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"Semakin Jelas Terlihat, Inilah Tanda-Tanda Kedatangan Dajjal Menurut Gus Baha, Terutama Perilaku Manusia" translates to "Increasingly Clear, These are the Signs of the Arrival of Dajjal According to Gus Baha, Especially Human Behavior" in English.

Becoming Clearer, Here are the Signs of the Arrival of Dajjal According to Gus Baha, Especially Human Behavior

Dream - Dajjal is one of the signs of the great apocalypse or the great doomsday. The arrival of Dajjal must surely be believed by the Muslim community. Because Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has also informed about the arrival of that creature.

Becoming Clearer, Here are the Signs of the Arrival of Dajjal According to Gus Baha, Especially Human Behavior

With firmness, Prophet Muhammad saw stated that Dajjal will definitely appear among you. In fact, in a hadith by Abu Dawud, he also explained about the physical characteristics of Dajjal. He is a short man with curly hair and one blind eye. Dajjal also claims to be God. So, this also confuses people. However, Prophet Muhammad saw explained that God is not blind in one eye. Now, the signs of the arrival of Dajjal are also apparently shown in everyday life. KH. Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim or Gus Baha said that the signs of the appearance of Dajjal and the Day of Judgment can be seen from the attitude and behavior of the Muslim community.

The following are signs of the arrival of Dajjal through human behavior that need to be known as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Becoming Clearer, Here are the Signs of the Arrival of Dajjal According to Gus Baha, Especially Human Behavior
The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags:

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The Phenomenon that is Becoming Clear as a Sign of the Arrival of Dajjal"

Gus Baha said that there are many human behaviors that increasingly clearly indicate the arrival of Dajjal. For example, people who compete to build magnificent mosques.

Maybe most people consider that building a mosque is a very good and noble act. However, it should be reconsidered in terms of intention. If the intention is only to show off, then it certainly becomes a bad intention. Especially if the grand mosque that is built is not accompanied by congregants who come to enliven the mosque. Therefore, human behavior like that can accelerate the arrival of Dajjal. However, not many people realize it.

"Human Behavior as a Sign of the Arrival of Dajjal"

There are several human behaviors in the present time that are signs of the arrival of Dajjal. Here are some of them that should be noted by every Muslim:

Perilaku Manusia sebagai Tanda Kedatangan Dajjal

1. Deviant Sex

Abnormal sex is a behavior that is greatly detested by Allah SWT and is definitely prohibited by the Islamic religion. Even the Quran has clearly explained the prohibition of adultery. Likewise, the following hadith of the Prophet: "Indeed, the thing I fear most for my nation is the emergence of the behavior of the people of Lut." (HR. Tirmidzi)


2. Happy to commit sins

"Islam strongly prohibits sinful acts. Therefore, Muslims must stay away from them in order to avoid sins. Sinful acts are characteristic of Dajjal's followers. They do not like fasting, do not care about the call to prayer, do not pray, and consume usury."

Becoming Clearer, Here are the Signs of the Arrival of Dajjal According to Gus Baha, Especially Human Behavior

3. Imannya Lemah

Weak faith is often directed towards women. It is even explained in a hadith: "Dajjal will descend to Mirqonah (the name of a valley) and the majority of his followers will be women, to the point that a person will go to his wife, mother, daughter, and sister, and his aunt will then tie him up out of fear that he will go out towards Dajjal." (Narrated by Ahmad)


4. Khawarij Group

The characteristic of the Khawarij group is that they easily declare others as infidels because they do not belong to the same group as them. Even the behavior of the Khawarij is mentioned to appear in the end times. It is explained that they deviate from the religion, just as an arrow misses its target.

The appearance of Dajjal on Earth.

The appearance of Dajjal on Earth.

The appearance of Dajjal on earth has been explained in several hadiths. As mentioned in the interpretation of Ibn Kathir, before and after Dajjal descends to earth, humanity will suffer greatly.

Explained, three years before the appearance of the Dajjal, the earth will experience a severe drought. In the first year, Allah SWT commanded the sky to withhold one-third of the rain and commanded the earth to withhold one-third of the plants. In the second year, the sky was commanded to withhold two-thirds of the rain and the earth to withhold two-thirds of the plants. In the third year, the sky was commanded to withhold all the rain, so that no rainwater would drip. Then, the earth was commanded to withhold all the plants, so that there would be no plants at all.

Becoming Clearer, Here are the Signs of the Arrival of Dajjal According to Gus Baha, Especially Human Behavior

Then, the Prophet Muhammad was asked about the food of humans in that era. He replied, "Reciting the declaration of faith, the glorification of God, praising God, and expressing gratitude to God, these flow into their bodies like food." Then, the Dajjal appears on the border of Syria and Iraq. He causes destruction to the right and left. The Dajjal will stay on earth for 40 days. Where one day is equivalent to one year, another day is equivalent to one month, and another day is equivalent to one Friday (one week), and the rest of the days are equivalent to your current days.

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