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Benarkah Ikhlas Beramal Berarti Tak Harapkan Pahala? Ini Pandangan Ulama Tasawuf

"Is it true that sincerity in doing good deeds means not expecting rewards? This is the view of Sufi scholars."

Dream - Ikhlas is an easy word to say but it takes strength to live by it. The word Ikhlas refers to a pure or sacred state in performing a deed or worship solely to seek the pleasure of Allah SWT without any other motive or purpose. Ikhlas also means sincerity, honesty, and reliance in worship, without expecting praise or reward from humans. Sincerity in worship is the key to the acceptance of such worship in the presence of Allah SWT.

"Doing Good Deeds with Sincere Intentions"

In Islam, performing good deeds must be done with sincere intention solely for the sake of Allah SWT. Even at a high level of religiosity, worshiping should only be done to seek Allah's pleasure without expecting any rewards. Some Muslims believe that expecting rewards only turns worship into a transaction between servant and Allah SWT.


"Do charity because of Hoping for Rewards, How?"

Sayyid Abdullah bin Alawi al-Haddad in his book Nafaisul Uluwiyyah fi al-Masail al-Sufiyyah mentions that some Sufi scholars state the low quality of someone's actions when they do them solely for the sake of reward or out of fear of punishment.

The statement certainly confuses many laypeople. In fact, most humans worship because of the motives of reward and punishment. This is also a promise from Allah in the Al-Quran. "Allah has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds [that] for them there is forgiveness and great reward." (Surah Al-Maidah 9)

Ikhlas Beramal Berarti Tak Harapkan Pahala, Benarkah? Ini Penjelasan Ulama Tasawwuf

However, is it true? Does sincere charity mean not expecting rewards? To find out the answer, let's continue reading the following!

Definition of Ikhlas According to Scholars

There are many definitions of sincerity according to the opinions of scholars. One opinion of scholars states that sincerity is purifying one's intentions to draw closer to Allah SWT. There is also a definition that states that sincerity is singling out Allah in worshiping Him. Sincerity also means purifying oneself from selfish desires towards humans. The foundation of sincere intention is purifying the intention solely for the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

"As Allah said in Surah Al-Bayyinah verse 5: "
وَمَا أُمِرُوا إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُوا اللَّهَ مُخْلِصِينَ لَهُ الدِّينَ حُنَفَاءَ وَيُقِيمُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَيُؤْتُوا الزَّكَاةَ وَذَلِكَ دِينُ الْقَيِّمَةِ "Padahal mereka tidak disuruh kecuali supaya menyembah Allah dengan memurnikan ketaatan kepada-Nya dalam (menjalankan) agama yang lurus, dan supaya mereka mendirikan shalat dan menunaikan zakat; dan yang demikian itulah agama yang lurus."

"(Quran Surah Al Bayyinah: 5)"


How If Expecting Rewards?

Although worship is done with the intention of seeking only the pleasure of Allah, it does not hurt to expect rewards from Him. By worshiping and doing good deeds, we hope to be kept away from hell, admitted into paradise, and seek goodness from Allah. All of these hopes are not contradictory to seeking the pleasure of Allah SWT. All of these good hopes are forms of Allah's pleasure. Because we will receive rewards if Allah is pleased with our worship.

"Perbuatan Terpuji" translates to "Noble Deeds" in English.

Still in the book Nafaisul Uluwiyyah fi al-Masail al-Sufiyyah, Sayyid Abdullah al-Haddad responds as follows: "Indeed, performing good deeds with the hope of reward is a commendable act, a blessed and beneficial effort. The salaf and khalaf (people of the past and present) among the righteous believers also performed good deeds with such hope. Indeed, humans are created in a weak and needy state; they are in need of the grace of their Lord, who is Most Rich."


The meaning of the verse about Heaven and Hell

Because of that, many verses are found that describe heaven and hell. Heaven is intended for people who have noble character and always obey Allah's commands and stay away from His prohibitions. Meanwhile, hell is intended for those who commit injustice, evil, violate the sharia, and all other types of crimes. Surely what is expected from worship is a good reward from Allah, and what is feared is Allah's wrath and punishment.


The translation of the text "Pendapat Kalangan Sufi Tidak Salah" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "The Opinion of the Sufi Community is Not Wrong."

"Worshipping and doing good deeds without expecting rewards or only out of fear of Allah's punishment is often expressed by the Sufi community. Of course, there are many meanings and main reasons behind the opinions of the Sufi community. This is why Sayyid Abdullah bin Alawi al-Haddad did not intend to blame the statements of the Sufi community as mentioned above."

"More Important Than Just Expecting Rewards"

Sayyid Abdullah bin Alawi al-Haddad precisely provides an explanation of what they (the Sufis) actually mean as follows: "The statement contains the meaning of a warning that truly performing deeds solely to obey Allah's command is more important than seeking rewards and fearing punishment. That is the problem."

"Logic of Sufi Circles"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Meaning, worshiping and doing good deeds solely for the sake of Allah is more honorable than merely seeking rewards or fearing punishment. This opinion of the Sufis is based on logical reasoning. If someone does good deeds because they are promised something, then if Allah does not promise anything, that person will not do good deeds. Similarly, if someone does good deeds only out of fear of threats or punishment, then when those threats are absent, they will not worship or do good deeds."

"Level of Maqam"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "People who worship hoping for rewards are allowed. People like this are called Al-Rajiun. People who do good deeds out of fear of Allah's punishment are also allowed. People with this type are called Al-Khaifun. People who worship and do good deeds solely to obey the commandments of Allah SWT without expecting rewards are called Al-'Arifun. These three typologies are levels of maqam from the lowest to the highest."

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