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6 Doa Agar Teman Tidak Menjauhi Kita, Ini Sikap Bijak yang Perlu Dilakukan

"6 Prayers to Prevent Friends from Drifting Away, These Wise Attitudes Need to be Done"

"Dream - Prayer for friends not to distance themselves from us is actually practiced as a request for the bond of friendship not to be broken. Because in a friendship, every person has diverse characters. This can cause misunderstandings that make one party distance themselves."

6 Doa Agar Teman Tidak Menjauhi Kita, Ini Sikap Bijak yang Perlu Dilakukan
6 Doa Agar Teman Tidak Menjauhi Kita, Ini Sikap Bijak yang Perlu Dilakukan

Maintaining friendship is an obligation for Muslims. There are many virtues that will be gained from maintaining friendship, one of which is opening the door to sustenance and deeds to obtain a long life.

However, what if there are friends who distance themselves from us? This condition may occur due to misunderstanding or our behavior that hurts them. The thing that needs to be done is to apologize to them and ask what behavior makes them upset. In this way, we can improve ourselves and our way of communicating in friendship. In the perspective of Islam, a good friend is someone who brings us closer to Allah SWT. If we want to have good friends, then we must also be good people. If our behavior is good towards others, then others will also be good to us.

"Rasulullah SAW bersabda:" translates to "The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:" in English.
"Someone's religion depends on their close friends. Therefore, each of you should pay attention to who you choose as your close friend."

"(HR. Ahmad and At-Tirmidhi)"

6 Doa Agar Teman Tidak Menjauhi Kita, Ini Sikap Bijak yang Perlu Dilakukan

Friends have a great influence on shaping our character. That is why it is important for Muslims to maintain silaturahmi (maintaining good relations) in friendships and seek friends who can bring them closer to Allah.

"Wise Attitude when a Friend Avoids Us"

First of all, give your friend time and space to solve their own problems or affairs. Do not press or force them to speak if they are not ready. Invite them to speak with empathy and honesty. Ask if there is something that may have happened or caused a change in your relationship. Listen carefully, attentively, and without judgment. Try to understand your friend's perspective and the feelings they are experiencing.


Offer support that you care about your friend's situation and are ready to provide whatever support they need. Stay mature and respectful. Be prepared to accept their decisions.


1. Prayer to Prevent Friends from Leaving Us

"O Allah, guide me to those who can guide me to You, gather me with those who can gather me with You, and make it easy for me to perform righteous deeds that bring me closer to You."

2. Prayer for Friends Not to Distance Themselves from Us:
The translation of the text is as follows: "O Allah, bless me with honor and dignity, and make me a righteous believer, loved by You and by all people."

Translation: "Meaning: 'O Allah, grant me nobility and make me a believer, a good person, loved by You and by fellow human beings.'"


3. Prayer to Prevent Friends from Leaving Us:
The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "There is no ease except what You have made easy. If You wish, You make the difficult easy, O Allah."

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: Meaning: "O Allah, there is no ease except that which You have made easy. And You can make the difficult easy if You will."


4. Prayer So That Friends Do Not Distance Themselves From Us

"Asallaahu ay yaj'ala bainakum wa bainalladziina 'aadaitum min-hum mawaddah, wallaahu qadiirun, wallaahu ghafuurur raḥiim." Translation: "May Allah create love and affection between you and those whom you have enmity with. Allah is All-Powerful, All-Forgiving, and Most Merciful." (Quran, Al-Mumtahanah: 7)


5. Prayer So That Friends Do Not Distance Themselves from Us

"Ya Allah, I seek refuge in You with Your pleasure from Your anger. I seek refuge in You with Your forgiveness from Your punishment. I seek refuge in You from You. I cannot count Your praise. You are as You have praised Yourself."

6. Prayer to Avoid Hostility:
The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "اللهميَليمَ لاَسوًَ اسَلىَ اسَزويَ سليَىَ لاَميَ فيَريَ لمَصليمَ فيَ اَكيَىَ لاَكيَ ادَليهَىَ لاَفيَ الدَنيَهَ لاَايَبيَىَ لاَسيَليَ اَصيَىَ ياَسوًَمَ لاَبيَبيَ الدَنيَهَ فيَاََّميًََ ياَقيَةيَمَ لاَديَثَمَيََ ياَسيَليَ ليَاَىٍَيَمَ ياَقيَةيَمَ ياَقيَةيَمَ ياَقيَةيَمَنيَ"

Allahumma laa tusymit bii 'aduwwii wa laa tasu'bii shodiiqii wa laa taj'al musiibatii fii diinii wa laa taj'alid dun-ya akbaro hammii wa laa tusallith 'alayya mal laa yarhamunii ya hayyuu yaa qoyyuumu Translation: O Allah, do not let my enemies rejoice over my misfortune, and do not let my truthful friends be saddened. Do not make my religion a cause for distress, and do not make the world the greatest of my concerns. Do not give authority over me to those who do not show me mercy. O Ever-Living, O Self-Subsisting.


"Artinya:" translates to "Meaning:" in English.

"O Allah! Do not let my enemies rejoice in my difficulties, and do not let my friends commit evil against me, and do not let my misfortunes affect my religion, and do not let worldly interests be the center of my attention, and do not let merciless people prevail over me, O Lord who is Ever Living and Self-Sustaining."

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