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Sosok Saldi Isra dan Arief Hidayat, Hakim MK yang Ungkap Kejanggalan Putusan Kepala Daerah Bisa Jadi Capres Cawapres

"Dream - Four judges of the Constitutional Court (MK) have a dissenting opinion regarding the decision on the minimum age limit for presidential and vice-presidential candidates, which is 40 years or having experience as a regional leader. The lawsuit was granted by the Constitutional Court and read during the session held on Monday, October 16, 2023."

The four judges are Wahiduddin Adams, Saldi Isra, Arief Hidayat, and Suhartoyo. In his opinion, Saldi Isra admitted to being confused about the court changing its stance and position in just a moment regarding the decision of the lawsuit filed by Almas Tsaqibbirru. Not only that, Saldi Isra feels worried that the decision will trap the Constitutional Court in the political turmoil. Meanwhile, Arief Hidayat revealed the irregularities in the lawsuit filed by Almas Tsaqibbirru, who requested the addition of the phrase 'experienced as a regional head' as a requirement for presidential and vice-presidential candidates.

"Kejanggalan" in English is "Oddity"

Arief assesses that there are several irregularities in the change of the phrase from registration to decision-making when compared to four lawsuits related to the minimum age limit for presidential and vice-presidential candidates, such as lawsuit number 29, lawsuit number 51, lawsuit number 55, and lawsuit number 91. So, who are the two judges who revealed the irregularities in the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the age limit for presidential and vice-presidential candidates?


"Saldi Isra"

Saldi Isra is a professor of Constitutional Law at Andalas University. Saldi Isra was appointed as a constitutional judge by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), replacing Patrialis Akbar.

"Masa Kecil" in English is "Childhood".

Saldi Isra successfully surpassed two other candidate judges that were submitted to Jokowi by the selection committee (Pansel) of the Constitutional Court on April 3, 2017. According to the official website, Saldi Isra was born in Paninggahan Solok, West Sumatra on August 20, 1968. The son of Ismail and Ratina has had a name since birth, Sal. When he was about to enroll in elementary school, the headmaster asked his father about his name being too short. His father then added '\u2013di' at the end of his name, making it Saldi. Only in 6th grade, he added the name 'Isra' as his last name, which is an abbreviation of his parents' second names.


After completing his undergraduate studies, Saldi Isra, who was the top graduate, was immediately chosen to become a lecturer at Bung Hatta University until October 1995 before eventually moving to Andalas University, Padang. Saldi Isra then served at Andalas University for almost 22 years while completing his Master's degree in Public Administration at the University of Malaya, Malaysia (2001). Then, in 2009, Saldi successfully completed his PhD at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) with a cum laude predicate. A year later, he was inaugurated as a Professor of Constitutional Law at Andalas University.

Sosok Saldi Isra dan Arief Hidayat, Hakim MK yang Ungkap Kejanggalan Putusan Kepala Daerah Bisa Jadi Capres Cawapres

"In the midst of his activities as a teacher, Saldi Isra is known for being active as a writer both in various mass media and journals on a national and international scale. He is known as the Director of the Constitutional Studies Center (PUSaKO) at the Faculty of Law, Unand, which focuses on constitutional issues."

"Arief Hidayat"

Meanwhile, Arief Hidayat was first inaugurated as a constitutional judge on April 1, 2013, at the State Palace by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). Arief replaced Mahfud Md who ended his term since 2008.


Arief Hidayat was born in Semarang, Central Java on February 3, 1956 and received his education in his hometown from elementary school to high school. Arief completed his undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University (Undip) in 1980. Arief then obtained a Master's degree in Law from Airlangga University (Unair) in 1984 and a Doctoral degree in Law from Diponegoro University (Undip) in 2006. Arief became a professor of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University in 2008. He also served as the Dean. After completing his term as dean, Arief dared to apply as a judge of the Constitutional Court (MK) through the DPR pathway.

"List of Constitutional Court Judges"

The courage was obtained by Arief thanks to the support from various parties, especially the professors of Constitutional Law, one of them being Saldi Isra. When participating in the fit and proper test at the Commission III of the DPR, Arief presented a paper titled 'Principle of Ultra Petita in the Constitutional Court's Decision regarding the Testing of Laws against the 1945 Constitution'. Consistent with the presentation that had been delivered during the fit and proper test process, Arief was selected as a constitutional judge, receiving support from 42 out of 48 members of the Commission III of the DPR, defeating his two competitors, Sugianto (5 votes) and Djafar Al Bram (1 vote).

Besides being an active teacher, Arief also holds positions as chairman in several professional organizations, such as Chairman of the HTN-HAN Teachers Association in Central Java, Chairman of the Center for Democracy and Constitutional Law Studies, Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Teachers and Enthusiasts of Law with a Gender Perspective, and Chairman of the Environmental Law Study Center.

Sosok Saldi Isra dan Arief Hidayat, Hakim MK yang Ungkap Kejanggalan Putusan Kepala Daerah Bisa Jadi Capres Cawapres

Formerly Became Chairman of the Constitutional Court

"In addition, Arief is also active in writing. Not less than 25 scientific works have been produced by him in the last five years, both in the form of books and papers. As part of the friends of the court, Arief is also often involved in various activities carried out by the Constitutional Court. He actively serves as a resource person and as a judge in every activity of the Constitutional Court related to disseminating awareness of the constitution. After two years as a constitutional judge, Arief actually gained greater trust by being elected unanimously as the Chairman of the Constitutional Court for the 2015-2018 period."

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