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The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags:

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Israel Vs Hamas War Spreads to Lebanon, Indonesian Embassy in Beirut Urges Indonesian Citizens to Be Alert"

Dream - The Israel and Hamas conflict is reported to have spread to Lebanon. It all began when a group of armed men crossed the border near the town of Dhayra in Lebanon. According to, the Israeli military informed that one of their senior officers was killed in a confrontation with militant groups on the Lebanon border on Monday, October 9, 2023. They stated that they responded with support from combat helicopters. It is mentioned that the helicopters attacked Hezbollah positions in Lebanon, including two observation posts, after two mortar bombs were fired into Israel but did not cause any casualties.

Hezbollah then announced that three of its troops were killed in Israel's attack on cities and villages in Lebanon. The group stated that they retaliated by firing rockets and mortars at two Israeli military barracks.

Perang Israel Vs Hamas Meluas ke Lebanon, KBRI Beirut Imbau WNI Siaga

"Air Strike"

"While the militant group Hamas also confirmed that its members have fired rockets into the Galilee region of Israel from Lebanon. The rockets were intercepted or fell in open areas, according to the Israeli military, which retaliated by firing at two other Hezbollah observation posts."


"KBRI Beirut Appeal"

Seeing this, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia or the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut issued a call for Indonesian Citizens (WNI) in the area.

"Dear (respectful), all Indonesian citizens at the Lebanon border. With the development of an unstable situation in the surrounding border area, it is requested that you remain vigilant and alert, avoid conflict and crowded areas, and do not leave the house unless there is an urgent need."

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "According to the Instagram account @indonesiainlebanon, the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut urges, as quoted, Tuesday, October 17, 2023."


"In emergency situations and in need of assistance, you can contact +961 70817310 and/or +961 76676540 (online 24/7),"
clearly the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut in the post posted on Sunday, October 15, 2023.



KBRI Beirut Siaga Pantau Situasi translates to "Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Beirut on Alert Monitoring the Situation" in English.

In the aforementioned appeal, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Beirut also stated its full readiness to monitor the development of the situation in the border area.

"KBRI is on full alert status to monitor the development of the situation in conflict areas and ensure protection for affected Indonesian citizens,""
write in his post.


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