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"6 Conditions of Permissible Gossip, Pay Attention Carefully to Avoid Falling into the Abyss of Sin"

6 Syarat Ghibah yang Diperbolehkan, Simak Baik-Baik agar Tidak Terjerumus ke Jurang Dosa

Dream - In everyday life, we often encounter the activity of gossip. Yes, gossip in Indonesian is better known as menggunjing. Gossip is a reprehensible act and falls into the category of major sins.

6 Syarat Ghibah yang Diperbolehkan, Simak Baik-Baik agar Tidak Terjerumus ke Jurang Dosa

Ghibah is done by talking about the faults of others with the intention of bringing them down and humiliating them. Ghibah is strictly prohibited in Islam because it can hurt the feelings and reputation of the person being gossiped about.

Rasulullah Melarang Ghibah

"Rasulullah Prohibits Gossip"

"Rasulullah Muhammad Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam gives a stern warning against backbiting and even describes it as consuming the flesh of one's deceased brother, which is certainly highly disliked."

Instead of gossiping, Islam encourages its followers to speak well of others and promote goodness, as well as advise gently and kindly if necessary. By avoiding backbiting, Muslims are expected to maintain healthy social relationships and mutual respect among fellow human beings.

"Ghibah yang Diperbolehkan dalam Islam" translates to "Permissible Backbiting in Islam" in English.

It turns out that there is backbiting allowed in Islam. So what kind of backbiting is allowed? What are the conditions for backbiting that are allowed in Islam? Let's directly listen to the explanation based on the delivery of Sheikh Mahmud Al-Mishri in the book Rihlah Ma'a Ash-Shadiqin about six types of backbiting allowed in Islam.


1. Complaining about Injustice

The permitted condition for backbiting is when it is done in order to report an injustice. This means that a person who has been wronged is allowed to report the injustice to someone else who is considered capable of resolving the issue. For example, a person may report the injustice they have received from someone else to a judge or to someone else who has the knowledge and authority capacity.

2. Ghibah to Transform Evil

Ghibah in the context of seeking help to change wrongdoing is something that is allowed in Islam. A person is allowed to mention wrongdoing to someone else who is considered capable of changing that wrongdoing. In this case, ghibah can be done with the intention of changing or eliminating the wrongdoing. However, if the intention is not for that, then the ruling on ghibah becomes forbidden.

3. Ghibah with the Purpose of Seeking a Fatwa

Ghibah is allowed to be done with the intention of seeking a fatwa from knowledgeable scholars or individuals who have sufficient knowledge. For example, someone who has been wronged complains to a fatwa expert, "My husband has wronged me, can I do that? How can I free myself from that oppression?"


From Aisyah radhiyallahu 'anha, she said:
"Hindun, Abu Sufyan's wife, said to the Prophet, "Abu Sufyan is indeed stingy. He does not provide enough sustenance for me and my child. Can I take from him without his knowledge? The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said, "Take only what is sufficient for you and your child in a good manner.""

"(Muttafaq Hadith 'alaih, narrated by Abu Dawud, an-Nasa'i, Ibn Majah. Sahih al-Jami')"


4. Ghibah dengan Tujuan Mengingatkan atau Menasehati 4. Ghibah (backbiting) with the Intention of Reminding or Advising

Ghibah is allowed to be done with the intention of reminding or advising others. This often happens among narrators. For example, the faults of a narrator that are commonly mentioned by other narrators in the issue of narrating the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. This is allowed based on the consensus of the Muslim community, and there is even a science called Jarh wa Ta'dil.


Ghibah like this is also allowed in the process of khitbah. A woman who wants to be married or a man who wants to propose, the guardian may inform about the matters regarding both prospective spouses. The guardian must mention the condition of the woman or man in order to achieve benefits.

6 Syarat Ghibah yang Diperbolehkan, Simak Baik-Baik agar Tidak Terjerumus ke Jurang Dosa

From Fatimah binti Qais radhiyallahu 'anha she said,
"\u201cSo when I have become halal (completed the waiting period), I conveyed to him (Prophet Muhammad SAW) that Mu\u2019awiyah bin Abi Sufyan and Abu Jahm have proposed to me. Prophet Muhammad SAW said, \u201cAs for Abu Jahm, he never puts down his cane from his shoulder (he likes to hit women). As for Mu\u2019awiyah, he is poor and does not have wealth.\u201d"

"(HR. Muttafaq 'Alaih)" translates to "(Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)".


5. Ghibah to Explain Fasik and Bid'ah Actions

People who openly drink alcohol, seize other people's wealth, unjustly take belongings, and engage in wrongful actions, these behaviors can be discussed (mentioned) for the purpose of reminding oneself and those closest to them. However, it is important to be careful not to gossip about their other shameful deeds besides the sinful acts they commit.

6. Ghibah dalam Rangka Mengenalkan 6. Ghibah in the Framework of Introduction

The allowed ghibah (backbiting) is ghibah that is done for the purpose of introduction. For example, someone who is blind, someone who has a limp. Mentioning it should not be done with the intention of insulting. This mention can only be done for the purpose of introduction. However, it is certainly better to get to know them with good terms.

6 Syarat Ghibah yang Diperbolehkan, Simak Baik-Baik agar Tidak Terjerumus ke Jurang Dosa

Muslims need to pay attention that the six types of backbiting mentioned above should be accompanied by intentions that lead to goodness. Advising efforts should also be done in a polite manner to avoid hurting other people's feelings.

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