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Jadi Penyempurna Pernikahan, Inilah Doa sebelum Akad dan setelahnya yang Penting Diketahui Calon Pengantin

"Thus the Perfection of Marriage, Here is the Prayer before the Wedding Ceremony and afterwards that is Important for the Prospective Bride and Groom to Know"

Sure! Here’s the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "Dream - The marriage contract is the most important part of an Islamic marriage. It is in this contract that there is an official agreement between the man and woman who will establish a household. In the process of the marriage contract, there are certainly several requirements that must be met by both the man and the woman. Not only is it carried out according to Islamic law, but in Indonesia, cultural elements are also incorporated. Nevertheless, Dream friends also need to know the prayer recitation before and after the contract."

"Through this prayer, it will later perfect the marriage. Now, here is the recitation of the prayer before the marriage contract and afterwards as summarized by Dream from various sources."

As the Perfecter of Marriage, Here is the Prayer before the Marriage Contract and After that is Important for Prospective Brides and Grooms to Know
Marriage Contract in Islam and Its Implementation

Marriage Contract in Islam and Its Implementation

The marriage contract in Islam is an official agreement between a man and a woman to lead a household life in accordance with the teachings of Islam.

The marriage process in Islam includes several stages, starting from formulating the ijab kabul (the declaration of consent from both parties), the mahar (dowry), to the witnesses present to witness the agreement. The conditions for marriage in Islam include the consent of both brides and grooms, the wali nikah for the bride, and the presence of just witnesses. The procedure for marriage in Islam also emphasizes the importance of obtaining approval from both parties getting married, as well as conducting the marriage openly and transparently.

"By conducting the marriage contract in accordance with Islamic religious rules, a person will receive rewards as an act of worship carried out based on faith and piety. In the view of Islam, marriage is not merely a relationship between two individuals, but also a form of worship that is blessed by Allah SWT."

The translation of "Syarat-Syarat dalam Akad Nikah" to English is "Requirements in the Marriage Contract."

The requirements that must be met in the marriage contract include the consent of both parties getting married, the agreement on the dowry or bridal gift, as well as witnesses present during the marriage contract process.

Syarat-Syarat dalam Akad Nikah

"Additionally, documents such as the Identity Card (KTP) or the Police Clearance Certificate (SKCK) are also required for marriage administration purposes. For each religion, there are different requirements. In Islam, the valid conditions for a marriage contract include the agreement of both parties, a legitimate guardian for the marriage, a judge or witness present, as well as the agreed-upon dowry or bridal gift. By fulfilling these conditions, the marriage contract can be executed in accordance with the teachings of the religion adhered to by both parties."

The translation of

The translation of "Amalan Calon Pengantin sebelum Menikah" to English is "Practices of the Bride and Groom before Marriage".

"Here are some sunah practices for prospective brides and grooms before marriage that need to be known:"

Sure! Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: "Night Prayer (Tahajud): The night prayer (tahajud) is very important for the bride and groom to perform as it can strengthen their spiritual relationship with Allah. This practice can also improve morals and open the doors of sustenance. Reading Istighfar: Reading istighfar is an important sunnah practice for the bride and groom to cleanse themselves from sins and seek forgiveness from Allah before entering the phase of marriage."

Here is the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "Fasting: Fasting is a sunnah practice that can enhance patience, self-control, and piety. This is important for the bride and groom-to-be in facing various tests and obstacles in marriage. Reading Hajj and Umrah Prayers: Reading the prayers of Hajj and Umrah before marriage can help the bride and groom-to-be to gain Allah's blessings and success in building a harmonious household."

Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: "Bersedekah: Bersedekah is a Sunnah practice that can purify wealth and help obtain blessings in marriage. The traits of care and compassion can also be better fostered. Membaca Al-Qur'an: Reading the Qur'an regularly can provide peace of mind and heart, as well as guide the prospective couple in facing marriage with wisdom and insight."

Here's the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags: "Maintaining Relationships: Maintaining relationships with family and neighbors is an important Sunnah practice to create a harmonious environment around the bride and groom. Reading Prayers for a Good Partner: Reading prayers to be given a good partner is an important Sunnah practice to ask Allah for a righteous spouse and to obtain blessings in marriage."

Here is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags: "Making a Habit of Good Morals: Getting used to good morals such as honesty, patience, and humility is an important Sunnah practice for prospective brides and grooms to build a harmonious relationship in marriage. Increasing Dhikr: Increasing dhikr can strengthen the spiritual and emotional bond with your partner, as well as maintain a relationship with Allah that will help weave a happy marital relationship."

The translation of "Doa Sebelum dan Sesudah Akad Nikah" to English is "Prayers Before and After the Marriage Ceremony".

The wedding ceremony prayer is important for couples who are about to get married. Here is the reading:

The translation of

The translation of "Doa sebelum Akad Nikah" to English is "Prayer before the Marriage Ceremony".

Here is the translated text with HTML tags preserved: ```html Allahumma inni as-aluka khayraha wa khayra ma jabaltaha 'alayhi, wa a'udhu bika min sharriha wa sharri ma jabaltaha 'alayhi. Artinya: "O Allah, indeed I ask for goodness for her and the goodness that You have ordained for her. And I seek refuge in You from her evil and the evil that You have ordained for her." ```

The translation of "Doa setelah Akad Nikah" to English is "Prayer after the Marriage Ceremony."

Here is the translated text while preserving the HTML tags: ```html Allahumma ajma' bainahuma bikhairin, wa ahfazhuma bisitrkawa wajhikal kariim, warzuqhumal 'ishas-sa'idawar-riqal-halaalat-tayyib. Artinya: "O Allah, unite them in goodness, protect them with Your veil and Your noble face, and grant them a happy life and sustenance that is lawful and good." ```

"This prayer can be recited by both prospective brides and grooms or by competent parties such as guardians or imams at the time of the marriage contract. In addition, it is always recommended to seek guidance and prayers from Allah SWT in every step of life, including in marriage. In a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) advised that the groom should recite a prayer after the marriage contract to obtain blessings in the marriage."

The procedure for reciting the prayer after the marriage contract is to do so with concentration and sincerity, as well as to understand the meaning of the prayer to perfect the marriage in accordance with Islamic law.

As the Perfecter of Marriage, Here is the Prayer before the Marriage Contract and After that is Important for Prospective Brides and Grooms to Know
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