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"Complete Nurbuat Prayer in Arabic and Its Meaning, along with Its Legal Rulings According to Scholars that Need to be Known"

Dream - In Islam, prayers are recited every time performing the obligatory prayers. In addition, Muslims are also encouraged to pray anytime and anywhere, without any specific time limits. This habit of praying is also done before starting a task and after completing it as a way to always remember Allah and seek His protection on every occasion.

There are many prayers that can be offered according to one's wishes. One of them is the prayer of nurbuat. The prayer of nurbuat is a practice that is dedicated to seeking protection from Allah, being protected from various disturbances of jinn and magic, and praying to be loved by enemies.

Complete Nurbuat Prayer in Arabic and Its Meaning, Along with Its Legal Rulings According to Scholars That Need to Be Known

In Arabic, nurbuat comes from the word 'nurun nubuwwah' which means the light of the prophet. The nurbuat prayer is believed to have various benefits of goodness if practiced in daily life. By reciting the nurbuat prayer, may Allah protect us from all kinds of disturbances. Here is the important recitation of the nurbuat prayer that we need to know and practice every day.

Hukum Membaca Doa Nurbuat Menurut Ulama

Law of reciting Nurbuat Prayer according to Scholars

The following are some laws of reading the prayer of Nurbuat according to the scholars that need to be known:

"First Opinion"

The first is the opinion that states that prayers originating from the Quran and hadiths are permissible to be recited by Muslims based on the consensus of scholars. Except for Nakha'i and Thawus who are in the Hanafi school of thought. Where some allow reciting prayers that are originally from the Quran.


"Second Opinion"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "The second opinion is that prayers originating from the companions and from the righteous predecessors (salaf as-shalih) are permissible to recite. Except according to the opinions of Nakha'i and Thawus."


The translation of the text "Pendapat Ketiga" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is "Third Opinion".

The third is an opinion that states that a prayer similar to the ma'tsur prayer, there are differences of opinion among scholars. Some allow it and some do not.

The translation of the text "Doa Nurbuat Boleh Diamalkan" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "The Nurbuat Prayer Can be Practiced".

"Through the explanation of the law of the nurbuat prayer, this prayer may be recited by Muslims during the five daily prayers that are not from the Al-Quran and also the hadith. However, with the condition that the prayer is intended only for goodness in this world and also in the hereafter."


"Reading of the Arabic Nurbuat Prayer"

اَلٌهيمَ زَلٔطَانمَ وَلسُمَهَرَامَ وَورَهَ اوجَكَسَمَ ووليمَاييوماتَاتهَبَاتَيمَ والًَوَلماتًبَاواتهَ عَاُقَابَومابَ عوجهَابَ ووجُنَوَنونَاروبَانَ وووُجَجَبَجهَونَجٌابونونَونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَنونَ&#x

"Reading of the Latin Prayer Nurbuat"

"O Allah, the Possessor of great power, the Possessor of ancient blessings, the Possessor of noble countenance, the Guardian of perfect words and answered prayers, the Wise One, the goodly offspring of Hasan and Husain, from the righteous souls, the enlightened eyes, the eyes of humans and jinn. And indeed, those who disbelieve almost blinded you with their evil looks when they heard the reminder, and they say, "Indeed, he is mad, and he is nothing but a reminder for the worlds." And the wise Luqman's supplication is answered, and Sulaiman, the inheritor of Dawud's wisdom, peace be upon him, the Beloved, the Possessor of the glorious throne."

Thawwil 'umrii wa shahhih ajsadii waqdli haajatii waktsir amwaalii wa aulaadii wa habbib linnaasi ajma'in. Watabaa 'adil 'adaa wata kullahaa min banii aadama 'alaihis salaamu man kaana hayya wa yahiqqal baathilu innal baathila kaana zahuuqaa. Wa nunazzilu minal qur'aani maa huwa syifaa-uw wa rahmatul lil mu'miniina. Subhaana rabbika rabbil 'izzati 'ammmaa yashifuuna wa salaamun 'alal murshaliina wal hamdu lillahi rabbil 'aalamiin. Translation: "Extend my life, grant me good health, fulfill my needs, increase my wealth, bless my children, and make me beloved to all people. And follow the righteous way, and call all the children of Adam, peace be upon him, to it. Those who are alive and reject falsehood, indeed falsehood is bound to perish. And We reveal from the Quran what is a cure and mercy for the believers. Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of Honor, above what they attribute to Him, and peace be upon the messengers. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds."

The meaning of "Doa Nurbuat"

"O Allah, the Lord who possesses great power, who has an eternal will, and who has a noble face, and as the protector of His words and the fulfiller of prayers, the intelligence of Hasan and Hussein from true souls, the protector of their senses of sight, as well as the senses of the jinn and humans."


And when the disbelievers will try to mislead you with their magical illusions when they hear the warning, they will say, "Indeed, he is crazy." All of this is nothing but a reminder for all of creation. Allah is the one who granted the prayer of Luqman the wise and bestowed upon Solomon, the son of David, peace be upon them. O Allah, the Lord who is full of mercy, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, the Lord who possesses the majestic throne, who can do whatever He wishes.

"Then lengthen my life and strengthen my body, grant my wishes, bestow upon me wealth and children, and give me the love of all mankind. Keep away enmity and discord from me and from all descendants of Adam. Allah, the Living and the Truthful, is above the disbelievers. And say that the truth has come and falsehood has vanished, for surely falsehood is bound to perish. And We have revealed the Quran as a healing and mercy for the believers. And the wrongdoers shall have nothing but loss in this world."

Benefits of Reading Doa Nurbuat

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Desires will be granted if read regularly after obligatory prayers. It can heal sick animals if recited to the intended animal. Sins are forgiven if read at sunset. Enemies can be loved when recited before leaving the house. Obtaining protection from Allah against disturbances caused by jinn, magic, and other dangers."

Can avoid pest attacks if written and placed around plants. Practice to expel jinn from haunted places if written and placed in those places. Obtaining worldly and hereafter well-being if read daily regularly. Being read 100 times before sleep can lead someone to meet Prophet Muhammad SAW. Can heal various diseases if read on coconut oil and applied to the affected area.

Can facilitate childbirth if read aloud in a glass of water and then drunk by the mother who is about to give birth. Can heal eye pain if read and blown onto the affected eye. Can eliminate hostility if read as much as possible. That is the complete reading of the Nurbuat prayer in Latin along with its meaning and the ruling according to the scholars.

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