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Brigadier Setyo Herlambang's Facts of Death, There is a Gunshot Wound Penetrating the Heart, Similar to the Sambo Case?

Brigadier Setyo Herlambang's Facts of Death, There is a Gunshot Wound Penetrating the Heart, Similar to the Sambo Case?

Facts about the Death of Brigadier Setyo Herlambang, Aide to the Chief of Police of North Kalimantan, There is a Gunshot Wound Penetrating the Heart, Similar to the Sambo Case

Dream - The case of the death of Brigadier Setyo Herlambang, aide to the Chief of Police of North Kalimantan (Kaltara) Inspector General Daniel Adityajaya, has recently become the spotlight. He died at his official residence on Friday, September 22, 2023, around 13.10 WITA.


Suspected death of member of Banit 3 Subden 1 Den Gegana Sat Brimob Polda Kaltara was allegedly due to negligence in the use of firearms (senpi). Here are the facts about the death of Brigadier Setyo Herlambang, including the newly revealed autopsy results, which have been made public.

Bukan Bunuh Diri<br>

"Not Suicide"

Head of Public Relations of North Kalimantan Regional Police, Commissioner Budi Rachmat, denies the statement claiming that Setyo committed suicide.

"There is no strong evidence"

Because, no evidence was found that Setyo deliberately took his own life. Moreover, during his life, the victim had no problems. "If the assumption is suicide, it is far-fetched. There are no facts supporting suicide. He (Brigadier Setyo) is a person without problems, I know him well," said Budi.

Lalai Pakai Senpi translates to

Lalai Pakai Senpi translates to "Negligent Use of Firearms" in English.

The temporary cause of Brigadier Setyo's death is suspected to be negligence in the use of firearms. Budi said that after Friday prayers, the victim was cleaning his pistol. There is a suspicion that the pistol was accidentally triggered and hit himself.

"Due to negligence of the firearm, he returned from Friday prayers, cleaned his firearm, temporarily suspected to be the result of the crime scene investigation in which he was alone, and then there was a firearm lying there."
Reveal Budi


Sempat Hubungi Ibu dan Istri<br>

"Contacted Mother and Wife"

His death also left sorrow for his family in Weleri, Kendal, Central Java. The father revealed the victim's last communication with his mother about two days before he died.

Wife Pregnant

His child was telling a story about a colleague who got shot and died in Papua. His wife then advised Setyo to be careful and not to miss prayers. Before he died, Setyo had contacted his wife. He planned to return in October for the birth of their second child.


"Autopsy Result"

Kabid Humas of Central Java Regional Police, Kombes Stefanus Satake revealed the results of Brigadier HS's autopsy. According to him, the cause of the victim's death is a gunshot wound to the left chest.

Gunshot Wound Piercing the Heart

This wound pierced the heart and lungs, resulting in severe bleeding. Based on information from Bidokkes Polda Jateng, no other wounds were found on Brigadier Setyo's body, such as bruises. Satake revealed that only gunshot wounds were present. This is what caused the victim's death.

Investigated by Propam Polri

Investigated by Propam Polri

"Propam Mabes Polri intervened to investigate the case of the death of Brigadier Setyo at the official residence of the Chief of Police of North Kalimantan."

"The team from the Propam Division of the Indonesian National Police Headquarters descended to assist the Propam Unit of the North Kalimantan Regional Police," said the Head of Public Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, on Sunday, September 24, 2023, as quoted from Ramadhan stated that Propam will oversee the investigation process carried out by the joint team of the North Kalimantan Regional Police. This supervision is conducted publicly without linking it to the case of the death of Brigadier Setyo, such as the murder of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J at the former residence of former Head of the Propam Division of the Indonesian National Police, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo."In order to conduct supervision and ensure that the handling of the case proceeds in accordance with the applicable Standard Operating Procedures and regulations," said Ramadhan."

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