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Dikira Sholat di Masjid Kosong, Taunya Ada yang 'Jagain': Berkali-kali Tepuk Pundak, Pas Dilihat Ternyata...

Thought to Pray in an Empty Mosque, Turns Out Someone is 'Watching': Multiple Times Patting the Shoulder, When Looked It Turns Out...

Thought to Pray in an Empty Mosque, Turns Out Someone is 'Watching': Multiple Shoulder Taps, When Looked It Turns Out...

Dream - Fear comes suddenly when the mind is already scattered everywhere. An excessively overwhelmed mind can disrupt vision and manifest the unreal into reality.

Thought to Pray in an Empty Mosque, Turns Out Someone is 'Watching': Multiple Shoulder Taps, When Looked It Turns Out...

Just like when thinking about ghosts. When excessive fear, we can mistakenly perceive people around us as terrifying creatures.

Kisah seram di Rest Area

"Horror Story at the Rest Area"

Like the story of a woman on Twitter (X) named @ciraplaici, she thought she was poked by a supernatural being while praying in a deserted mosque.

Praying at the rest area at 11 PM.

The chronology, this woman from Malaysia stopped at a rest area, Rehat dan Rawat (R&R). She intended to take a moment to rest and pray. R&R is indeed known for its rumors of magical stories, so it's not surprising if someone feels scared being alone at the rest area. The woman said that she prayed when the atmosphere in the mosque was very quiet and only the sound of the fan could be heard.


"At 11 o'clock at night, I stopped to pray at the rest area. When I entered the mosque, I saw women taking off their prayer garments after finishing their prayers."
"tulisnya dalam Twitter." translates to "write it on Twitter."

© 2023

Thought to Pray in an Empty Mosque, Turns Out Someone is 'Watching': Multiple Shoulder Taps, When Looked It Turns Out...

After seeing the condition inside the mosque, this woman went to perform ablution. The mothers had already left earlier, she felt something strange, the mosque lights suddenly flickered.

Feeling someone is staring at him/her

This woman said, she sat alone and felt as if someone was paying attention from the places where the mukena was hung. Her mind had imagined everything. "I started imagining all kinds of scenarios. Severe overthinking," said the woman. Despite trying to think positively, this woman was surprised again by unexpected things.

"I tried to overcome that fear and continue praying as usual. However, suddenly I felt cold, my body shivered, but I tried not to worry too much so as not to lose my focus. After the first rak'ah, suddenly I felt my shoulder being touched,"
write women on Twitter.

© 2023

Thought to Pray in an Empty Mosque, Turns Out Someone is 'Watching': Multiple Shoulder Taps, When Looked It Turns Out...

His body became stiff, fear began to spread throughout his body. He continued to try to continue his prayer even though his mind was no longer friendly.

"I try to feel calm, consider it just a feeling, and try to ignore it. But my shoulder keeps getting touched repeatedly, not a dream. It's really terrifying, only God knows how I feel,"

He said.

Trying to ignore the figure behind him

He wrote, the mothers he met had already left since earlier. He kept thinking that the figure was a ghost and tried to ignore it.

Trying to ignore the figure behind him

"In my heart, I feel that 'it' is not human, because I know I am the only one in the mosque and the mother has already left a long time ago. I didn't hear the door open or footsteps if someone entered,"

The description of the woman.


This horrifying moment reached its peak, after the woman's shoulder was forcefully tapped, she screamed and turned her body around.

Thought to Pray in an Empty Mosque, Turns Out Someone is 'Watching': Multiple Shoulder Taps, When Looked It Turns Out...

"I was startled and immediately turned around, it turns out there was a mother who said that my qibla direction was wrong. I felt relieved because I thought 'it' was something else, turns out it was a human. The mystery is solved."
write the woman.

© 2023

"Dikira hantu" translates to "Thought to be a ghost" in English.

The woman was mistaken in thinking that the mother was a ghost. Although she continued her prayer, this woman wondered where the mother came from. "But now, when I think about it again, was she really a mother? Because I didn't hear anyone enter the mosque. If someone entered, there should have been the sound of a door and footsteps," said the woman.

Thought to Pray in an Empty Mosque, Turns Out Someone is 'Watching': Multiple Shoulder Taps, When Looked It Turns Out...

"At the end of the story, he said, the mosque fell silent again after the mother left. He still wonders where the mother came from and who she is, the woman closed her Twitter account."

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Jawaban anggota polisi itu berhasil bikin satu ruangan tertawa. Bahkan calon istrinya hanya tertunduk menahan malu

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