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Ucapan Syukur ketika Mendapat Rezeki dan Manfaatnya di Dunia Maupun Akhirat Kelak

Gratitude when Receiving Blessings and Its Benefits in the World and the Hereafter Later

Gratitude is a form of worship to Allah, because by being grateful, a person becomes closer to Him.

"Dream - Expressing gratitude when receiving sustenance should be done by every Muslim at all times. Considering that Allah SWT has bestowed His abundant blessings upon every human being without expecting anything in return. It is impossible for humans to repay His favors. Therefore, the best way to show gratitude for His gifts is by being thankful and obeying His every command."

Expression of gratitude when receiving sustenance is not only when having abundant wealth. But the sustenance given by Allah SWT is very diverse.

Gratitude when Receiving Sustenance and Its Benefits in This World and the Hereafter
Gratitude when Receiving Sustenance and Its Benefits in This World and the Hereafter

The following is a gratitude expression when receiving sustenance as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Pentingnya Bersyukur dalam Al-Quran

"The Importance of Gratitude in the Al-Quran"

"Being grateful has great significance in Islam, as mentioned in the Al-Qur'an. One of them is in Surah Ibrahim verse 7:"

"And (remember that) when your Lord proclaimed: 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you (in blessings), but if you deny My favors, indeed, My punishment is severe.' This verse emphasizes the importance of gratitude in life. The meaning and essence of gratitude in Islam is to acknowledge all the blessings bestowed by Allah SWT, whether they are in the form of pleasures or trials."

Gratitude is also a form of worship to Allah, because by being grateful, a person becomes closer to Him. Ways to express gratitude according to the scholars include acknowledging the blessings given, not complaining about the trials given, and using those blessings to worship Allah. Therefore, gratitude is not just a mere expression of gratitude, but also a attitude that must be possessed by every individual in living their life.

With gratitude, one can achieve happiness and receive additional blessings from Allah SWT.

Gratitude when Receiving Sustenance and Its Benefits in This World and the Hereafter

"Blessings from Allah SWT are not only in the form of wealth."

"Blessings in Islam are not only limited to material abundance, but also encompass various non-material aspects."

Rezeki dari Allah SWT Tidak Hanya Berupa Harta

Rezeki in Islam can be in the form of health, happiness, and peace of mind. The nature of rezeki in Islam is also described as a gift from Allah SWT that must be accepted with gratitude and surrender. To obtain rezeki, Islam teaches its followers to work hard, strive, and submit to the will of Allah. In addition, maintaining good relationships with fellow human beings is also considered a way to obtain blessed rezeki.

Therefore, in describing various types of sustenance in Islam, it is important to note that sustenance is not only material but also includes non-material aspects. As Muslims, we are taught to be grateful for all forms of sustenance given by Allah, whether it is wealth, health, happiness, or peace of mind.

Manfaat Bersyukur kepada Allah SWT yang Luar Biasa

The Extraordinary Benefits of Being Grateful to Allah SWT

Grateful to Allah SWT has various benefits for Muslims.

One of them is promised paradise in the hereafter. Allah SWT promises to those who are grateful to give even more blessings, elevate their status, and grant them forgiveness. Gratitude also helps Muslims maintain mental and emotional health, as well as increase happiness and peace in life. Furthermore, gratitude strengthens the spiritual relationship between the servant and Allah SWT, and reinforces love and obedience to Him.

In the Qur'an, Allah SWT promises paradise for those who are grateful. The way to do this is by always saying "Alhamdulillah" for every blessing received, and using that blessing to worship Him. Being grateful to Allah is also manifested by avoiding acts of polytheism or denying blessings, and helping fellow human beings as a form of gratitude for the blessings received.

With gratitude to Allah SWT, Muslims not only receive benefits in this world, but are also promised paradise as a reward in the hereafter. Therefore, it is important for Muslims to always be grateful for all the blessings received from Allah SWT.

How to be grateful to Allah to feel content and happy

Grateful to Allah is the key to always experiencing happiness and feeling content in life.

Cara Bersyukur kepada Allah agar Merasa Cukup dan Bahagia

One way to express gratitude is by realizing and appreciating every blessing given by Allah. Have we ever counted how many blessings we receive every day? Starting from the air we breathe, the food we consume, to the gratitude for the opportunity of life given by Allah. Another way to express gratitude towards Allah is by performing worship sincerely and wholeheartedly.

Worship is a form of gratitude to Allah for giving us life and other blessings. In addition, gratitude can also be expressed by always being patient and accepting all tests or trials given by Allah, because in the end, those tests will bring goodness to us. Lastly, maintaining good relationships with fellow humans is also a form of gratitude to Allah.

By helping and caring for others, we also show our gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon us by Allah. By practicing these four ways, we are expected to always experience happiness and feel content in life, because gratitude towards Allah is the key to it.

"Prayer of Gratitude to Allah SWT"

The expression of gratitude when receiving sustenance is by praying to Allah SWT. Here are some readings of the prayer:

"Grateful Prayer Read by Prophet Sulaiman"


Translation: "Meaning: 'O my Lord, grant me (inspiration and ability) to be grateful for Your blessings that You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and to do righteous deeds that You are pleased with. (I also pray) admit me, by Your mercy, into the ranks of Your righteous servants.' (Quran 27:19)"

"Morning and Evening Gratitude Prayer"

"Allahumma maa ashbaha bii min ni'matin au bi-ahadin min khalqika fa minka wahdaka laa syariika laka fa lakal hamdu wa lakasy syukru." means "O Allah, whatever blessings I have in the morning or that exist in any of Your creations, all of them are only from You alone, there is no partner for You, to You belongs all praise and to You belongs all gratitude." (Narrated by Abu Dawud & Baihaqi)

"Prayer of Gratitude for the Blessings of Allah SWT"

O Allah, I ask You for steadfastness in every matter and determination in seeking guidance. I ask You for gratitude for Your blessings and excellence in worshiping You. I ask You for a sound heart and a truthful tongue.

and I beg of You to be able to be grateful for Your blessings and the goodness of worship, and I beg of You a pure heart and a tongue capable of speaking honestly. (HR Nasa'i)

"Grateful Prayer Read by Prophet Muhammad SAW"

Allahummaj'alni laka syaakiran, laka dzaakiran, laka raahiban, laka mithwaa'an, ilaika mukhbitan au muniiban.
Translation: "O Allah, make me grateful to You, remember You, obedient to You, submissive to You, and return to You." (Narrated by Abu Dawud)

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