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9 Hewan Langka, Unik, dan Aneh yang Hanya Hidup di Kepulauan Galapagos

9 Rare, Unique, and Strange Animals that Only Exist in the Galapagos Islands

When Charles Darwin first arrived in the Galapagos, he felt uncertain about what he encountered. After more than four years of sailing with HMS Beagle and witnessing various extraordinary landscapes, Galapagos provided an extraordinary experience for him. Here are 9 endemic animals that only live in the Galapagos Islands!

<b>1. Burung Dara yang tak bisa terbang</b><br>

1. Pigeon that can't fly

This bird poses a unique challenge to Darwin's theory of evolution. The flightless Dove is an endemic species of the Galápagos Islands. Currently, the population of this bird is only less than 2,000 individuals, making it one of the rarest bird species in the world.

2. Sally Lightfoot crabs

2. Sally Lightfoot crabs

Sally Lightfoot Crab is one of the most colorful creatures in the Galápagos. They are also known as the most agile because they can instantly jump when they feel threatened and move at an incredible speed that surpasses most other crabs in the world.

<b>3. Waved albatross</b><br>

3. Waved albatross

Waved albatrosses regulate their time between the shores of South America, where they search for food, and the Galapagos Islands as their annual breeding destination. Waved albatrosses are able to fly for hours thanks to a phenomenon known as dynamic soaring.

4. Blue-footed boobies

4. Blue-footed boobies

The origin of the name "booby" can be traced back to the Spanish word "Bobo" which means clown. Due to the vast distance in the Pacific Ocean, the Galápagos boobies have a protected zone from several predators.

<b>5. Burung frigat</b><br>

5. Frigate bird

With small bodies and large wings, frigate birds have the ability to fly that allows them to stay in the air for days or even weeks. Frigate birds often serve as indicators of weather changes, so the sudden presence of a flock of frigate birds can be a sign of an upcoming storm.

<b>6. Darwin’s finches</b><br>

6. Darwin's finches

"Darwin's finches, a term referring to 15 different species of small birds, actually have similar body types and colors, but with very different beaks. This diversity of beaks provided an important impetus for Darwin to start his research on natural selection and evolution."

7. Galapagos giant turtle.

7. Galapagos giant turtle.

Maybe this is one of the turtles that can defeat the rabbit. Although giant turtles do not have speed, they have a longer lifespan with an average life of over 100 years.

8. Sea iguana

8. Sea iguana

Iguana laut termasuk makhluk paling unik di Galapagos. Berbeda dari kebanyakan hewan modern, iguana laut memiliki kemampuan luar biasa untuk hidup di dua elemen, darat dan laut, dan bahkan mampu menyelam hingga kedalaman 30 kaki.

9. Galapagos Island Iguanas

9. Galapagos Island Iguanas

Charles Darwin did not explain the description of the Galápagos iguana as a unique animal. However, this Iguana has a distinctive orange-yellow color on the bottom and a reddish-brown color on the top.

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