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"60 Words of Satire about Cheating Boyfriend that Express Disappointment, Really Stinging and Make You Realize Automatically"

"Dream - Infidelity is a problem that often leads to the destruction of a relationship. Yes, cheating is something that cannot be tolerated. Considering that in a relationship, besides loving each other, it is also important to be loyal to each other. So, when one of them cheats, loyalty does not exist in the relationship. Especially if Dream's friend is still in a dating relationship. Before the marriage vows are spoken, think carefully about the future of your relationship if your partner is caught cheating."

You can also use sarcastic words about infidelity that can make the perpetrator realize their actions. These words may sound subtle, but they are actually quite piercing.

60 Words of Satire about Cheating Boyfriends that Express Disappointment, Really Stabbing and Make You Realize
60 Words of Satire about Cheating Boyfriends that Express Disappointment, Really Stabbing and Make You Realize

Well, here are sarcastic words about infidelity that you can use as summarized by Dream through various sources.

"Words of Satire about Boyfriend's Infidelity"

"Realize, all those dreams and sweet promises. Everything he offers you has also been given to his current partner."

Kata-Kata Sindiran tentang Perselingkuhan Pacar

"I have to be grateful from now on. God has given me so many blessings that it makes others jealous. But if someone is sane, they will strive to do their best in life. Instead of wanting to snatch and replace my current position." "To the third person who thinks they're beautiful, your beauty is a poison that makes you happy with my man. Enjoy the consequences later." "Poor them, only bachelors get bored of looking around. That's why they keep looking at someone who's not a bachelor but belongs to someone else." "What's so enjoyable about taking someone else's rights?"

"I just can't understand why there are people like you in this world? Just look, you won't get anything. They belong to me and will forever be that way.""If there were a law against home-wreckers, that person would surely be caught first.""Don't hope too much for someone who doesn't belong to you. Because now I know, I will open my partner's eyes. They will apologize and come back to me. Leaving you alone, filled with shame.""It seems like being a home-wrecker is really booming, to the point that there are juniors every day.""If your common sense still functions, try imagining yourself in my position?"

"Being happy doesn't mean taking someone else's property. Believe me, there will be someone who loves and appreciates you more." "Seeing people getting married makes my heart tremble. But this one, no way. Obviously, it's not right to find a husband through forbidden ways." "Where do you put your face? Aren't you ashamed to walk with someone else's man?" "Help those who really need it. Save those whom you have helped. Differentiate them from those who just need your help." "There are a thousand ways to bring someone down, but you will also receive a thousand failures."

"There will only be humiliation and you do it for the wrong person. The partner you snatch will never see you as a respected woman. He will make you a runaway woman, because he can't go back to his partner."

60 Words of Satire about Cheating Boyfriends that Express Disappointment, Really Stabbing and Make You Realize

"Whatever the real story is, whatever the condition or your feelings. Don't hope too much for sympathy from others. Insisting on taking him away from his partner will only give you a dirty label, a partner snatcher, and various other terrible nicknames." "There's no envy when seeing their intimacy, because I know that woman is a specialist in snatching other people's husbands." "It seems like your mother has raised you, sister, because your mother surely didn't teach you to snatch other people's husbands." "You are my friend, but for you, I am not your friend."

Kata-Kata Sindiran tentang Perselingkuhan yang Bikin Jleb

"Words of Satire about Infidelity that Make You Stung"

"For you, I dedicate everything, but you heartlessly threw me away just because of someone you've just met."

"I know, but I pretend not to know. I do all of this just to keep seeing you smile." "For you, I give everything. However, you are heartless and indifferent to my feelings." "If the relationship is hanging, it's better to just hang your heart on the door as a keychain. It will be more useful." "If this relationship is a movie watched by many people, maybe this is the saddest part, where I always expect attention and the heart you used to have." "When feelings are no longer appreciated by someone you love, then don't force it, it's better to leave even if it hurts."

"There is nothing perfect in this world, just like your current partner. Keep complementing each other." "A relationship is like a ship, it will sink if there are too many passengers on board." "Actions speak louder than words. Caring is an action that shows love and feelings more than a word." "You no longer care about me, but you want to be fought for. Do you think this relationship is a joke?" "Those who are loved and close to us can make us more sad." "You need someone who genuinely tries to win your heart."

"I don't expect to be the most important person in your life because that is the biggest request for me. I just hope that someday, when you see me, you will smile and say: He is the one who always loves me." "Teach me to be heartless and not give any news for that long, like you always do to me and my heart." "This love relationship should always be about the two of us, that is me and you. Not you and you." "I wish I could turn back time so that I didn't know that loving you would feel this painful."

"Just because I'm with you all the time doesn't mean you can waste me and my time."

60 Words of Satire about Cheating Boyfriends that Express Disappointment, Really Stabbing and Make You Realize

"I miss you. No, let me correct myself. I miss the old you, the one who cared and didn't hurt me like this." "When someone you fight for turns out to be the opposite, believe that there is someone better out there waiting for you to let go." "Sometimes the heart cannot align with the mind. Especially when the issue arises from a love problem that may or may not be worth fighting for at all."

"Words of Satire about Infidelity that Express Disappointment"

"The happiness because of love only lasts for a moment, but the disappointment because of love lasts forever." - Bette Davis

Kata-Kata Sindiran tentang Perselingkuhan yang Ungkapkan Kekecewaan

"After you left, I realized that good people will be accompanied by good people as well.""The deepest wound is when you are unable to see with your eyes, and hidden sadness is when you are unable to express it in words.""Do not stumble upon your own words and fall into hypocrisy.""Sometimes we are unaware that we are hoping for someone who cannot be relied upon.""Loving you is like fighting a war, and I will never do it again." - Warsan Shire"When trust is broken, apologies no longer have any meaning."

"Crying is the way the eyes speak when the mouth is silenced, unable to explain how broken this heart is."There are many things we don't want to leave behind in this life, but everything must come to an end according to His decree."You think all women are strong. But crying is one way to express disappointment."You are the best, also the worst. You taught me the meaning of a broken heart. You gave hope, then you left. The timeline won't be able to erase you." - Fiersa Besari"Trust is like a mirror. When it's broken, you can fix it again. But you can still see the cracks."

"Nature will select those who are truly sincere by keeping traitors away, and karma will come to those traitors." "When he chooses to go with a third person, then be happy because he met the wrong person." "Again and again, I forgive you. You took advantage of me." - Fiersa Besari "A man who seeks another woman after success, does not realize that the other woman is likely to lead to bankruptcy." "It feels sad when I have tried my best for you. But it turns out it's still not enough."

"Jodoh adalah cerminan dari diri kita sendiri, jika engkau bangga merebut suamiku mungkin Tuhan berusaha menunjukkan bahwa dia sama busuknya seperti kamu. Yang tentu saja tidak layak untuk terus hidup bersamaku."Selamat atas penghianatanmu yang sudah membuatku kecewa, dan terimakasih sudah mengingatkanku akan kesadaran tentang mu."" "Soulmates are a reflection of ourselves, if you are proud to snatch my husband, maybe God is trying to show that he is just as rotten as you. Which, of course, is not worthy to live with me anymore." "Congratulations on your betrayal that has disappointed me, and thank you for reminding me of your awareness."

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