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"Moment of Laughter Buying the Wrong Item Due to Lack of Carefulness When Shopping Online"

Momen Ngakak Salah Beli Barang Akibat Kurang Teliti saat Belanja Online

Dream - The presence of online stores has changed people's lifestyle in shopping for daily needs. Previously, transactions had to be done face to face. Nowadays, people can buy goods through their mobile phones.

Online stores make buying and selling goods and services easier and faster. Unfortunately, behind the various conveniences and sophistication, online shopping has vulnerabilities.

Momen Ngakak Salah Beli Barang Akibat Kurang Teliti saat Belanja Online

If not careful, customers can experience wrong purchases when shopping for goods online. In addition to buyer's mistakes, seller's fraud also triggers wrong purchases of goods in online stores. Reported from various sources, here are hilarious portraits of wrong purchases due to lack of attention when shopping online.

Buy a face cover (mask) with Elsa Frozen picture on the side of the road. It looks cool from the side, but when the mask is opened at home, it actually looks scary.

Momen Ngakak Salah Beli Barang Akibat Kurang Teliti saat Belanja Online
Momen Ngakak Salah Beli Barang Akibat Kurang Teliti saat Belanja Online

Buy a cheap mini scale that looks compact and practical. When it arrived at home, it turned out like this, suitable for weighing the small seller's rewards.

Momen Ngakak Salah Beli Barang Akibat Kurang Teliti saat Belanja Online

Buy headphones thinking they can be comfortably worn in the ears, but it turns out they are more suitable for selling headsets.

Momen Ngakak Salah Beli Barang Akibat Kurang Teliti saat Belanja Online

The couple is equally at fault. They bought weird-looking stockings, while the husband didn't think twice and just started hitting.

The intention was to give a surprise for the birthday, but the ending instead made everyone laugh.

Momen Ngakak Salah Beli Barang Akibat Kurang Teliti saat Belanja Online

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Original, it's both annoying and hilarious. That's why next time buy it yourself. Parents don't know who Gintama is!"

Momen Ngakak Salah Beli Barang Akibat Kurang Teliti saat Belanja Online

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The Covid era is indeed full of unforgettable nostalgia throughout time."

Momen Ngakak Salah Beli Barang Akibat Kurang Teliti saat Belanja Online

"If this is indeed the real 'baju koko' (traditional Islamic attire). What's important is that there is a picture of 'koko' (Islamic cleric) on the attire."

Momen Ngakak Salah Beli Barang Akibat Kurang Teliti saat Belanja Online
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