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Dahsyatnya Doa Mohon Perlindungan dari Fitnah, Amalan Cegah Kemungkaran dan Kedzaliman

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "The Power of Prayer for Protection from Slander, the Practice of Preventing Evil and Injustice"

Dream – Slander has spread throughout the earth long before the end of time arrives. Even since the time of the ancient prophets, slander has prevailed in the lives of mankind. That is why as Muslims, we need to practice praying for protection from slander. Because the slander that occurs is becoming more and more cruel and suffocating.

Prayer for protection from slander is taught by Allah to His beloved, Prophet Muhammad SAW. This prayer certainly holds many virtues that every Muslim needs to understand. Practicing the prayer for protection from slander means practicing the sunnah of Prophet SAW.

Dahsyatnya Doa Mohon Perlindungan dari Fitnah, Amalan Cegah Kemungkaran dan Kedzaliman
Dahsyatnya Doa Mohon Perlindungan dari Fitnah, Amalan Cegah Kemungkaran dan Kedzaliman

Furthermore, we also need this prayer so that Allah always protects us from the increasingly terrifying attacks of the end times.

"Prayer for Protection from Fitnah:"
The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: " O Allah, I ask You to do good deeds, leave bad deeds, and love the poor. And when I want to worship You, then accept me. I am not able to do it without Your help."

Allah, I ask You to bring about good deeds, to abandon evil deeds, and to love the needy. And if You intend to test Your servants, then guide me to You without being misguided.


Meaning of Prayer for Protection from Fitnah

"O Allah, I beseech You for guidance (taufiq) to be able to practice all goodness, abandon all evil, and to be able to love the poor. If You intend to inflict a trial (fitnah) upon Your servants, then let me die without being affected by that trial."


"Read After Prayer"

Based on the hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad and Tirmidhi, the prayer for protection from such trials should be practiced after prayer. The Prophet Muhammad narrated his dream when he met Allah SWT. In that dream, Allah SWT taught him a prayer, one of which is a prayer for protection from trials.

"Rasulullah SAW said:"
"O Muhammad, when you pray, recite this prayer: Allahumma inni as-aluka filal khoirat wa tarkal munkarat wa hubbal masakin. And if you intend to test Your servants, then grant me refuge in You without being forsaken."

"(HR. Ahmad, Tirmidzi and authenticated by al-Albani)"


"Rasulullah shallallahu \u2018alaihi wa sallam said:"
The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "اَنْهاههاَيَههاهَّهَهاََههاََهَههاههاَههاََههاََههاََههاََهَههاههاََههاََهَههاههاََههاََهَههاههاََههاََهَههاههاََههاََهَههاههاََههاََهَههاههاََههاََهَههاههاََههاََهَههاههاََههاََهَههاههاََههاََهَههاههاََههاََهَههاههاََههاََهَههاههاََههاََهَههاههاََههاََهَههاههاََههاََهَههاههاََههاََهَههاههاََههاََهَههاههاََهه

Translated: "It means: 'This sentence is true, so memorize and learn its content.' (HR. Tirmidzi)"


"Sheltered from Slander"

The Prophet PBUH commanded his people to diligently pray for protection from the danger of temptation. To his companions, he PBUH said: "Seek refuge in Allah from every temptation, whether apparent or not." (Narrated by Muslim)


"The Virtue of Prayer for Protection from Slander"

In prayer, seeking protection, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) not only seeks to be kept away from temptation, but there are four requests contained in the prayer. This is the virtue of seeking protection from temptation, namely as follows: Request for guidance to be able to practice all goodness. Request for divine help and guidance to be able to abandon the evils that exist in the world. Request to love the poor more, so that we can be more grateful for Allah's blessings and increase in charity. Request to be protected from the cruelty of temptation that can affect our faith.

Dahsyatnya Doa Mohon Perlindungan dari Fitnah, Amalan Cegah Kemungkaran dan Kedzaliman

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Prayer for protection from this slander can be granted in various forms. It could be that Allah keeps us away from the source of slander, or we are taken away before the disaster of slander spreads. The further we are from slander, the more our religion is protected. This is why it is important for us to pray for protection from slander. "

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