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Anies refers to IKN as not a necessity for the people of Kalimantan: There are many things that are more important.

Anies refers to IKN as not a necessity for the people of Kalimantan: There are many things that are more important.

Dream - Presidential candidate (capres) number 1, Anies Baswedan, once again criticized the development of the Nusantara Capital City (IKN). He said that what the people in Kalimantan need is development according to their needs, not IKN which is considered to only benefit government employees. Anies expressed his opinion in the Desak Anies 2024 agenda in Samarinda, East Kalimantan.

"Do not let us build something as if it distracts attention from the real issues here."
Anies said, Thursday January 11, 2024.


Anies Says IKN is Not a Necessity for Kalimantan Residents: There are Many More Important Things

According to Anies, the environmental polemic is real in Kalimantan. Even when the rainy season starts, the water level of Mahakam River rises, causing floods everywhere.

"So, I see there is a need that I have to solve that is more urgent than building a place that is only used for government employee activities."
"katanya." translates to "he/she said."


Anies said that the budget allocated for the development of IKN should be used to build the infrastructure needed by the community in Kalimantan. For example, transportation infrastructure such as a railway line connecting Pontianak, Palangkaraya, Banjarmasin, Balikpapan, Samarinda, and Tarakan.

"At present, Kalimantan is not connected. To go to Banjarmasin, one must fly to Surabaya. From Pontianak, to go to Samarinda, one must transit in Jakarta. Why? Because they are not connected as a whole," said Anies. "Once transportation is connected, the economy is connected, and progress will occur in Kalimantan," he added.

On that occasion, Anies also highlighted the concerning issues of education and health in Kalimantan. He stated that there are thousands of school buildings in poor condition in Kalimantan and they need to be immediately rebuilt so that children can receive proper education.

"Then health. So, these fundamental things are what I consider far more important."

"tutur Anies" translates to "Anies' speech" in English.

Anies added that for some people in Jakarta, they often cannot distinguish between wants and needs. He is grateful that the Samarinda community can differentiate between wants and needs.

Anies also added that development in Kalimantan must be evenly distributed and not only centralized in one location. "And not just one location, but all locations in Kalimantan. This place is too rich in natural resources, but many of its residents have not yet enjoyed the benefits of development," he said.

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