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Kelemahan Kaum Yahudi yang Dijelaskan dalam Al-Quran

"The Weaknesses of the Jewish People as Explained in the Quran"

Kelemahan Kaum Yahudi yang Dijelaskan dalam Al-Quran

Dream - The conflict between Palestine and Israel has not yet subsided until now. Although they agreed to a ceasefire for four days, there is no guarantee that the war will end completely. Israel still opposes the demands of the world community to end its military actions against the Palestinian people.

Kelemahan Kaum Yahudi yang Dijelaskan dalam Al-Quran

The actions carried out by Zionist Israel have brought attention to the Jewish people due to their bad behavior. The Quran, whose truthfulness cannot be denied, has clearly explained the characteristics of the Jewish people. A real example is the story of the Children of Israel who were saved by Allah from the cruelty of Pharaoh. Instead of being grateful, this community even associated partners with Allah after being saved. Did you know, dear Dream friends, that behind this arrogant nature, the Quran has implicitly revealed many weaknesses of the Jewish people? These weaknesses can become strengths for the Muslim community. What are the weaknesses of the Jewish people? Here are some, as summarized by Dream through various sources.

"Kelemahan Kaum Yahudi" translates to "Weaknesses of the Jewish People" in English.

The Jewish people are known to have several negative traits that are disliked by many. In the story of the apostles, the people of the Israelites are depicted as being fond of lying, betraying, deceiving, being envious, rebellious, and denying Allah SWT and His Messenger.

Perhaps all this time, when looking at the Jews, some people have the impression that they are intelligent, powerful, and influential. However, did Dream's friend know that they are actually not united? Among them, there are even extraordinary conflicts and enmities. It can be said that there is no unity within them. Allah SWT says: "They will not fight against you united, except in fortified towns or behind walls. The hostility among themselves is very severe. You think they are united, but their hearts are divided. That is because they are indeed a people who do not understand." (QS. Al-Hasyr: 14)

"Tidak Berani Berperang" translates to "Not Brave to Fight" in English.

Apart from the weaknesses mentioned earlier, the Jews also do not dare to fight. This nature has been explained by Allah SWT to Prophet Muhammad SAW, describing the Jews as a hypocritical community.

They did not dare to fight against the Muslims, except from behind the fortification. This is narrated in the Quran during the time of the hypocrites from the Bani 'Auf and the Jews from the Bani Nadir in Madinah, they sought refuge behind the fortress and the great wall. After the Battle of Badr, Allah SWT commanded the Prophet to besiege the fortress where they were hiding. This was done by cutting down the date palm trees around the fortress and burning them. This caused the Jews to come out and eventually be expelled from Madinah.

The translation of the 'Bahasa' text

The translation of the 'Bahasa' text "Persatuan Adalah Syarat Kemenangan" to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Unity is the Key to Victory"

Seeing the condition of the Jewish people who are not united, it can awaken the Muslim community and become a strength. Where when the Muslim community unites, they will achieve victory.

Even if the Jews have sophisticated and complete weapons, and a large army, all of that can be defeated with the spirit of unity of the Muslim ummah. Just like the conflict between Palestine and Israel. Although Israel shows its military strength, when the Muslims unite to defend the truth, God's help will come to show that truth. On the contrary, the power that is boasted is nothing in the eyes of God. Remember, the whole world belongs to God. So it is God who has the power to give good things to those who deserve it and to bring down those who deserve it.

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