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Flashback to the Rafael Alun Case: from the Behavior of the Child to Being Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison

Flashback to the Rafael Alun Case: from the Behavior of the Child to Being Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison

Dream - The case of gratification and money laundering (TPPU) against former officials of the Directorate General of Taxation, Ministry of Finance, Rafael Alun Trisambodo, has entered the stage of reading the indictment by the Public Prosecutor (JPU). Rafael is demanded to serve 14 years in prison and pay a fine of Rp1 billion, or serve an alternative sentence of 6 months in confinement. "The defendant Rafael Alun Trisambodo has been proven legally and convincingly guilty of committing corruption," said the prosecutor at the Central Jakarta District Court (PN Jakpus), Monday, December 11, 2023.

A Review of the Rafael Alun Case: from the Behavior of His Child to a 14-Year Prison Sentence

Other than being sentenced to 14 years in prison, Rafael is also required to pay compensation to the state amounting to Rp18.9 billion. If he fails to pay the compensation within one month, Rafael's assets can be seized, or if insufficient, an additional 3-year imprisonment will be imposed.

Flashback to the Corruption Case of Rafael Alun

The corruption case of Rafael emerged after the revelation of the assault case committed by his son, Mario Dandy, against David Ozora on February 20, 2023, at Grand Permata Complex, Pesanggrahan District, Ulujami, South Jakarta.

Kilas Balik Kasus Korupsi Rafael Alun<br>

Since Mario was declared a suspect of violence and severe assault, his family's abundant wealth has started to be scrutinized by the public. Mario, who often showcases a luxurious lifestyle on social media, further triggers the curiosity of netizens, to the point that the source of his father's wealth, Rafael, is also being 'exposed'.

"Responding to public turmoil, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani requested the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Finance to conduct an examination of Rafael on Thursday, February 23, 2023. In the examination, Rafael was asked to provide clarification regarding his wealth. The next day, Sri Mulyani requested that Rafael be immediately removed from his position, based on Article 31 paragraph 1 of Government Regulation No. 94 of 2021 regarding the discipline of Civil Servants."

"Appointed as a Suspect"

KPK finally named Rafael as a suspect of gratification recipient after undergoing an examination on Thursday, March 30, 2023.

Rafael is suspected of receiving USD 90,000 or around IDR 1.3 billion through his tax consulting company. Firli Bahuri, who was still the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) at that time, said that this case began when Rafael was appointed as the Head of Tax Examination, Investigation, and Collection Division at the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes in East Java I in 2011. "With his position, Rafael Alun is suspected of receiving gratuities from several taxpayers regarding the conditioning of various tax examination findings," said Firli in a press conference at the KPK building, South Jakarta, on Monday, April 3, 2023.

Proses Persidangan<br>

The translation of the text "Proses Persidangan" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "Trial Process".

Rafael alun underwent his first trial at the Corruption Court of the Central Jakarta District Court (PN Jakpus), Wednesday, August 30, 2023.

JPU KPK said that Rafael Alun received gratuities and engaged in money laundering together with his wife, Ernie Meike Torondek. Rafael Alun was charged with receiving gratuities amounting to Rp16,664,806,137.00 or approximately Rp16.66 billion. "Has committed or participated in several acts related in such a way that it should be considered as an ongoing act of receiving gratuities amounting to Rp16,664,806,137.00," said the prosecutor. The prosecutor mentioned that Rafael Alun received gratuities through PT Artha Mega Ekadhana (PT ARME), PT Cubes Consulting, PT Cahaya Kalbar, and PT Cahaya Bali Internasional Kargo.

Rafael received it from May 2002 to March 2013 together with Ernie Meike Torondek, as commissioners and shareholders of PT ARME, PT Cubes Consulting, and PT Bukit Hijau Asri. Rafael was charged with Article 12 B in conjunction with Article 18 of the Indonesian Law Number 31 Year 1999 as amended by Indonesian Law Number 20 Year 2001 concerning the Eradication of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) Ke-1 of the Criminal Code and Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

A Review of the Rafael Alun Case: from the Behavior of His Child to a 14-Year Prison Sentence

While regarding money laundering, the prosecutor stated that Rafael Alun did it together with Ernie.

A Review of the Rafael Alun Case: from the Behavior of His Child to a 14-Year Prison Sentence

The prosecutor referred to Rafael Alun as a civil servant at the Ministry of Finance's Tax Office from 2002 to 2010, allegedly receiving gratuities amounting to Rp36.8 billion. Then, from 2011 to 2023, he received an amount of Rp11,543,302,671, SGD2,098,365, USD937,900, as well as an additional amount of Rp14,557,334,857.00.

"Then with the aim of hiding or disguising the origin of his wealth, the defendant spent and placed the wealth resulting from the receipt of gratification."
The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "said the prosecutor."


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