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Jangan Khawatir Tidak Dapat Pahala, Inilah Berbagai Amalan Rajab untuk Muslimah yang Sedang Haid

"Do not worry about not being rewarded, Here are various deeds in the month of Rajab for Muslim women who are menstruating."

Dream - A Muslim woman who is going through her menstrual period has limitations in terms of worship. They are not allowed to pray, fast, and read the Quran. So, how can they still earn rewards? Especially if the menstrual period coincides with special times in Islam. Like the month of Rajab, which is highly honored by Allah SWT. The month of Rajab is utilized by Muslims to perform as many acts of worship as possible in order to receive abundant rewards.

Don't worry, there are various Rajab practices for menstruating Muslim women. So, Muslim women still have the opportunity to earn rewards in the month of Rajab.

Don't Worry About Not Getting Rewards, Here are Various Acts of Worship in the Month of Rajab for Menstruating Muslim Women
Don't Worry About Not Getting Rewards, Here are Various Acts of Worship in the Month of Rajab for Menstruating Muslim Women

The following is a compilation of Rajab practices for menstruating Muslim women as summarized by Dream through various sources.

"Law of Praying during Menstruation"

Women who are menstruating are still allowed to pray and perform other religious activities.

Praying is a righteous practice that is highly recommended to be done by every Muslim, including women who are menstruating. The ruling on praying during menstruation is allowed as long as it does not involve acts of worship that require purification, such as prayer, fasting, or touching the Quran. The procedure for praying during menstruation is the same as when not menstruating. Women can sit or lie down, focus their hearts on Allah, and sincerely ask for something they desire.

It can also perform dhikr or read the Quran without touching the mushaf. Besides praying, women who are menstruating can also engage in other acts of worship such as charity, dhikr, reading and studying the Quran, as well as praying for oneself and others. All forms of worship that do not require physical cleanliness are still allowed to be performed. Therefore, women who are menstruating can still obtain blessings and goodness through various righteous deeds.

Including praying and worshiping in accordance with Islamic law.

Don't Worry About Not Getting Rewards, Here are Various Acts of Worship in the Month of Rajab for Menstruating Muslim Women

"How Muslim women should pray during menstruation"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "The procedure for praying during menstruation in Islamic teachings is done with several recommended steps by Abu Ayyub El-Faruqi, Ridhoul Wahidi, and Gianti in the book Wirid-Wirid Wanita."

First, a woman who is menstruating can perform prayers that do not require purification, such as prayers for safety, protection, and seeking forgiveness. In addition, she is also encouraged to continue reciting remembrances and supplications that do not require bodily purity. Worship that can be done during menstruation includes listening to the recitation of the Quran, reciting remembrances, increasing prayers for the Prophet Muhammad, and giving charity.

In addition, women who are menstruating are also encouraged to increase their prayers and seek forgiveness from Allah SWT. Especially during certain times, such as during the month of Rajab. By adhering to the proper way of praying and performing recommended worship, a woman who is menstruating can still experience blessings and continue to worship Allah SWT even while in a menstruating condition.

"Thus, maintaining obedience in worship and prayer will bring blessings and abundance in daily life."

Don't Worry About Not Getting Rewards, Here are Various Acts of Worship in the Month of Rajab for Menstruating Muslim Women
Amalan Rajab untuk Muslimah yang Sedang Haid

"Rajab Practices for Muslimah who are Menstruating"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The month of Rajab becomes a special month that is very good for worship, including for women. Here are the practices of the month of Rajab for menstruating Muslim women:"

Beristighfar: Istighfar is one of the main practices carried out during the month of Rajab. Muslim women who are menstruating can increase istighfar as a form of seeking forgiveness for sins. Sadaqah: Giving sadaqah in any form, whether it be money, food, or clothing to others, is one of the recommended practices in the month of Rajab. Listening to the Recitation of the Quran: Although menstruating, Muslim women are allowed to listen to the recitation of the Quran. This becomes a practice that can still earn rewards for Muslim women in the month of Rajab.

Berdzikir: Increasing remembrance of Allah SWT is also a good practice in the month of Rajab. Muslim women who are menstruating can remember Allah in every available opportunity. Doa: Praying is a highly recommended practice in the month of Rajab. Muslim women who are menstruating can increase their prayers, both for themselves and for other Muslims. Even though they are menstruating, Muslim women can still perform these practices to earn rewards in the sacred month like Rajab.

How the Prophet Muhammad Treats Women on Their Periods with Full Respect

How the Prophet Muhammad Treats Women on Their Periods with Full Respect

"Rasulullah saw treated menstruating women with full respect, humanity, and honor based on the teachings of Islam."

He exemplified good treatment towards them, recognizing the physical and emotional conditions they experience during menstruation. During a woman's period, the Prophet gave extra attention to them, providing advice, as well as giving them time and space to rest and recover. Although women on their period are not allowed to perform prayer and fasting, the Prophet still taught that they can attain goodness and rewards, such as in the night of Lailatul Qadar.

He taught that menstruating women can obtain honor and virtue during those important nights by performing remembrance, prayer, and other acts of goodness. Thus, the Prophet Muhammad taught that menstruating women should still be respected, treated humanely, and honored. They can still attain virtue and goodness, even while menstruating, so that they continue to feel valued and treated well in the teachings of Islam.

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