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"90 Romantic Words for Beloved Couples, Making Your Partner Feel Loved and Closer"

"Appeals and romantic words are needed to make the relationship more intimate."

90 Romantic Words for Beloved Couples, Making Your Partner Feel Special and More Intimate

Dream - A long-lasting relationship usually feels dull. Especially if there are no romantic things done to improve the quality of the relationship. Flirting and romantic words are needed to make the relationship more intimate.

However, there are people who are not able to be romantic, so it is very difficult for them to express or write romantic words. Therefore, for those of you who cannot be romantic, you need a dictionary of romantic words that will make your partner fall even more in love. Unfortunately, putting together romantic words is not easy. But you don't have to worry, because below there is a list of romantic words that you can send to your partner. Besides adding a feeling of love, romantic words make your relationship more colorful.

"Romantic Words for Beloved Girlfriend"

1. "Love is not about how long you have known someone, but about someone who can make you smile since the moment you met them." 2. "In love, never expect someone to stay with you, if all you give them is a reason to leave you." 3. "Only a sincere heart can give sincerity to the person they love."

4. "True love does not arise because of material things, but true love arises from someone who is sincere and never demands anything." 5. "The goodness that is planted will not bear worthless fruit. Although sometimes goodness is repaid with anger. And it should be realized, the abundant fruit will always be able to be harvested in heaven." 6. "There is no need to search for someone perfect, because if someone loves you as you are, then you will feel perfect." 7. "Love is a great gift that God gives to humans. Therefore, we need to always be grateful and cherish all those gifts."

8. "Distance actually never exists. Meetings and separations are born from feelings because distance is just a geographical location, can be reached by anything to fully repay longing." 9. "Simple in loving, sincere in accepting shortcomings, and loyal in maintaining relationships." 10. "When you have found true love, don't intend to find it again. Embrace and hold onto it as long as you still have it." 11. "Never choose someone as your priority when for them, you are just a backup option."

12. "Love is like reading a book, it won't last long if two hearts are not on the same page." 13. "Because words can never guarantee a strong relationship. Because even though today you are happy because of his sweet words, tomorrow you might not accept his attitude."

90 Romantic Words for Beloved Couples, Making Your Partner Feel Special and More Intimate

"Romantic Words for Beloved Partner"

14. "I just want you to know, that you are very special. And the only reason I'm telling you this is because I'm not sure if anyone has ever told you before." 15. "I want to tell you about my day. I want to laugh with you about yourself. However, all days start and end the same. My days start and end without you."

16. "The most painful feeling is when we are trapped in a secret love without daring to express it and only able to bury our feelings, until it eventually ends in vain." 17. "Love may sometimes make you fragile, but be grateful for it, because love from it can make you stronger than before." 18. "There is a difference between 'love' and 'like'. If you like a flower, you will pick it. But if you love that flower, you will take care of it and water it every day."

19. "Sometimes someone decides to distance themselves not because they hate them, but because they are protecting themselves from getting hurt." 20. "When the time comes, sadness will turn into laughter, pain will turn into stories, memories will become a teacher, longing will turn into a reunion, you and I will become us." (Fiersa Besari) 21. "Love is when someone else's happiness is more important than your own." (H. Jackson Brown) 22. "Love is not just looking at each other, but also looking in the same direction." (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

23. "Love cannot come suddenly, like a stone. It has to be made. Like bread, it will always be remade to produce something new." (Ursula K. Le Guin) 24. "True love sees weaknesses and turns them into strengths to love each other." (B.J Habibie) 25. "Be careful with love. It will turn your brain upside down and make you think that what's up is down and what's right is wrong." (Rick Riordan) 26. "Love is always mysterious. Don't rush it, or you will ruin its own storyline. Love is an action. Beautiful words and writings are meaningless." (Tere Liye)

"Romantic Words for Beloved Couples"

27. "When you fall in love, happiness will make it difficult for you to sleep, because reality is better than your dreams." (Dr. Seuss) 28. "If love can make a woman loyal to one man, why can't love make a man stay with one woman?" (Asma Nadia) 29. "Love is about attention. How can someone as smart as you love someone who ignores you?" (Mario Teguh)

30. "Love cannot be captured by the eyes, but absorbed by the mind. So for the blind, love is like a winged angel. The logic of love does not work like judgment of taste. It is winged but blind, just like children. Because in choosing, it is often captivated." (William Shakespeare) 31. "Everyone will surely experience a broken heart that changes their perspective on love for a lifetime." (Raditya Dika) 32. "Love is not about how long it lasts. But how clear and in which direction." (Emha Ainun Nadjib)

33. "I don't care too much about money. Money can't buy love." (John Lennon) 34. "Love is not always about possession. But love is about sincerity. Thank you for all the feelings." (Wira Nagara) 35. "Love never demands, love always gives. Love always suffers, without ever lamenting, without ever seeking revenge." (Mahatma Gandhi) 36. "Immature love: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love: 'I need you because I love you.'" (Erich Fromm)

37. "If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything." (Marilyn Monroe) 38. "No one loves their partner because they are handsome/beautiful or ugly, stupid or intelligent. We all love because of the feeling itself." (Honore de Balzac)

90 Romantic Words for Beloved Couples, Making Your Partner Feel Special and More Intimate

"Romantic Words for Beloved Couples"

39. "True love will ultimately prevail; it may be a lie or not, but if it is a lie, it is the most beautiful lie we have." (John Green) 40. "Since the first time these eyes met yours, these eyes have spoken that you are my future life partner. These eyes do not want to see anyone else's eyes every morning except for your beautiful and shining eyes. Because, these eyes know, behind your melancholic eyes, there is also a deep love for me."

41. "Since I met you, I have felt a seed of love slowly growing. Every day, I see you with the smile that I have longed for. You have taught me happiness. And now I know, this is the true lesson of happiness. To let your happiness be possessed by someone else." 42. "I always believe in God, that we are brought together for a reason. If eventually we drift apart, it is also for a reason. Before that time comes, I want us to always be together in the embrace of love until there is a proper reason why we should part ways."

43. "Until finally later, I want to continue to be with you through joy and sorrow. You know, I learn a lot from you. Learn how to love, learn how to smile, and learn how to let go when they go with someone else. But, right now I don't want to let you go because I have learned how to win your heart." 44. "For a long period of time, I will never be able to forget you even if I have to love someone else, but in my heart, you are always there, your name is always written. Truly, I will never be able to forget you."

45. "The spirit in my life is you. If you want to kill me, it's actually very easy, you just have to leave me. If that happens, my spirit will disappear on its own and I will die on my own without you knowing." 46. "Yesterday, I learned to let go of you, now I am learning to love someone else. In the process of learning, I understand that love cannot be forced. Therefore, I will leave instead of letting this love be hurt. Because I cannot enjoy you in your sadness."

47. "When the time comes, I want you to be my partner who accompanies me all the time. I want you to be the worshipper who can tell me when I make mistakes, when the direction and path should be here. You who always strengthen me in sadness and happiness." Inspired by the lyrics of the song "Payung Teduh".

90 Romantic Words for Beloved Couples, Making Your Partner Feel Special and More Intimate

48. "I know that until now I still hold a deep wound towards the one I have loved until now. And you must also know that he will always be carved in my heart. However, you should know that I am learning to forget him, I am learning to love you because I feel the sincerity of your heart. Guide me in my journey to change the name in my heart with your name."

49. "Yesterday I always dreamed of getting your love. I was always afraid to sit together because I realized who I really am. But now you prove that love indeed knows no caste. Love only knows two hearts that are united and give happiness. Love makes us perfect beings."

50. "You know, when the rain comes along with thunder that roars, I feel scared. I'm scared that today might be the last day I meet you. But, I believe that there, you always pray for me. Here too, I always pray for you. Maybe we can't meet, but prayers and longing will try to bring together two hearts that are waiting for each other."

51. "On Saturday night, I picked you up and brought your favorite roses, unfortunately, I don't know what color you like. I couldn't think or imagine what you would like. However, there is a belief in me that you like the color red. Until finally, you accepted those red roses with a smile. Although, I just realized that you actually prefer white roses."

52. "Every second is a very precious time for me. In this very second, I feel a longing that seems to burn my soul. Truly, I hate having to face longing. Because, I know the more I miss you, the more I have to forget you. Because, there your longing is no longer for me."

53. "When I eventually leave before you, I want you to know that I love you very much. Don't cry because I can't bear to see you cry. I want you to smile. I'm leaving not to leave you alone. But, I'm leaving behind memories that will strengthen you today, tomorrow, and beyond."

54. "The most painful thing in this world is being left behind by someone we love. I can't imagine if half of my heart that you took will be taken away to face the divine. I actually still want to be with you until my last breath. But, Allah loves you more, so you are the one who left me first."

55. "When the night is dark, I always think of you. There are no words I want to say other than your name. It feels so empty, like a world without sound. Your photo may deceive my longing, but not my heart that always yearns for you. Please don't go again. Because the night is too cruel to me."

56. "What makes me fall in love with you is your smile that truly makes me forget that I am a worthless person. You are able to change me little by little just with the smile that you always give every morning. Truly, I don't want to lose that smile even just for one morning."

57. "In the diary that I write, there are no words other than the word love only for you. I may not be able to express romantic words like others who always express beauty for the one they love. Because, I can only say the word love to you as a romantic word that can come out of this mouth."

58. "Even though the leaves fall scattered, my heart will not fall scattered as well. Even though you still cannot love me at this moment, I will still give my shoulder to you as support when you are sad. I don't need many words, I just need you to say 'I love you' to me."

58. "Even though leaves fall and scatter, my heart will not fall and scatter. Even though you still can't love me right now, I will still offer my shoulder to you as a support when you're sad. I don't need many words, I just need you to say 'I love you' to me."

59. "Until now, I have never understood the meaning of love, I have never wanted to know how love is because all I know is that I have to work and keep working. But, after knowing you, I know the meaning of love that I have been keeping, that I have never been able to feel. Only you are able to teach it to me. I truly don't want to be separated from you even for a moment." 60. "And when you smile, the whole world stops moving and looks at you for a moment, because you are extraordinary, just the way you are." -Bruno Mars.

"Romantic Words for Beloved Partner"

61. "When I gaze into your eyes, I don't see you, I see today, tomorrow, and my future for the rest of my life." 62. "Loving you has never been a choice. It is a necessity." 63. "When I gaze into your eyes, I know I have found the mirror of my soul." 64. "Thinking of you has become a habit, dreaming of you is an addiction, and loving you is an inevitable consequence."

65. "Even though there is nothing else in the world that you can trust, believe that I love you with all my heart." - Ilana Tan 66. "I don't ask for stars or moons from you. Just accompany me forever under its light." 67. "I need you like a heart needs a beat. I want you like a desert hopes for rain." 68. "I know one hour is 60 minutes and one minute is 60 seconds. But I never knew that one second without you is like a lifetime."

90 Romantic Words for Beloved Couples, Making Your Partner Feel Special and More Intimate

69. "You may hold my hand for a moment, but you have held my heart forever." 70. "Loving you has never been a choice. It is a necessity."

"Words for Dearest Boyfriend"

71. "Darling, every day with you is an invaluable gift to me." 72. "Even though distance separates us, my heart is always close to you." 73. "You are the star in my life that illuminates every step I take." 74. "My love for you never fades, it even grows stronger every day."

75. "With you, I feel a true happiness that cannot be expressed in words." 76. "You are my motivation to become better every day." 77. "There is nothing more beautiful than seeing your sweet smile every morning." 78. "This heart belongs to you, forever." 79. "I am grateful to have a girlfriend as good and special as you." 80. "Every second with you feels like an endless romantic story."

81. "You are the reason why my days are filled with joy." 82. "I am very lucky to have someone like you in my life." 83. "Distance is not a barrier to love and miss you." 84. "My love for you is infinite, like the boundless sky." 85. "Even though we can't always be together, my heart is always with you."

86. "You are the figure who makes my life colorful and meaningful." 87. "Thank you for being my friend, my lover, and my loyal companion." 88. "Every day is a new adventure with you, and I can't wait to spend the future with you." 89. "Although words are not enough to express my feelings, I love you wholeheartedly." 90. "You are the dream that became a reality in my life."

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