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"Twin of Mirna Salihin Touches the Devil Working Hard, Mocking Jessica Wongso?"

Dream - Since its release by Netflix in late September 2023, the documentary film "Ice Cold: Murder, Coffee, and Jessica Wongso" has remained a hot topic on social media. The documentary film contains interviews with several sources related to the cyanide coffee case in 2016. Ultimately, the film creates an impression that the public who has watched it doubts that Jessica Wongso is the person who killed Mirna. However, it is known that Jessica has now served a 7-year prison sentence. Nevertheless, there are also many members of the public who believe that Jessica Wongso is indeed guilty. Various figures related to the case have also spoken up.

A number of Figures Speak Out.

A number of Figures Speak Out.

"Starting from lawyer Otto Hasibuan as Jessica Wongso's attorney, to several expert witnesses such as Dr. Djaja Surya Atmadja. On the other hand, Mirna's side also spoke up, her father seemed to attend several interviews on social media Youtube."

"Twin Mirna Speaks Out"

Lately, Mirna Salihin's twin, Wayan Sandy Salihin, also commented on the re-emergence of the case that killed her sister in 2016. Through her Instagram social media, she mentioned about the figure of a demon who is working hard.

"The devil is working Hard and so are the Angels. The truth shall prevail. (Iblis sedang bekerja keras begitu pula juga dengan Malaikat. Kebenaran akan terungkap),"
write Sandy Salihin in his Instagram stories @made_s88 quoted Monday, October 16, 2023.


Kembaran Mirna Salihin Singgung Iblis Sedang Bekerja Keras, Sindir Jessica Wongso?
Kembaran Mirna Salihin Singgung Iblis Sedang Bekerja Keras, Sindir Jessica Wongso?

"Selain itu, sebelumnya Sandy juga mengunggah salinan dokumen Direktori Putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia." Translation: "In addition, previously Sandy also uploaded a copy of the Directory of Decisions of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia."

In the copy of the decision, it is written about reports regarding the figure of Jessica Wongso. At least 15 reports related to Jessica Wongso are written.

Kembaran Mirna Salihin Singgung Iblis Sedang Bekerja Keras, Sindir Jessica Wongso?
Kembaran Mirna Salihin Singgung Iblis Sedang Bekerja Keras, Sindir Jessica Wongso?
Kembaran Mirna Salihin Singgung Iblis Sedang Bekerja Keras, Sindir Jessica Wongso?

The following report includes from the year 2008 to the year 2015, and then the report on the case of cyanide coffee that caused the death of Mirna Salihin.

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