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Prayer to Avoid PMO Addiction, Free Yourself from Dirty Thoughts Disturbance

Prayer to Avoid PMO Addiction, Free Yourself from Dirty Thoughts Disturbance

Practice prayer to avoid the effects of PMO addiction that can disrupt daily activities.

Prayer to Avoid PMO Addiction, Free Yourself from Dirty Thoughts Disturbance

Dream - PMO or abbreviation of porn, masturbate and orgasm is an act to satisfy oneself through sexual activities, such as masturbating or watching pornography.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "PMO needs to be wary as it can cause addiction, thus posing a risk to someone's psychological condition. Not only in adults, but PMO addiction can also be experienced by children. PMO addiction in children poses a risk to emotional disorders and brain development."

Prayer to Avoid PMO Addiction, Free Yourself from Dirty Thoughts Disturbance

"Berawal dari Pikiran Kotor" translates to "Originating from Dirty Thoughts" in English.

Addiction to PMO can start from dirty thoughts and a desire to satisfy oneself sexually. PMO addicts usually satisfy themselves by watching adult films until orgasm. This is why they find it difficult to stop because they have already experienced pleasure from that sexual activity.



"Danger of PMO Addiction"

"When it reaches the stage of PMO addiction, a person will always depend on and have a constant desire for orgasm. This addiction can disrupt daily activities. The impact is not only on physical health but also causes mental disorders."

"Doing Positive Activities"

Addiction to PMO in the early stages can be overcome by engaging in positive activities outside. Positive activities can divert the brain's attention from PMO. Over time, the addiction to PMO will gradually decrease. In addition, one also needs to enhance spirituality by getting closer to God as a step towards healing therapy.

Prayer to Avoid PMO Addiction, Free Yourself from Dirty Thoughts Disturbance

Islam teaches us to stop PMO addiction by increasing worship and reading prayers. One of them is a prayer to avoid PMO addiction.

"Prayer to Avoid PMO Addiction"

Imam Nawawi in the Book of Al-Adzkar mentioned prayers that can be practiced to prevent Muslims from being addicted to PMO. This prayer was taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW through a hadith narrated by Imam Abu Dawud. This prayer is practiced to protect us from the bad behavior of our body parts.


From Syakh bin Humaid radhiyallahu 'anhu, he said, "O Messenger of Allah, teach me a prayer!" Then he (the Prophet) said:
اللًًَُُمَ اليًََُِ اَِىِاِىاكِ اللُمِاِىَمِ اوِىِاِىَ الَىِاِىَ لِسِانِ وِىِاِىَ مِىِاِىَ قِلِاكِ وِىِاِىَ مِىِاِىَ مِىِاِىَ قِلِامًِِاِىَىًِِاِىَمِىِاِىَمِىِاِىَ

Allahumma inni a'udzubika min syarri sam'i wa min syarri basyarii wamin syarri lisaanii wamin syarri qalbii wamin syarri maniyyii Translation: "O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evil of my hearing, the evil of my sight, the evil of my tongue, the evil of my heart, and the evil of my semen."


"O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I hear, and from the evil of what I see, and from the evil of my tongue, and from the evil of my heart, and from the evil of my private parts."

"(HR. Abu Dawud, Imam Tirmidzi said this hadith is hasan)"


Benefits of practicing prayer to avoid addiction to PMO

Prayer to avoid addiction to PMO, as taught by Prophet Muhammad (SAW), is very beneficial for our lives. The benefits of practicing this prayer are as follows: The brain becomes smarter and more responsive. The face's aura shines brighter, without darkness. Confidence increases. The mood becomes better. Not easily tired.

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