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This is the main practice for Muslim women who are in need, to continue worshiping and seeking Allah's pleasure.

This is the main practice for Muslim women who are in need, to continue worshiping and seeking Allah's pleasure.

Dream - One of the best practices for Muslim women who have entered old age or started aging is to always draw closer to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. To achieve this goal, Muslim women can perform rewarding and continuous voluntary acts of worship as long as these acts are done solely to seek the pleasure of Allah SWT.

Ini Amalan Utama untuk Muslimah yang Sedang Uzur, Tetap Ibadah Mencari Ridho Allah

There are many arguments that indicate that an elderly Muslimah, even if unable to perform obligatory practices, is still allowed to engage in actions that can bring rewards for her. The following are some main practices for an elderly Muslimah:

1. Increase Prayers and Remembrance

The agreement of the fiqh scholars confirms that the three elements of worship, namely istighfar (seeking forgiveness), dzikir (remembrance of Allah), and doa (prayer), do not require the condition of being in a state of purity from major or minor impurity for the performer. This means that a Muslim woman who is in a state of excuse, even if she experiences major impurity, there is no prohibition for her to seek forgiveness, remember Allah, and pray whenever necessary. This is because remembering Allah and praying are actions that Allah has commanded to be performed at all times and in all circumstances.

2. Increase Charity

The translation of the given text to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Rasulullah SAW advised the Muslim women, both the elderly and the young, to increase their charity and seek forgiveness. "O women! Give charity and seek forgiveness abundantly. Because, I have seen that women are the majority of the inhabitants of Hell." (H.R. Muslim)"


"Charity Does Not Have to Wait to Be Rich"

You don't have to wait for abundant wealth to give charity. Every person, with the amount of wealth they possess, has the right and obligation to help those in need. The size of the donation is not the main thing, as long as it is given sincerely and wholeheartedly, hoping for Allah's blessings.

Ini Amalan Utama untuk Muslimah yang Sedang Uzur, Tetap Ibadah Mencari Ridho Allah

So there is no excuse for someone who is in a state of need not to participate in this practice. In the presence of Allah, the measure of charity is not determined by its quantity, but by the level of sacrifice and sincerity in giving a portion of one's wealth.

3. Listening to the Recitation of the Holy Quran

There are several accounts that confirm that for Muslim women who are in a state of impurity, reading the Quran is not allowed. However, studying or simply listening to the recitation of the holy verses is something that can be done. Listening to the recitation of the holy verses of the Quran is equally rewarding as reading it from the mushaf. So even if a woman is menstruating or is no longer able to read the Quran, listening to the recitation of the Quran is the right choice to always maintain faith.

4. Mendengarkan Tausiyah Keagamaan

4. Listening to Religious Sermons.

"To maintain faith, elderly Muslim women are encouraged to listen to tausiyah. This practice can be an effective alternative to constantly introspecting oneself and as an effort to remember Allah SWT."

5. Always Do Good to God's Creatures

The main practice for elderly Muslimah is to always do good to fellow creatures of Allah, including animals, plants, and nature. Doing good is not limited by time or any conditions. Providing food for those who break their fast also carries rewards.


"The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:"
"Whoever feeds a person who is breaking their fast, they will receive the reward of the fasting person without diminishing the reward of the fasting person in the slightest."

"(HR. Tirmidzi)" in English is "(Narrated by Tirmidhi)".


"Doing Good Doesn't Have to Wait for Old Age"

Doing good to fellow creatures is a necessity. So we don't have to wait for old age to do good to others. All of this depends on the intention underlying the good deeds. Of course, the recommended intention is to seek the pleasure of Allah SWT.

Ini Amalan Utama untuk Muslimah yang Sedang Uzur, Tetap Ibadah Mencari Ridho Allah

The main practice for elderly Muslim women reminds us that there is no excuse to neglect Allah in any condition. Although circumstances may hinder us from performing obligatory worship, there are still many deeds that can be done to draw closer to Allah.

Ini Amalan Utama untuk Muslimah yang Sedang Uzur, Tetap Ibadah Mencari Ridho Allah

"Doing good does not necessarily have to wait and search for evidence from the Quran or hadith. The matter of rewards should be left as the prerogative of Allah SWT."

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