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The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags:

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The Groom's Action of Repairing the Neighbor's Mobile Phone at the Wedding Stage Makes Heads Shake"

Dream - Marriage is a special moment that is usually celebrated by husband and wife with joy. Therefore, the bridal couple will focus on celebrating their wedding on that happy day. However, unexpected events are sometimes experienced by couples on their wedding day. In fact, there are situations when the bride or groom even works on their wedding day, as recently went viral on social media.

The Groom's Action of Servicing the Neighbor's Mobile Phone at the Wedding Stage Makes Heads Shake

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The video uploaded by the account owner @selywulan_25 shows a funny moment during their wedding. The wedding chair they were sitting on suddenly turned into an impromptu mobile phone service."

Her husband, who had the ability to fix cell phones, showed it off on their wedding day. Not holding back, her husband even dismantled the phone on the wedding stage while sitting with his wife. The wife acknowledged her husband's ability to fix phones. However, she questioned whether his ability should have been demonstrated on their wedding stage.

"I know my husband can service phones, but it's not appropriate at the wedding ceremony," said Sely in her post. What's even funnier, both of them are still wearing wedding clothes complete with all the decorations on the wedding stage filled with flowers."

The Groom's Action of Servicing the Neighbor's Mobile Phone at the Wedding Stage Makes Heads Shake

Her husband was seen casually servicing the cellphone using special equipment while looking at the inside parts that needed to be fixed. Fortunately, the atmosphere on the wedding stage was quiet and there was no one who wanted to greet them. In fact, the invited guests were still sitting on the chairs provided in front of them.

The Groom's Action of Servicing the Neighbor's Mobile Phone at the Wedding Stage Makes Heads Shake

In the comment column, he explained that the mobile phone belonged to his neighbor who was assisting with his wedding ceremony. Given before the wedding event, who would have thought that the groom would bring the phone to the wedding stage.

"His phone was borrowed by my neighbor's sister, she was helping to set it up for the night decoration, then my husband brought it in his bag," she replied. The post garnered various reactions from netizens. Many netizens laughed seeing the incident and gave various jokes."

"Very funny, please don't become a phone first," wrote user @r.nss_. "Fortune cannot be rejected," added user @ewsgfyyy. "The deadline is that day, afraid of being approached by the owner of the phone," continued user @ywdsiy0. "I suspect my future partner will be like this because he even has time to service someone else's phone while making a phone call," revealed user @nightofficetoday. "If this was a motorcycle service person, they could service a motorcycle in the middle of an event," joked user @azalea_2131. Report: Nisya Aprilya.

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