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"Law and Prayer to Prevent Wet Dreams Too Often, Know the Trigger Factors!"

"Ejaculation can occur as a way for the body to cleanse itself."

Dream - In Islamic teachings, the occurrence of wet dreams is often referred to as ihtilam. In general, wet dreams are considered as an indication that someone has entered the phase of baligh (puberty). In fact, in various fiqh literature, it is mentioned that one of the signs that someone has reached the age of baligh is ihtilam or the release of semen during sleep, either due to dreams related to intimacy or other reasons.

When someone experiences such a condition, it indicates that they have reached the age of puberty, indicating that their reproductive system has begun to function normally. This is also one of the reasons behind the purpose of marriage in Islam, which is to allow the expression of desires in a lawful and religiously appropriate manner.

Hukum dan Doa Agar Tidak Terlalu Sering Mimpi Basah, Ketahui Juga Faktor Pemicunya

"Wet Dreams Can Originate from Satan"

However, if someone often experiences wet dreams or nocturnal emissions, it is advisable for them to diligently recite dhikr before sleeping. This is because wet dreams originate from the temptation or deception of Satan.

This is as mentioned in the hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim from Abu Qatadah, which states that the Prophet Shallallahu alaihi wa sallam said:
The translation of the provided text is: "Alru'ya mina Allahi walahulmu mina alshshaytani"

Translation: "It means: 'Good dreams come from Allah, while bad dreams come from Satan.' (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)"


"The Prophets Never Had Wet Dreams"

In the hadith which originates from Ibn Abbas, it is also stated: ما احتلم نبي قط إنما الاحتلام من الشيطان Meaning: "No prophet has ever experienced ihtilam or wet dreams. Because wet dreams originate from Satan. This is where the role of religion comes into play in explaining everything that is vague to its people."


"Law of Wet Dreams in the Perspective of Islam"

"How does Islam actually view wet dreams? The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has discussed it in authentic hadiths: "The pen of Allah is lifted from three things: from the sleeper until he wakes up, from the insane person until he recovers, and from a child until he experiences a wet dream (yahtalima, ihtilam)."

Disampaikan 7 Sahabat Utama

"Delivered by 7 Main Friends"

The following hadith was conveyed by seven prominent companions, namely Ummul Mukminin 'Aisyah binti Abu Bakar ash-Shiddiq, Abu Qatadah, 'Ali bin Abi Thalib, 'Umar bin Khaththab, 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas, Sidad bin Aus, and Tsauban.

"In the book Khulasah Kifayatul Akhyar, a hadith narrated by Imam Muslim is recorded:"
"Water for bathing comes from the release of semen. What is meant here is whether it is released due to desire or a dream, or for other reasons."

"(HR. Muslim)" in English means "(Narrated by Muslim)".


"Triggering Factors of Wet Dreams"

"In general, wet dreams can be triggered by the following factors:"

1. Erotic-themed Dream

One of the most common causes of wet dreams is the presence of sexual elements in the dream. As can be understood, uncontrolled REM disturbances mixed with erotic scenes are a combination that can increase blood flow around the penis. As a result, ejaculation occurs unconsciously. To prevent this, there arises an obligation to get married for every individual who wants to maintain their physical and spiritual health.



2. How the Body Cleanses Itself

2. How the Body Cleanses Itself

It is not always related to sexual urges in wet dreams. According to a sex study quoted from an article by Dude Products, David Ley explains that wet dreams are also a way for the body to clean out long-existing sperm. He says that sperm has an "expiration date".

Hukum dan Doa Agar Tidak Terlalu Sering Mimpi Basah, Ketahui Juga Faktor Pemicunya

If a man does not experience ejaculation for a long time, his body will expel the old sperm to ensure that fresh sperm is ready for use. Because sperm is produced at all times, the body needs to get rid of sperm that has become too old.

3. Age Continues to Increase

Although so, wet dreams tend to occur less frequently as age increases. Here is a brief description of the average frequency of wet dreams experienced by men: Single men aged 15 years: every 3 weeks. Married men aged 20 years: once a month. Single men aged 40 years: every 6 weeks. Married men aged 50 years: once every 2 months.

"Prayer Reading to Avoid Wet Dreams Too Often"

It has been explained before, wet dreams that occur too often can be caused by the temptation of the devil. If you experience wet dreams too often, it is advisable to practice the following prayer!


اَلُّمّ اٌُوُذَ بَکَ مَنَ اٌلُِمِ ومُنِ انَ ينَتَلاَعَبَ بَّکَيَ الصَّتَانُنِ فَی اَليَقَتَ فَینَ اَنَّتلاَعَبَ بَّکَيَ الصَّتَانُنِ فَی اَليَنَ فَینَ اَنَ يَتَلاَعَبَ بَّکَيَ الصَّتَانُنِ
Allahumma inni a'uudzubika minal ihtilami wa min suu-il ahlaami wa min ayyatalaa-'aba biyasy-syaithoonu fil yaqdzoti wal manaami

Translation: "Meaning: \u201cO Allah, I seek protection with You from wet dreams, and from bad dreams, and from the devil who plays with me, both when awake and when asleep.\u201d"

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