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9 Hewan Pemalu dan Imut yang Belum Pernah Kamu Lihat Sebelumnya

"9 Shy and Cute Animals You've Never Seen Before"

<b>1. Anjing Rakun</b>

1. Raccoon Dogs

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Anjing rakun tidak berkerabat dengan rakun, meski memiliki wajah yang hampir mirip. Anjing Asia Timur yang sering disebut sebagai Tanuki sebenarnya memiliki hubungan kekerabatan yang erat dengan rubah." "Raccoon dogs are not related to raccoons, even though they have a face that is almost similar. The East Asian dog, often referred to as Tanuki, actually has a close kinship with foxes."

2. Sunda Colugo

2. Sunda Colugo

Soft creature is called flying lemur, even though they are not actually lemurs. Found in tree-filled forests in Southeast Asia, colugos can use their skin folds to glide from tree to tree, avoiding predators.

Their gray and brown feathers serve as camouflage when they fly, and the babies hold onto their mother's stomach as they glide from one place to another.

3. Ili Pika

3. Ili Pika

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "First discovered in 1983 in the Tian Shan Mountains, China, the extremely rare ili pika, with its furry bear-like doll face, was not seen again until 2014. This small creature enjoys chewing on grass, plants, and mountain vegetation, and spends its time storing food among the rocks in characteristic haystacks."

4. Armadillo Pink Fairy

4. Armadillo Pink Fairy

Armadillo has a perfect name. Found in the grasslands and sand plains of Argentina, this adorable animal is small in size, measuring less than 11 cm (4.5 inches) long, and has a bright pink shell and smooth fur.

<b>5. Rubah Telinga Kelelawar</b>

5. Bat Ears Fox

Foxes with bat ears, sometimes called Motlosi, are considered one of the most shy and elusive animals in Africa. These nocturnal and adorable foxes like to search for ants, termites, spiders, scorpions, and crickets.

<b>6. Aardwolf </b>

6. Aardwolf

Aardwolf has the most adorable giant ears. This super cute insect-eating mammal is native to the eastern and southern parts of Africa, and belongs to the Hyaenidae family and is a hyena species.

In Afrikaans, aardwolf means "earth wolf"—and this half-dog half-dog creature enjoys chewing on termites. In fact, the aardwolf's large and sticky tongue can swallow up to 250,000 termites in one night.

7. Quokka

7. Quokka

Often referred to as the "happiest animal in the world," the quokka is a small pouch-bearing animal native to Western Australia. Despite their smiling faces, quokkas are shy and mostly come out at night.

<b>8.  Jerboa Kerdil Baluchistan</b><br>

8. Jerboa Kerdil Baluchistan

Jerboa kerdil Baluchistan or three-toed Baluchistan pygmy jerboa is one of the smallest rodents in the world. This cute little animal originates from Pakistan, weighs less than 4 grams (less than 0.25 ounces), and is often only 4 cm (1.6 inches) tall. They live in dry plains and sandy hills in the Baluchistan Desert.

<b>9.  Margay</b><br>

9. Margay

Margay is a beautiful small spotted wild cat that lives in the lush landscapes of autumn forests, tropical forests, subtropical forests, and cloud forests in Central and South America. They are known for their love of climbing trees. Although they may resemble ocelots, margays have distinctive features such as a longer tail than their hind legs.

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