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"Caution! This Food Can Nullify Your Wudhu"

Eating and drinking do not invalidate a person's wudu.

"Dream - Wudhu is the purification from minor impurities that is performed when one is about to perform the prayer. Thus, when facing Allah SWT, Muslims are in a clean and pure state. Dream friends can maintain that wudhu so it does not break to continue with the next worship. However, you must be careful with anything that can invalidate wudhu. This does not include eating and drinking, okay? Even so, there is one food that according to scholars can nullify a person's wudhu. What kind of food could that be?"

"For Dream friends who are curious, here is the explanation as summarized by Dream through various sources."

Be Careful! This Food Can Nullify Your Wudhu
Makanan yang Bisa Membatalkan Wudhu

The translation of "Makanan yang Bisa Membatalkan Wudhu" to English is "Food That Can Nullify Wudu".

"Cited from, according to Imam Nawawi in the book Al-Majmu' Syarhul Muhaddzab, eating and drinking are among the actions that do not invalidate wudhu."

"Whether it's food cooked over fire or electricity, such as fish curry, rendang, tengkleng, and the like. Or food that does not require fire in the cooking process, such as fruits. However, there is one type of food that, when consumed, can invalidate a person's wudhu. This is explained in Syarah Riyadhus Shalihin (Volume II) by Imam An Nawawi, who states that camel meat refers to both cooked and raw meat."

Here is the translated text while preserving the HTML tags: "Lalu, it is also explained in the book Al-fiqh 'ala Al-madzahib Al-khamsah by Muhammad Jawad Mughniyah. According to the Hambali school of thought, camel meat can nullify wudhu based on a hadith narrated by Jabir bin Samurah ra, where the Prophet Muhammad saw said: "A man asked the Prophet SAW, 'Do I have to perform wudhu after eating goat meat?' He replied, 'If you want, perform wudhu; if you don’t want to, it’s not necessary.' The man asked again, 'Do I have to perform wudhu after eating camel meat?' He replied, 'Yes, perform wudhu after eating camel meat.' (HR Muslim)"

According to Sayyid Sabiq, the hadith above is not contested by the scholars of hadith. If viewed from its narration, it is also authentic and its narrators are just. However, there is also an opinion that says that performing wudhu after consuming camel meat is merely a recommendation and not an obligation. Nevertheless, Imam Nawawi leans more towards the opinion that makes it mandatory. Meanwhile, drinking camel milk does not invalidate (wudhu).

The translation of "Perkara yang Bisa Membatalkan Wudhu" to English is "Things That Can Nullify Wudhu."

"Wudhu is an important ritual in Islam for cleansing oneself before performing acts of worship such as prayer. Some things that can invalidate wudhu include:"

The translation of

Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: "Defecation or Urination: Excreting something from either the front or back passage, whether it is urine, feces, or gas, can nullify wudhu. Deep Sleep: Sleep that is so sound that one is unaware of their surroundings. Loss of Consciousness: Due to intoxication, fainting, or madness. Skin Contact with the Opposite Sex: Touching the skin of the opposite sex who is not a mahram without a barrier, according to some scholars' opinions. The Release of Semen, Madzi, or Wadi: Semen is the fluid that comes out due to sexual desire, madzi is the sticky fluid that comes out when aroused, and wadi is the cloudy fluid that comes out after urination."

"Touching the Genitals with the Palm of the Hand: Touching one's own genitals or someone else's with the palm of the hand without a barrier can nullify ablution."

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