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"140 Words of Farewell Wisdom, Touching Hearts and Full of Emotion"

Dream - The proverb says there is nothing more bitter than the bitterness of separation. The message from those farewell pearls has been experienced by many people. Every meeting will always end with a farewell. Farewell is a destiny that is always encountered by all human beings. It is indeed sad to talk about farewells, especially with loved ones. Whether it's with parents, relatives, friends, colleagues, or lovers.

However, every farewell and goodbye is not the end of a life. Sometimes, separation gives many lessons. You can also express it through a farewell caption that is full of meaning. To give meaning to farewell, here are a series of farewell pearls that touch the heart and are full of sadness.

140 Words of Farewell, Touching and Full of Emotion

"Pearl of Farewell Touches the Heart"

"Farewell will never be easy because it is human nature to want to possess rather than let go." "The pain caused by a farewell always becomes the most painful among other wounds, how could it not be, farewell is the boundary of togetherness that who knows when it will happen again." Everything will change, whether we want it or not. Everything will separate, whether we like it or not. Everything will end, whether we are ready or not.""

"Now you no longer belong to me, now you are in a much better place." "You are like a thorn that hurts so badly, but the difference is the wound you gave cannot be instantly healed. My heart feels like it's bleeding because you held on too tightly. No matter how hard I try, you will never look towards me, so I suffice myself and my heart to hurt each other." "You are one of the many things that made me no longer friends with the word 'goodbye'. Your presence is like an oasis in a barren land, so how should I express my feelings when you leave and will not return.""

"Time will continue to pass even if your world doesn't allow it, but God has His own plans. Don't mourn too much over a word of separation because there will be greetings that come and will be more beautiful. "To be together, extraordinary perseverance is needed from before. So don't make your parting the end of all forms of sailing, but make it the beginning of a new story that is more beautiful than before. "Try to learn from the sunset, because it teaches that something that looks beautiful is only temporary, because nothing is eternal."

"Farewell often teaches us how valuable someone is after they are gone."It's okay if we're not the best, at least we have tried even though the reality is that it cannot be forced."Love that can never return is eternal pain, which may take a long time to heal. Just like longing that never meets no matter how, it will only paint sorrow."Farewell always teaches us to appreciate, that every second with the person we love is a gift that we must not waste.""

"Humans will not be able to feel the love that will come if they cannot let go of all forms of suffering from the previous story. Therefore, just let it go and start something new." "Do you realize that all of it is connected to destiny. No one can control destiny, so enjoy every second you have to be with them." "If you are asked to choose the person you love the most to stay with you, but not happy. Or let them go so they have a new chance, for their future. For their much better life later, which one would you choose?""

"Pearls of Farewell Full of Sadness for Beloved"

"Just because a relationship ends, doesn't mean we stop loving each other. We just stop hurting each other."Goodbyes exist, so that we can appreciate a meeting."Try being me for a moment, and you will feel how painful the pain you caused by breaking all the bonds we have built for so long. Am I not a suffering person who has yet to find a cure?""

"The future belongs to those who leave the past behind, make your past stories a lesson to become stronger than usual, fight harder than usual." "Every meeting will always be followed by a separation, but with that separation, it should not be a reason for us to forget each other." "Graduation is like a day of reckoning. You will be judged based on what you have sown." "From the deepest corner of my heart, I want to say thank you for being my best friend. I hope your journey to achieve new dreams will come true."

"If a meeting is the beginning of a farewell, then a farewell is the beginning of beauty in the next meeting." "Continue your struggle and achieve your dreams that you have always told me about. Now it is time for us to part ways, farewell my dear friend. You will always be a part of me." "Even though there is distance between us, we never feel far apart. Because friendship is not measured by distance, but by the heart." "Teacher, you are like a candle, who spends itself to enlighten the lives of others."

"Smile and stop crying, because the tears you shed will only make it difficult for these feet to move." "Family is the perfect form of connection in life and everyone surely has a family. As time goes by, family will also disappear and vanish, swallowed by the cruelty of time, but the heart and memories will remain eternal and untouched by time." "Sometimes, meetings and farewells happen too quickly. But memories and feelings linger for too long." - Fiersa Besari

"Maybe, God brought us together just to get to know each other, not to possess each other." "At the end of the journey, even if we are no longer together, there is one name that can never be replaced. No matter how hard you try to forget, that name will always be there, that is true love."

140 Words of Farewell, Touching and Full of Emotion

Farewell Quotes Make Sadness

The hardest part of a journey is the farewell. Willingness to leave the past that has no future. Learn from everything that has happened and understand. That the answer is not always to persist, but to let go of the grip for a new opportunity in the future. Here are the farewell pearls:


"Being your work partner is one of the professional experiences in my career. Goodbye, friend.""The kindness you radiate every day will never be forgotten by us. The struggles and sacrifices will never be erased from our memories, you are my greatest teacher.""Farewell is only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with their heart and soul, there is no such thing as separation.""Because truly, parting is not completely parting, only distance separates us."


Without a fun coworker like you, the office will feel boring and empty. Goodbye friend, we will miss you.

Even if we can't be together in the end, I'm glad you were a part of my life.

We are two people who once had the same feelings but were not destined to be together.

Goodbyes make you think. They make you realize what you have, what you've lost, and what you took for granted.


"Thank you, teacher, you are the most beautiful figure who gives love and affection after father and mother. You deserve to be called a hero for Indonesian education.""When counting numbers, we should remember our teachers who have taught us how to count. Thank you, my dear teacher.""Here there are tears, struggles, wounds, laughter, happiness, and longing. And all of that weighs heavily when we have to part ways.""The most painful parting is when only I feel the loss."

"Twilight teaches us to accept a farewell with the promise of a warm reunion tomorrow."Farewell is a greeting for days filled with longing."Although farewell is a difficult reality to accept, it is the consequence of a meeting.""

140 Words of Farewell, Touching and Full of Emotion

"Thank you for the opportunity to know you, it is one of the greatest blessings in my life. Love indeed doesn't need to be found, love will find us. Thank you, that old advice is true, I won't cry because something has ended, but I will smile because it happened."

140 Words of Farewell, Touching and Full of Emotion

"Pearl of Other Farewell Quotes"

There will be a phase where patient people become fed up, Caring people become ignorant. And loyal people will leave when their patience, care, and loyalty are no longer appreciated. Farewell becomes the most painful moment. Here are the pearl words of farewell full of sadness:


"Goodbye if you want to leave, I can no longer force you to stay here, forget me if you no longer love me. Just pray that I find a better replacement than you." "Thank you for being present in my life and teaching me maturity. Express gratitude for the blessings and wisdom of maturity given by time, our journey together with the shadow of time has ended." "Separation cannot completely take you away from me, remember that it is not lost because of separation, remember that it is lost because of change."

"When a meeting begins with kindness, end it with the most beautiful memories of farewell." "The most painful farewell is the one without goodbye and without explanation." "I will try to be more patient in facing problems and try to accept a farewell."

"All meetings begin with something beautiful, so they will end with a farewell. Because nothing is eternal in this world, including meetings. But I believe that Allah has prepared a plan that will make me happy someday.""Farewell will always come, because we have met, together in every laughter and happiness. Every tear that falls today will be a witness that there was once a close bond that we experienced.""

"Those who leave will still leave, even if you have held onto them so tightly. And those who come will come, even if you do not desire their arrival."I am sincere in a separation, but it is difficult for me to forget all the memories."If patience does not make you realize, perhaps a loss will make you realize."Tomorrow you will understand my choice, to decide to leave and search for something uncertain.""

"How can I be afraid of endings, when I dare to start everything? How can I be afraid of separation, when I dare to possess each other?" "If I knew that separation would hurt this much, I would rather not know you at all." "Perhaps, God brought us together only to get to know each other, not to possess each other."

"Pearl of Farewell Words for Beloved"

"He is beside you, but it feels like he is not. It's as if he is too far away, very far away. Whether it is his physical presence or his soul." - Krystal Putih "I will come to you as rain, and I will also come to you as the first snowfall." - Goblin "It's not the farewell that makes me cry, but it's the reunion that makes me regret."

"Because learning to forget someone is also a form of love." - Innocent Man "Once loved each other then changed as if never known before." - Semesta Semestinya "The space in the heart no longer sings. Changed to be lonely and silent since he left. The remnants of regret still exist in the corner of the heart. His memories have not disappeared from this memory." - Massbow "On the journey of your time, there is a name that you pronounce but fail to declare." - Andra Dobing

"Some people are simply destined to like each other, fall in love, and feel comfortable with each other. But they are not destined to be together. It's as simple as that." - Brian Khrisna"What is lost is not the news, but the feeling that is no longer the same."Life is still long. Just because he is not in my arms today, doesn't mean he will never come back." - The Heirs"Often love does not realize its depth until the moment of separation." - Kahlil Gibran"

"We used to love each other before eventually forgetting each other."Time doesn't make me forget about you. Time just makes me get used to being without you."The sun teaches us that in every warm meeting, there is a beautiful separation." - Afief Subagja"We are two people who once had the same feelings but were not destined to be together."It's not that I don't love you anymore, but if I stay, I'll only get more hurt."I thought you still loved me, but we can't deny the fact that I'm not enough for you." - Haruki Murakami"

"Wise Words of Farewell"

"Goodbye is a destiny that everyone will always encounter. Farewell is also something that is felt quite sad. Especially when parting with loved ones. Whether it's with parents, relatives, friends, colleagues, or partners. Farewell words seem to be able to show the mood of your heart at the moment."


"Farewell is not the end of life. But the first step of how strong we continue this life without it."Thank you for bringing new colors into my life. Goodbye, may you find the meaning of happiness again."Unexpected farewell is the best gift from God for us."After hope becomes heavy to wait for. Maybe you haven't had the chance to understand, how difficult it is to let go of something meaningful."When a meeting starts with kindness. Then end a meeting with a farewell that has the most beautiful memories.""

"Separation is always painful, it is human nature. However, believe that there is always a great wisdom behind everything that God has planned." "Farewell often teaches us how valuable someone is after they are gone." "Separation due to wrongdoing will lead to a better meeting." "The most feared thing about a meeting is letting go of a farewell." "Farewell exists so that we can appreciate a meeting."

"They who have been hurt by separation will understand the importance of maintaining relationships." "The painful part of a separation is the process of making something ordinary become extraordinary." "Separation teaches us to appreciate that every second of togetherness is a gift that should not be wasted." "Separation easily leaves behind old memories, and easily gains new memories in a new world."

"Farewell is inevitable, let's just cherish what we have gone through together. May we find happiness in our respective choices." "Letting go of someone we love is truly painful, but not everything we love should be possessed." "There are no words worthy to be spoken except for 'goodbye' and 'good luck in your new journey.'" "You were always there in every corner of my time. But now you're gone, swept away like ocean waves, disappeared without a trace.""

"Goodbye sometimes can come back. And sometimes it will never come back." "Love will never be known until one feels the moments of separation." "Parting does not mean stopping uniting hearts even though they are not in one place." "The deepest part of separation is pretending not to care and staying silent."

"Pearl Words of Farewell from School for Friends"

"Yesterday brings the beginning, tomorrow brings the end, even though we are in different places, we become true friends. Farewell makes you think. They make you realize what you have, what is missing, and what you take for granted. Even if we cannot be together in the end, I am happy that you are a part of my life. Farewell teaches us to appreciate that every second of togetherness is a precious gift that should not be wasted."

"Goodbye is inevitable, let's cherish the moments we've spent together. May we find happiness in our respective choices. "Promise me that you will always be loyal by my side. But if it's not God's will and fate separates us. If one day you have children, when they see our photos, tell them my name" - Taylor Swift "Remember me with smiles and laughter, that's how I'll remember you. If you can only remember me in sadness and tears, then don't remember me at all."

"Indeed, the pain of parting is nothing compared to the joy of meeting. Especially a new meeting after that separation." "Sometimes, meetings and partings happen too quickly. But memories and feelings linger for too long." - Fiersa Besari "Some people enter our lives and leave quickly. Some stay for a while, leaving a mark in our hearts." "Parting is not the end of life. But the first step in how strong we continue this life without it."

"\u201cMy hope for you is that life goes according to your wishes. Keep your dreams big, your worries small, and you will never be burdened beyond your abilities.\u201d- Rascal Flatts\u201cNo one is ever ready for goodbyes, goodbyes always leave a small void lost in the heart.\u201d\u201cReflect on every meaningful second, every minute filled with laughter, now time has separated us. May our friendship always be preserved forever.\u201d"

"We have known each other throughout our lives and now we are going to part ways. Some will remember and some will forget each other, but we will always have a part of each other within ourselves.""

140 Words of Farewell, Touching and Full of Emotion

"Pearl of Farewell due to Divorce"

"Separation is not the end of everything, but the beginning of a new journey." "Farewell is an opportunity to rediscover oneself and step towards a better happiness." "Perhaps farewell is a test, but it is also an opportunity to grow and develop." "In every farewell, there is a chance to learn about oneself and others."

"Do not regret the separation, but be grateful for the memories we have shared together." "Life continues to move forward, and separation is part of that journey." "Even though we are apart, remember that the love we once had remains eternal in our memories." "Separation opens the door for courage to pursue new dreams." "Every separation brings us closer to the truth about ourselves." "Perhaps separation is a difficult moment, but it is also an opportunity to find peace in freedom."

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