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MK Kabulkan Gugatan Syarat Nyapres Minimal Berpengalaman Jadi Kepala Daerah, Gibran Bisa Maju 2024<br>

MK Grants Lawsuit Requirements for Presidential Candidates to Have Minimum Experience as Regional Heads, Gibran Can Run in 2024.

Constitutional Court Grants Lawsuit for Minimum Requirements for Presidential Candidates, Gibran Can Run in 2024

"Dream - The Constitutional Court (MK) has decided to grant the lawsuit Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 regarding the Election Law submitted by Almas Tsaqibbirru."

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Meaning, those who are under 40 years old but have ever or are currently serving as regional heads can run in the presidential election."

Constitutional Court Grants Lawsuit for Minimum Requirements for Presidential Candidates, Gibran Can Run in 2024

"Judging the applicant's request partially."
The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "words of Chairman of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman during the announcement of the verdict, Monday 16 October 2023."


Constitutional Court Grants Lawsuit for Minimum Requirements for Presidential Candidates, Gibran Can Run in 2024

The age restriction requirement is stated in Article 169 letter q of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections (Pemilu). "Minimum age of 40 (forty) years."

"In its decision, the Constitutional Court stated that regional heads are state organizers who are elected through elections based on the sovereignty of the people."

Constitutional Court Grants Lawsuit for Minimum Requirements for Presidential Candidates, Gibran Can Run in 2024

"Equal Opportunity"

That is, who has equal opportunities to participate in the democratic implementation of the presidential and vice presidential elections.

"Differences in Age Limits"

In addition, MK stated that the president, vice president, governor, regent, and mayor are included in the executive position group. However, there are differences in determining the minimum age limit for these positions.

Constitutional Court Grants Lawsuit for Minimum Requirements for Presidential Candidates, Gibran Can Run in 2024

This lawsuit is considered to pave the way for President Jokowi's eldest son, as well as Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka, to participate in the 2024 Presidential Election contest.


Vice Presidential Candidate Prabowo

Gibran himself admitted that he has been asked several times by Prabowo Subianto to accompany him as a vice presidential candidate. However, Prabowo's desire cannot be fulfilled because it is hindered by the minimum age limit.

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