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"The Ainur-Amil Couple Selected to Lead AMSI Jatim, Digital Media Ecosystem Reminded of Its Role in Safeguarding Democracy"

Ainur-Amil Pair Elected to Lead AMSI East Java, Digital Media Ecosystem Reminded of Its Role in Safeguarding Democracy

"Dream - The General Chairperson of the Indonesian Cyber Media Association (AMSI) Central, Wahyu Dhyatmika, reminded the role of digital media in safeguarding democracy. The message was conveyed during the 3rd Regional Conference (Konferwil) of AMSI East Java at the Whiz Luxe Spazio Hotel Surabaya."

Ainur-Amil Pair Elected to Lead AMSI East Java, Digital Media Ecosystem Reminded of Its Role in Safeguarding Democracy

"Meskipun tidak gegap gempita, Konferwil AMSI Jatim sangat signifikan. Ini adalah waktu mencari titik-titik untuk melompat ke depan, momen semester 2 ini penting untuk media," ujar Wahyu dalam keterangan tertulis AMSI Jatim. "Although it is not grandiose, the AMSI Jatim Conference is very significant. This is a time to find points to leap forward; this moment in the second semester is important for the media," said Wahyu in a written statement from AMSI Jatim.

The translation of "Tantangan Ekonomi di Industri Media" to English is "Economic Challenges in the Media Industry."

As the CEO of Tempo Digital, Wahyu also highlighted the economic challenges faced by the media industry today. Since its establishment in 2017, AMSI has emphasized the spirit of solidarity because the digital media ecosystem needs to be urgently improved. From platforms to various parties that benefit from the generated content, all are stakeholders that must become partners of AMSI.

Ainur-Amil Pair Elected to Lead AMSI East Java, Digital Media Ecosystem Reminded of Its Role in Safeguarding Democracy

"Meskipun ekonomi tidak baik-baik saja, APBD/APBN tidak bisa dimaksimalkan oleh teman-teman media. Nah, ini adalah peluang sebagai publisher untuk merealisasikan ide dan gagasan," jelas Wahyu yang akrab disapa Bli Komang itu. Translation: "Although the economy is not doing well, the regional and national budgets cannot be maximized by the media friends. Well, this is an opportunity for publishers to realize ideas and concepts," explained Wahyu, who is affectionately called Bli Komang.

The translation of "Jurnalisme Mati = Ekosistem Mati" to English while preserving the HTML tags is: "Dead Journalism = Dead Ecosystem".

"Bli Komang reminds that the sustainability of journalism and the digital media ecosystem is crucial for democracy. If journalism dies, the ecosystem is also expected to die. "Without a healthy ecosystem, democracy is threatened. This industry must live and be sustainable, because the stakes are democracy and the future of Indonesia. We know exactly as media entrepreneurs, in the Press Law there are two things, namely the function of the press and the economic function," he asserted."


The translation of "Perbaiki Hubungan Antara Media dan Platform" to English is "Improve the Relationship Between Media and Platforms".

"Bli Komang also conveyed the importance of improving the relationship between the media and digital platforms through supportive policies. He urged AMSI members to continuously evaluate internal and external conditions for the sustainability of the media. The effort to establish this relationship is outlined in the publisher rights Presidential Regulation issued to improve relations with platforms to benefit the media."


The translation of "Peluang Juga Ancaman" to English is "Opportunities Also Threats".

Bli Komang also reminded that the digital era is both an opportunity and a threat for the media, as internet users continue to grow. Not to mention, competitors are increasingly proliferating. "We need to find out what kind of information is being created and needed by the public. The media's content must be based on facts and accurate information," said Bli Komang.


"All this time we have not received a balanced contribution. Well, this presidential regulation can be enjoyed by verified media companies. We encourage AMSI members to be factually verified by the Press Council as soon as possible,"
Chairman of AMSI, Wahyu Dhyatmika

The text "" does not require translation as it is a proper noun (a website name) and remains the same in English. If you need it with HTML tags, please provide the specific tags you'd like to include.


The translation of "Jurnalisme yang Bagus" to English is "Good Journalism".

At the end of his speech, Bli Komang advised that good journalism is not just about making money, but about making money to create interesting news, revitalizing the newsroom. If the media does not think about the audience, then they will surely be lost. "This is both an opportunity and a threat. AMSI must have a role in this. AMSI East Java must be the engine and locomotive of media in East Java," concluded Wahyu Dhyatmika.

Ainur-Amil Pair Elected to Lead AMSI East Java, Digital Media Ecosystem Reminded of Its Role in Safeguarding Democracy

"With the official opening of the Konferwil III AMSI Jatim, it is hoped that cyber media in East Java can continue to develop and provide a real contribution to the digital media ecosystem and democracy in Indonesia."

The translation of "Pimpinan Baru AMSI Jatim" to English is "New Leadership of AMSI Jatim".


Konferwil III AMSI Jawa Timur kali ini juga menetapkan Ketua dan Sekretaris AMSI Jatim yang baru. Pasangan Yatimul Ainun dan Amir Tejo dipercaya sebagai Ketua dan Sekretaris AMSI Jatim periode 2024-2028. Duet Ainun-Amir terpilih melalui musyawarah mufakat. Ainun dari dan Amir dari media menjadi satu-satunya pasangan yang menyatakan siap untuk menjadi Ketua dan Sekretaris AMSI Jatim 2024-2028.


Ainur-Amil Pair Elected to Lead AMSI East Java, Digital Media Ecosystem Reminded of Its Role in Safeguarding Democracy

"We have a commitment for AMSI Jatim to become a national locomotive," Ainun said at the beginning of his speech after being appointed as the Chair of AMSI Jatim.

To realize this, Ainun aims that within one to two years, the media members of AMSI Jatim, all of their Editors-in-Chief, will have core competencies. In addition, media companies that join AMSI Jatim are expected to be factually verified by the Press Council. This is hoped to be a way for the organization's governance to improve.

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