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Demi Cuti Kerja dan Tunjangan Rp1,9 Miliar, Wanita Ini Palsukan Kehamilan 17 Kali dan Aborsi 12 Kali

"In order to obtain work leave and a 1.9 billion Rupiah allowance, this woman fakes pregnancy 17 times and undergoes 12 abortions."

Dream - An act of fraud committed by a woman named Barbara Loele has caused a sensation in the online world. It turns out that this 50-year-old woman has faked her pregnancy 17 times, had 12 abortions, and faked giving birth 5 times in the last 24 years. Barbara faked her pregnancies in order to be granted leave from work and receive maternity benefits.

According to documents submitted by Barbara, as reported by The Sun, she has undergone 17 pregnancies, 12 of which did not last long due to abortion. Barbara also noted 5 instances of giving birth to healthy babies named Benedetta, Angelica, Abramo, Letizia, and Ismael. However, there is no record of them being registered, and no one has ever actually seen these babies.

For Vacation and Allowance of Rp1.9 Billion, This Woman Fakes Pregnancy 17 Times and Has 12 Abortions

Barbara is suspected to have given birth to her youngest child in December last year. However, authorities now claim that she was under surveillance during the final stages of her pregnancy.

The authorities have evidence that Barbara never actually got pregnant. They also suspect that Barbara has faked 17 pregnancies that she announced in order to receive allowances of over 110,000 euros or around Rp1.9 billion and to get time off work. The fraud case by Barbara Ioele recently became national headline news in her home country, Italy. Her story is so unbelievable that even most filmmakers consider it excessive.

The prosecutor claims that the complex fraud committed by Barbara over the past two decades has involved the theft of birth certificates from Rhoma clinic and other fake documents. Including doctors' signatures, pillows to mimic baby bumps, and even walking exercises to appear pregnant.

For Vacation and Allowance of Rp1.9 Billion, This Woman Fakes Pregnancy 17 Times and Has 12 Abortions

In order to make it seem like she was pregnant, Barbara Ioele registered a stolen medical certificate with a fake signature. As a result, she was able to receive pregnancy benefits and maternity leave for years from various companies. Amazingly, no one suspected anything, considering Barbara was reported to have been committing this fraud since 2000.

For Vacation and Allowance of Rp1.9 Billion, This Woman Fakes Pregnancy 17 Times and Has 12 Abortions

"I know for sure that my partner is not pregnant," said Davide Pizzinato (55), Barbara's partner, during questioning. Davide claimed that he had known about his wife's deception since 2012, when their relationship began. He was accused of being Barbara's accomplice, but he seemed very willing to testify against his wife in exchange for a lighter punishment."

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