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"3 Advice from Prophet Muhammad SAW to Husbands for Their Wives, Men Must Know!"

3 Nasihat Rasulullah SAW kepada Para Suami untuk Istrinya, Kaum Adam Wajib Tahu!

Dream - The figure of Prophet Muhammad SAW serves as an example for Muslims worldwide. The character and behavior of Prophet Muhammad SAW should be emulated in our daily lives. His attitude and behavior are very gentle, including towards his wife.

3 Nasihat Rasulullah SAW kepada Para Suami untuk Istrinya, Kaum Adam Wajib Tahu!

The attitude of the Prophet SAW should be imitated by husbands on how to treat their wives. Prophet Muhammad SAW also advised husbands on the importance of treating women well.

The main advice of Prophet Muhammad PBUH to husbands for their wives is contained in hadiths. What are those advices? Let's find out more right away!

3 Nasihat Rasulullah SAW kepada Para Suami untuk Istrinya, Kaum Adam Wajib Tahu!

1. Must Not Hate

The husbands should not hate their wives' bad behavior. Because surely the wife has other good behavior. Therefore, the husbands should remain patient in facing their wives' bad traits and should not hate them. This is as the main advice of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the following hadith:


"Narrated by Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu'anhu, that the Messenger of Allah shallallahu alaihi wa sallam said: "
لا يَفْرُكَ مُؤْمِنٌ مُؤْمِنَةً، إن كَرِهَ مِنها خُلُقًا رَضِيَ مِنها آخَرَ

"Men believers should not hate women believers. If he hates a certain behavior in a woman, then he must surely like her other behaviors that exist within her." (HR. Imam Muslim)


2. Behaving Well towards the Wife

Women are gentle figures. No matter how strong a woman is, she needs a support in facing life, which is her husband. A woman needs attention from her husband. That is why a husband should treat his wife well so that their household becomes better.


"The Prophet Muhammad PBUH said:"
"The best of believers is the best in character. And the best among you are those who are the best (in character) towards women."

"This Hadith is narrated by al-Suyuthi in Al-Jami' Al-Shaghir from Abu Hurairah."

3 Nasihat Rasulullah SAW kepada Para Suami untuk Istrinya, Kaum Adam Wajib Tahu!

The hadith explains that a woman should be patient with her wife's mistakes, show joy and happiness when meeting her, and stop hurting her feelings.

3. Must Be Fair

For husbands who practice polygamy, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) advised them firmly to treat their wives fairly. Allah (SWT) has also established punishment for husbands who oppress and do not act justly towards their wives. On the Day of Gathering in Padang Mahsyar in the future, husbands who are unfair to their wives will come in a tilted state.

3. Must Be Fair

"Rasulullah SAW bersabda:" translates to "The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:"
"From whoever has two testimonies, it is not permissible to accept them until the Day of Resurrection and their reconciliation is made."

"Whoever has two wives, and then he leans more towards one of them, then on the Day of Judgment he will come with his shoulder tilted to one side."

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