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JK: Masak Cak Imin Kalah dengan Gibran

Translation: JK: Can't believe Cak Imin lost to Gibran

JK: Masak Cak Imin Kalah dengan Gibran Translation: JK: Can't believe Cak Imin lost to Gibran

JK: Masak Cak Imin Kalah dengan Gibran

Dream - Jusuf Kalla fully supports Muhaimin Iskandar, who is paired with Anies Baswedan in the 2024 Presidential Election. He believes that Muhaimin Iskandar is not inferior to other vice presidential candidates.

"So, I guess we hope Cak Imin won't lose to Gibran?"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "words of Jusuf Kalla when accompanying Muhaimin in Surabaya, quoted from, Wednesday, January 10, 2024."

“Jadi, saya kira ya Cak Imin kita harap, masak kalah dengan Gibran?,”
JK: Masak Cak Imin Kalah dengan Gibran

According to the man who is affectionately called JK, Muhaimin's matching opponent is Mahfud MD. However, JK predicts that the 2024 Presidential Election will be difficult to be held in just one round.

"Kalau dengan Pak Mahfud ini memang bersaing. Tidak apa-apa, memang yang diperkirakan dua putaran," ucap JK. Jika Pilpres berlangsung dua putaran, kata JK, akan lahir koalisi baru. Pria yang menjadi wakil presiden dalam dua periode tersebut yakin koalisi baru itu akan memenangkan Pilpres 2024. "If competing with Mr. Mahfud is indeed the case. It's okay, it is indeed predicted to have two rounds," said JK. If the Presidential Election is held in two rounds, JK said a new coalition will emerge. The man who served as vice president for two terms is confident that the new coalition will win the 2024 Presidential Election.

JK: Masak Cak Imin Kalah dengan Gibran

"\u201cIf there are two rounds, there will definitely be a new coalition again, and this new coalition will win. If it's only one round, it must be able to gather 85 million votes. That's not easy,\u201d said JK."

"Previously, JK remained neutral in this presidential election. However, now he supports the Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar, also known as AMIN, pair."

JK: Masak Cak Imin Kalah dengan Gibran
“Dulu saya ini netral, netral dalam arti kata punya pilihan sendiri. Terus terang kenapa (netral)? untuk menjaga kalau ada masalah saya bisa masuk ke mana-mana,”

"Previously, I was neutral, neutral in the sense of having my own choice. Frankly speaking, why (neutral)? to ensure that if there is a problem, I can go anywhere,"

tutur JK.

JK: Masak Cak Imin Kalah dengan Gibran

"He explained that the neutral position is to maintain friendship relations with all parties, such as Megawati and Prabowo Subianto. But after seeing the political map for 2024, he couldn't stay silent and had to make a choice. 'Seeing this situation, let's just go along with it,' JK explained."

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