, then the dowry is not obligatory to be paid.

2. Nikah Syighar This text is already in English.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "An invalid marriage is known as nikah syighar. This type of marriage involves a strange agreement beforehand. Nikah syighar is a marriage where a father marries off his daughter to a man on the condition that the man is willing to marry his daughter in return (the father). The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "There is no nikah syighar in Islam." (HR. Muslim)"

Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu 'anhu said,
"The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) prohibited the practice of syighar marriage. Syighar is when someone says, 'Marry me to your daughter, and I will marry you to my daughter.' Or they say, 'Marry me to your sister, and I will marry you to my sister.'"

"(HR. Muslim)" translates to "(Narrated by Muslim)" in English.

7 Types of Forbidden Marriages in Islam, It is Forbidden, Muslims Must Understand!

"Abdullah bin Umar RA said, indeed the Prophet Muhammad SAW prohibited the practice of syighar marriage. Syighar is when a father marries off his daughter to someone on the condition that the person marries his daughter without any dowry between them." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

"In syighar marriage, a man who has not consummated the marriage without any dowry, then his marriage must be canceled. However, if the man has already consummated the marriage with the dowry beforehand, then the marriage is not nullified."

7 Types of Forbidden Marriages in Islam, It is Forbidden, Muslims Must Understand!
3. Nikah Muhalil

3. Nikah Muhalil This text is already in English.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Muhalil marriage is when a husband reconciles with his wife after divorcing her three times. However, it is forbidden for the husband to have sexual relations with the wife who has been divorced three times."

"Allah SWT said:"
"Then if the husband divorces her (after the second divorce), then the woman is no longer lawful for him until she marries another husband. Then if the other husband divorces her, there is no sin on both of them (the former husband and wife) to remarry if they both agree to abide by the laws of Allah. Those are the laws of Allah, He explains them to the people who (wish to) know."

"(Quran Surah Al-Baqarah verse 230)"


4. Marriage of a Person in Ihram

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The next forbidden type of marriage is marrying someone who is in the state of ihram. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "A person who is in the state of ihram is not allowed to marry or be married." (Narrated by Muslim) Marrying is prohibited when someone is in the state of ihram. If one insists on getting married while in ihram, the marriage is not valid. If one wishes to continue the marriage, it is necessary to repeat the marriage contract after completing the state of ihram."

5. Marriage during the Waiting Period for Women

The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Marriage that is conducted when a woman is in the 'iddah period is considered as a forbidden marriage. The 'iddah period is the period in which a woman who has divorced her husband before marrying another man. This 'iddah period lasts for three months, with the aim of determining whether the woman is pregnant or not."


"Allah SWT berfirman:" translates to "Allah SWT says:"
"And do not make a firm decision to marry until the waiting period (iddah) is completed. And know that Allah knows what is in your hearts, so fear Him, and know that Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.""

"(Quran Surat Al-Baqarah verse 235)"

6. Pernikahan tanpa Wali

6. Marriage without a Guardian

Marriage without the presence of a guardian means that the marriage is not valid or void. Because a guardian is one of the pillars of marriage. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, "There is no marriage without the presence of a guardian."

7. Interfaith Marriage

Allah SWT says: "And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. Indeed, a believing slave woman is better than a polytheistic woman, even if she attracts you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. Indeed, a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even if he attracts you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 221)

7 Types of Forbidden Marriages in Islam, It is Forbidden, Muslims Must Understand!

The verse affirms that Muslim men and women are prohibited from marrying non-Muslim men and women. Except if they have declared the shahada and embraced Islam, only then they can be married.

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