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Terrifying! 7 Characteristics of Women Followers of Dajjal that Need to be Watched Out for, Already Emerging at Present.

Terrifying! 7 Characteristics of Women Followers of Dajjal that Need to be Watched Out for, Already Emerging at Present.

Dream - Women will become the majority followers of Dajjal in the end times. The characteristics of these women followers of Dajjal are already evident today. The phenomenon of women that is happening now is evidence that women are the dominant followers of Dajjal in the end times.

7 Characteristics of Women Followers of Dajjal that Need to be Watched Out for, Already Emerging at Present
7 Characteristics of Women Followers of Dajjal that Need to be Watched Out for, Already Emerging at Present

In the hadith of the Prophet PBUH, Dajjal is described as a figure who has the characteristic of being a liar, with one blind eye and the letters kaf, fa', and ra' written on his forehead.

7 Characteristics of Women Followers of Dajjal that Need to be Watched Out for, Already Emerging at Present

In the hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad, the group that is most affected by the temptation of Dajjal is the women.

From Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, he said, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:
"The Dajjal will descend in the valley of Murqonah, so most of those who come to him will be women, to the point that someone will go to meet their close friend, mother, daughter, sister, and aunt to strengthen their hearts because they are worried that they will go to meet the Dajjal."

"(HR. Ahmad)" translates to "(Hadith narrated by Ahmad)" in English.


"Not Degrading Women"

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "This hadith is not at all intended to degrade women. Dr. Muhammad Ahmad al-Mubayyadh explained in his book "al-Mausū’ah fī al-Fitan wa al-Malāhim wa Ashrāti as-Sā’ah" that many women are led astray by Dajjal because they are more easily tempted by worldly desires and tend to prioritize their emotions over their intellect, just like men."


"Mata Dajjal Buta Sebelah" translates to "The Dajjal's Eye is Blind on One Side" in English.

From Anas bin Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: "No prophet is sent except that he warns his people about the one-eyed liar. Know that Dajjal is one-eyed and your Lord is not one-eyed. Between his two eyes is written the word 'disbeliever'." (Narrated by Bukhari)

The following are the characteristics of women who are followers of Dajjal in the end times, which are currently starting to emerge:

The following are the characteristics of women who are followers of Dajjal in the end times, which are currently starting to emerge:

"1. Women who Tabarruj or Like to Show Off"

Tabarruj is an attitude in which someone likes to show off what they have. Tabarruj also means being engrossed in worldly matters and indulging in them due to the urge of desires. This group has turned away from religious teachings and forgotten the afterlife.

1. Wanita yang Tabarruj atau Suka Pamer

2. Dressed But Naked

Women's clothing in Islam is regulated so as not to show the curves of their bodies. However, it is now common to find women who accentuate their body curves to attract the opposite sex. They wear thin and transparent clothing. Even among Muslim women, it is also common to find those who dress in such a way.

3. Istri yang Kufur kepada Suaminya

3. Wife who Disbelieves in her Husband

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "A wife who disbelieves in her husband is also included in the followers of Dajjal. She often curses and is ungrateful for what her husband has given. Treating one's husband well is an obligation for a wife, and vice versa."

4. Women who Like to Leave Prayer

Women who ignore the call to prayer and often neglect their prayers are part of the followers of Dajjal in the end times. They will later become inhabitants of hell and remain there with the demons. These characteristics not only apply to women but also to men.



5. Reading the Quran but Doing Wrong

5. Reading the Quran but Engaging in Wrongdoings

Women who read the Quran but still engage in reprehensible behavior are also part of the followers of Dajjal in the end times. They only read it superficially without internalizing it in their hearts. They do not practice what the Quran conveys, and their character remains unvirtuous.

6. Ignoring News about the Arrival of Dajjal

6. Ignoring News about the Arrival of Dajjal

Women who ignore the arrival of Dajjal in the end times are among the characteristics of his followers. She does not seek protection from Allah from the trials of Dajjal. In fact, she does not care about the vile trials of Dajjal. People like these are favored by Dajjal.

7. Apostate Women

Women who leave Islam or apostatize for certain reasons will later become followers of Dajjal in the end times. Apostasy is an act that is greatly detested by Allah. In fact, Allah will close the hearts of those who apostatize so that they will no longer accept the truth. These are the characteristics of women who are followers of Dajjal in the end times. Increase your prayers and seek protection from Him to be saved from the cruel temptation of Dajjal. Strengthen your faith, uphold the teachings of Islam, and always follow His commands while avoiding His prohibitions.

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