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Migrant worker from Indonesia immediately bursts into tears of emotion after hearing the Azan at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, the reason behind it is heart-wrenching.

Migrant worker from Indonesia immediately bursts into tears of emotion after hearing the Azan at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, the reason behind it is heart-wrenching.

Dream - An Indonesian Migrant Worker (PMI) shares the moment of joy when stepping foot back in Indonesia. PMI, who only wants to be called Mamih Purple, is known to work in Singapore and also Malaysia.

Indonesian Migrant Worker Immediately Cries Tears of Joy After Hearing the Azan at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, His Reason is Touching

"Never Heard the Call to Prayer Directly from the Mosque"

However, during her time in both countries, the owner of the TikTok account @pinotdiah admitted to never hearing the call to prayer directly from a mosque. Mamih Purple can only hear the call to prayer from the Muslim Pro application installed on her mobile phone.

In the 37-second video, Mamih Purple is seen shedding tears of emotion when at Soekarno Hatta Airport. She finally can hear the call to prayer directly from the mosque or prayer room around the airport. "Just came out of immigration, about to pick up my luggage. Heard the sound of the call to prayer and started crying," she said in the video.

Indonesian Migrant Worker Immediately Cries Tears of Joy After Hearing the Azan at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, His Reason is Touching

While continuing to wipe the flowing tears, Mamih Purple recites istighfar. Mamih Purple admits that during her time in Singapore and Malaysia, she has never heard the call to prayer directly from a mosque or prayer room.

Indonesian Migrant Worker Immediately Cries Tears of Joy After Hearing the Azan at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, His Reason is Touching

"Astagfirullahaladzim, ya Allah. Here I hear the call to prayer. During my time there, I didn't hear the call to prayer," she said while wiping her tears. After expressing her deep emotions for being able to hear the call to prayer again in reality, Mamih Purple then told the story of why she never heard the call to prayer in both countries where she worked."

Indonesian Migrant Worker Immediately Cries Tears of Joy After Hearing the Azan at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, His Reason is Touching

"Criticized, Accused of Lying"

"He is forced to explain this because many netizens, both from Indonesia and Malaysia, have been insulting him. According to the netizens who insulted him, there are many mosques and prayer rooms in Singapore and Malaysia. So it would be strange if he has never heard the call to prayer."

"Hey guys, it needs to be understood that what I'm talking about is during my time in Singapore and Malaysia. It's been a few months since I heard the call to prayer directly from the mosque," he said."

Indonesian Migrant Worker Immediately Cries Tears of Joy After Hearing the Azan at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, His Reason is Touching

Working in the Environment of Chinese People's Housing

He added that during his work in Singapore, he was in a Chinese residential area. Therefore, it is impossible to have a mosque or surau there. Meanwhile, when working in Malaysia, he was also in an area far from the mosque, specifically in Skudai, Johor.

Indonesian Migrant Worker Immediately Cries Tears of Joy After Hearing the Azan at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, His Reason is Touching

Apart from being far from the mosque or prayer room, Mamih Purple also admitted that she rarely leaves the house, so it's not surprising that she never hears the call to prayer. "So why do I say istighfar? It's because my heart is beating fast. It's not istighfar because I hear the sound of the call to prayer," she concluded.

@pinotdiah Masya Allah 😭😭 hai gaees perlu di pahami ya yg saya bicarakan adalah selama saya di Singapore n Malaysia bbrp bulan belum mendengar suara adzan secara lgs dr masjid Krn di kawasan saya tinggal tak ada masjid Krn di lingkungan mayoritas Chinese, tolong jgn salah arti klo di Malaysia tak ada adzan 🙏 tolong di pahami perbedaan nya . lalu knp saya ucap istighfar Krn jantung saya berdetak kencang bukan istighfar Krn mendengar suara adzan . saya hanya hamba Allah yg lemah dan manusia biasa yg salah jd baik nya di baca keterangan VT dr awal sampai akhir sebelum menghujat atau berkata kasar di komen saya 🙏 begitu smpe di Soeta airport entah knp tiba2 langsung nangis ketika mendengar adzan mgkn saya memang rindu ,Krn selama di luar negeri hanya mendengar dr aplikasi muslim pro di hp saja . mohon teman2 bijak dlm berkomentar... terimakasih 🙏 #soetaairport #terminal3soetta #suaraadzan #adzan #hambaallah #hambayglemah #hamba ♬ suara asli - mamih purple
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