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Doa agar Dijauhkan dari Harta Haram, serta Bahaya yang Dikhawatirkan Rasulullah SAW

Prayer to be Kept Away from Illicit Wealth, and the Dangers Feared by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH

"Rasulullah warned of the dangers of this forbidden wealth to Ali bin Abi Thalib."

Doa agar Dijauhkan dari Harta Haram, serta Bahayanya yang Dikhawatirkan Rasulullah SAW

Dream – Every Muslim should practice prayer to be kept away from haram wealth as a request to obtain blessings in life. In Islamic teachings, it is believed that something haram will not bring blessings and will become a barrier to the acceptance of prayers by Allah SWT.

Finding sustenance is indeed encouraged, but it must be done in a halal manner and without harming others. Wealth obtained through haram means will only add to the accumulation of sins. That is why we need to recite prayers to be kept away from haram wealth. Sometimes, we are not aware of the halal status of the wealth we acquire. Wealth that is small but obtained through halal means is more blessed and beneficial than wealth that is abundant but obtained through haram means. Because haram wealth can cause harm to a Muslim.

Just listen to the prayer reading to be kept away from forbidden wealth as conveyed by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. This prayer is narrated by Abu Bakar Ash-Shidiq in the Book of Kanzul Ummal fi Sunanil Aqwal wal Af'al.

Doa agar Dijauhkan dari Harta Haram, serta Bahayanya yang Dikhawatirkan Rasulullah SAW

"Prayer Reading to be Kept Away from Illicit Wealth:"
"Allah, enrich us with your lawful provisions and make us independent from your prohibited ones, and enrich us with your blessings apart from anyone else, O Allah."

Translation: "Meaning: "O Allah, enrich us with Your halal sustenance, far away from Your haram sustenance, and enrich us with Your blessings, far away from anything other than You.""



"Danger of Illicit Wealth for Muslims"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Rasulullah SAW conveyed the danger of this forbidden wealth to Ali bin Abi Thalib. He SAW has repeatedly warned about the danger of this forbidden wealth to his son-in-law and also to all his followers. This is why we need to practice prayers to be kept away from forbidden wealth. Because its danger is extremely significant to one's religion."

1. Unlawful Wealth Makes the Heart Dark

1. Unlawful Wealth Makes the Heart Dark

Wealth obtained unlawfully causes the destruction of religion and darkens a person's heart. If the heart is already dark, it will be difficult to accept good advice.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
"O Ali! Whoever consumes doubtful food, their faith will become doubtful and their heart will darken (their heart will find it difficult to accept advice). And whoever consumes forbidden food, their heart will die, their faith will become light (disregarding religion), their conviction will weaken, their prayers will be hindered, and their worship will be minimal."



2. Triggering the Wrath of Allah SWT

Rasulullah SAW said: "O Ali! If Allah is angry with someone, then Allah will give them unlawful sustenance. And when Allah is increasingly angry with a servant, then Allah will delegate (grant authority) to the devil to increase their sustenance and accompany them, keeping them busy with the world and forgetting their religion. Facilitating their worldly affairs and the devil says (tempting them with words): Allah is Most Forgiving and Most Merciful."


3. Always Accompanied by the Devil Everywhere

"O Ali! No one walks to steal forbidden things unless the devil accompanies him. If he rides, then the devil follows him. And no one gathers forbidden wealth unless the devil eats it. And if one forgets to mention the name of Allah during marital relations, then the devil will accompany their children. As Allah said in Surah Al Isra verse 64: 'And associate with them in wealth and children and promise them (false promises).'" Note: The original text contained HTML tags, but they are not preserved in the translation as HTML tags are not applicable in plain text format.

4. Removing Blessings in Religion

4. Removing Blessings in Religion

"O Ali! A believer's faith will always grow stronger as long as they do not consume what is forbidden. And whoever distances themselves from scholars, their heart will die, and they will be blind in obeying Allah's commands."

5. Reading the Quran Has No Impact on Him

"\u201cO Ali! Whoever reads the Quran but does not make lawful what the Quran has made lawful, and does not make unlawful what the Quran has made unlawful, then that person is among those who throw the book of Allah (the Quran) behind their backs.\u201d"

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