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Agama Paling Banyak di Dunia Secara Pengikut di Tahun 2023, Islam Urutan ke Berapa?

"The Most Populous Religion in the World by Number of Followers in 2023, What is the Rank of Islam?"

The translation of the text in 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows:

Kepercayaan atau sistem ibadah yang memengaruhi pandangan, perilaku, dan interaksi seseorang terhadap dunia disebut agama. Agama sering menjadi landasan utama keyakinan etika dan moral, dan kita mengetahui bahwa terdapat berbagai agama dan kepercayaan di seluruh dunia. Menurut World Population Review, sekitar 85% penduduk dunia memiliki keyakinan agama, dan hampir 1,2 miliar orang tidak mengikuti agama atau menganut kepercayaan ateis.

The translation in English is as follows:

Belief or worship system that influences a person's view, behavior, and interaction towards the world is called religion. Religion often serves as the main foundation of ethical and moral beliefs, and we know that there are various religions and beliefs across the world. According to the World Population Review, approximately 85% of the world's population has religious beliefs, and almost 1.2 billion people do not follow any religion or adhere to atheist beliefs.

What are the religions that have many followers in the world?

Referring to the information found in Encyclopedia Britannica, here are the five religions with the largest number of followers in the world.


1. Christian Religion

Christianity is the largest with a number of followers exceeding two billion people worldwide. Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

1. Agama Kristen<br>

The main groups include the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Protestant Church.

Agama Paling Banyak di Dunia Secara Pengikut di Tahun 2023, Islam Urutan ke Berapa?

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows:

The Bible is the holy book of Christianity. Throughout the centuries, Christianity has spread widely as it has reached various parts of the world.

2. Islam Religion

Islam is the second largest religion in the world with approximately 1.8 billion followers. This teaching originated from Mecca in the 7th century AD by Prophet Muhammad and spread throughout the world.


The majority of Muslims are divided into two main branches, namely Sunni Islam (around 80 percent) and Shia Islam (around 15 percent), while the rest belong to smaller denominations.

Agama Paling Banyak di Dunia Secara Pengikut di Tahun 2023, Islam Urutan ke Berapa?

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is: "The Qur'an is the holy book of the Islamic community."

3. Hindu Religion
Hinduism has approximately 1.1 billion followers and is one of the oldest religions with beliefs dating back to at least the 1500s BC.

This religion is primarily practiced in India (with about 80 percent of its population being Hindu followers), Nepal, and Indonesia.

Agama Paling Banyak di Dunia Secara Pengikut di Tahun 2023, Islam Urutan ke Berapa?

Some aspects of Hinduism, such as yoga and the use of chakras for identifying diseases, have become popular in the West in recent years.

4. Buddhist Religion

Buddhism, the fourth most widely practiced religion, has approximately 500 million followers worldwide. Rooted in the teachings of Gautama Buddha, this religion was established in India almost 2,500 years ago. There are two main branches of Buddhism: Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism.

Agama Paling Banyak di Dunia Secara Pengikut di Tahun 2023, Islam Urutan ke Berapa?

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The teachings of Buddha encompass the vow of non-violence and adherence to ethical behavior in all aspects of life."

5. Shinto Religion

Shinto, with around 104 million followers, was officially founded in Japan in the 8th century M.

5. Agama Shinto
Agama Paling Banyak di Dunia Secara Pengikut di Tahun 2023, Islam Urutan ke Berapa?

This teaching promotes the existence of many gods, and although not a traditionally organized religion, Shinto plays a role as the foundation of various cultural practices in Japan.

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