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Ditanya Peluang Gibran Maju di Pilpres 2024 Usai Putusan MK Soal Batas Usia Capres-Cawapres, Ini Kata Jokowi

Asked about Gibran's chances of running in the 2024 Presidential Election after the Constitutional Court's decision on the age limit for Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates, here's what Jokowi said.

"Dream - President Joko Widodo refuses to comment on the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the constitutional review of the Election Law concerning the minimum age requirement for presidential and vice-presidential candidates. The Constitutional Court's decision allows presidential and vice-presidential candidates to not be at least 40 years old, as long as they have experience as regional heads. 'Regarding the Constitutional Court's decision, please direct your questions to the Constitutional Court, I will not comment,' said Jokowi, as quoted from the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube channel, Monday, October 16, 2023. Jokowi explained that he does not want to provide comments because he is afraid of being misunderstood as interfering with the authority of the Constitutional Court."

"“I don't want to give an opinion on the Constitutional Court's decision later, as it may be misunderstood as if I am interfering with judicial authority,""

kata Jokowi.

In addition, the former Governor of DKI also welcomed legal experts to assess the decision of the Constitutional Court. "Legal experts are also welcome to evaluate it," he said.

Ditanya Peluang Gibran Maju di Pilpres 2024 Usai Putusan MK Soal Batas Usia Capres-Cawapres, Ini Kata Jokowi
Ditanya Peluang Gibran Maju di Pilpres 2024 Usai Putusan MK Soal Batas Usia Capres-Cawapres, Ini Kata Jokowi

The existence of the Constitutional Court's decision allows his son, Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka, to run in the presidential election. However, Jokowi admitted that he did not want to interfere in the party's authority.

"The presidential and vice presidential candidates are determined by political parties or coalitions of political parties, so please ask the political party or coalition in that region,"
"ujar Jokowi." translates to "said Jokowi."


"And I affirm that I do not interfere in the affairs of determining the presidential and vice-presidential candidates."

I'm sorry, but the provided text "uajrnya" does not appear to be in Bahasa or any recognizable language. Please provide a valid text in Bahasa for translation.


"Gibran Invited to Become Vice Presidential Candidate"

"Previously, Gibran Rakabuming Raka revealed that he had been asked several times by Prabowo Subianto to accompany him in the 2024 Presidential Election. However, the desire of the prospective presidential candidate from the Gerindra Party cannot be fulfilled due to the minimum age limit."


"Umurnya tidak cukup. Wis jelas to,"" translates to "His age is not enough. It is clear,"" in English.
Gibran said at Solo City Hall, Monday, October 9, 2023 quoted from


Gibran also did not deny when asked if it was true that Prabowo had offered him the vice presidential candidate position. In fact, President Joko Widodo's eldest son admitted that he had been offered several times. "Well, everyone already knows. He has asked many times," he said. Regarding the invitation, he also admitted that he had reported it to the party. "And I have reported it to the leaders. To Mr. Secretary General (Secretary General of PDI Perjuangan Hasto Kristiyanto), to Ms. Puan (Chairwoman of DPP PDI Perjuangan Puan Maharani), and others," he said.

The following are the matters rejected by the Constitutional Court regarding the age of presidential and vice presidential candidates:

First, lawsuit number 29/PUU-XXI/2023 with the applicant being the political party PSI, Anthony Winza Prabowo, Danik Eka Rahmaningtyas, Dedek Prayudi, and Mikhael Gorbachev Dom. In their petitum, they request that the minimum age for presidential and vice-presidential candidates is 35 years old.


Second, lawsuit number 51/PUU-XXI/2023 with the applicant being the Chairman of the Garuda Party, Ahmad Ridha Sabana, and the Secretary-General, Yohanna Murtika. The petitum requests a minimum age of 40 years or experience as a state organizer for presidential and vice-presidential candidates. Third, lawsuit number 55/PUU-XXI/2023 with the applicants being the Mayor of Bukittinggi, Erman Safar, the Deputy Regent of South Lampung, Pandu Kesuma Dewangsa, the Deputy Governor of East Java, Emil Elestianto Dardak, the Regent of Sidoarjo, Ahmad Muhdlor, and the Deputy Regent of Mojokerto, Muhammad Albarraa. They request a minimum age of 40 years or experience as a state organizer for presidential and vice-presidential candidates. Fourth, lawsuit number 91/PUU-XXI/2023 with the applicant being Arkaan Wahyu. The petitum requests a minimum age of 21 years for presidential and vice-presidential candidates.

"Lawsuit Granted"

MK granted another lawsuit numbered 90/PUU-XXI/2023 with applicant Almas Tsaqibbirru. The petitum is to request the addition of the phrase 'experienced as a regional head' as a requirement for presidential and vice-presidential candidates.

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