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This is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags:

This is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "This is the Prayer of Tahajud that Perfects the Night Prayer, Grant Tranquility and Peace of Heart"

Dream - The tahajud prayer should ideally be practiced after performing the night prayer. The tahajud prayer is recited as a completion of the prayer performed in the third of the night. Of course, qiyamul lail by performing the tahajud prayer is a highly recommended practice for Muslims. The tahajud prayer holds many virtues when performed with steadfastness.

This is the Perfect Tahajud Prayer that Completes the Night Prayer, Gives Peace and Tranquility to the Heart

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Praying tahajud alone is a recommended prayer performed after sleeping at night. The main time for its implementation is during the last third of the night. To make it more perfect, it is recommended to recite the tahajud prayer after performing the recommended prayer."

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Procedures for Tahajud Prayer"

The procedure for Tahajud prayer is actually the same as other voluntary prayers. The only difference lies in the intention and timing. Tahajud prayer is performed with two units of prayer and ends with the salam. The number of units for Tahajud prayer is not limited. However, according to a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) never performed Tahajud prayer more than 11 or 13 units. This is as narrated by Imam Bukhari.


"Intention of Tahajud Prayer Reading:"
I pray the two units of voluntary prayer towards the direction of the qibla for Allah the Almighty.

Translation: "Meaning: "I intend to pray the two raka'ah Tahajjud sunnah prayer, facing the qibla, for the sake of Allah ta'ala.""


"How to Perform the Tahajud Prayer"

Reading intention. Takbiratul Ihram. Stand for those who are able. Reading the opening prayer. Reading Surah Al-Fatihah. Reading certain verses or surahs from the Quran. Bowing with tranquility. Rising from bowing with tranquility. Prostrating twice with tranquility. Sitting between two prostrations with tranquility. Sitting for the final tashahhud. Reading the final tashahhud. Reading blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad. Saying greetings while looking to the right and left.

"Prayer of Tahajud as the Completion of Night Prayer"


"Latin Tahajud Prayer"

Allahumma rabbana lakal hamdu anta qayyimus samawati wal ardhi wa man fii hinna. Wa lakal hamdu anta malikus samawati wal ardhi wa man fii hinna. Wa lakal hamdu anta nurus samawati wal ardhi wa man fii hinna. Wa lakal hamdu antal haqq. Wa wa'dukal haqq. Wa liqa'uka haqq. Wa qauluka haqq. Wal jannatu haqq. Wan naru haqq. Wan nabiyyuna haqq. Wa Muhammadun shallallahu alaihi wasallama haqq. Was sa'atu haqq. Allahumma laka aslamtu wa bika amantu wa 'alaika tawakkaltu wa ilaika anabtu wa bika khashamtu wa ilaika hakamtu. Fagfirlii ma qaddamtu, wa ma akhkhartu, wa ma asrartu, wa ma a'lantu, wa ma anta a'lamu bihi minni. Antal muqaddimu wa antal mu'akhkhiru. La ilaha illa anta. Wa la haula, wa la quwwata illa billah. Translation: O Allah, our Lord, all praise is due to You, You are the Sustainer of the heavens and the earth and all that is within them. All praise is due to You, You are the Sovereign of the heavens and the earth and all that is within them. All praise is due to You, You are the Light of the heavens and the earth and all that is within them. All praise is due to You, You are the Truth. Your promise is true. Your meeting is true. Your word is true. Paradise is true. Hellfire is true. Our Prophet is true. And Muhammad, peace be upon him, is true. The Hour is true. O Allah, to You I have submitted, in You I have believed, in You I have placed my trust, to You I have turned, for You I have striven, and to You I have surrendered. Forgive me for what I have done in the past, and what I will do in the future, and what I have concealed, and what I have declared, and what only You know about me. You are the One who brings forward and the One who delays. There is no deity except You. And there is no power or strength except by Allah.

The meaning of Tahajud prayer

"Ya Allah, our Lord, all praise be to You, the upholder of the heavens, earth, and everything within them. All praise be to You, the ruler of the heavens, earth, and everything within them. All praise be to You, the light of the heavens, earth, and everything within them. All praise be to You, the Most Truthful. Your promise is true. The meeting with You in the future is true. Your word is true. Heaven is real. Hell is also real. The prophets are true. Likewise, Prophet Muhammad SAW is true. The Day of Judgment is true."


The translation of the text "Arti Selanjutnya\u2026" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "Next Meaning\u2026"

"O my Lord, only to You do I surrender. Only to You do I have faith. To You I submit. Only to You do I return. Because of You, I am willing to fight. Only in You is the foundation of my decision. Therefore, forgive my past and future sins, the sins I have hidden and confessed, and other sins that You know better than me. You are the Most Ancient and the Most Recent. There is no god but You. There is no ability or strength except with the help of Allah."


"The Great Virtue of Tahajud Prayer"

The virtue of tahajud prayer is very great in Islam. Here are some virtues of tahajud prayer: 1. Worship that became the habit of Prophet Muhammad SAW. 2. Erasing minor sins and light sins. 3. Tahajud prayer provides tranquility and peace of heart. 4. Elevating one's status in the presence of Allah SWT. 5. Obtaining great rewards. 6. Maintaining physical and mental health. 7. Strengthening faith and taqwa. 8. Providing strength in facing challenges.

This is the Perfect Tahajud Prayer that Completes the Night Prayer, Gives Peace and Tranquility to the Heart

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Sholat tahajud is a form of worship that is performed with sincere intention and full devotion. This prayer is a means to get closer to Allah and enhance one's spiritual quality."

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