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Prayer when Insulted and Humiliated by Others, Here's How to Respond According to Islamic Teachings

Prayer when Insulted and Humiliated by Others, Here's How to Respond According to Islamic Teachings

Dream - Experiencing insults or being belittled by others is certainly a very unpleasant experience. In this situation, we are treated poorly and may receive unfair treatment. This can cause feelings of frustration, hatred, and even trauma. If Sahabat Dream is unable to control oneself, anger and resentment can arise within.

"However, people of faith are prohibited from insulting and demeaning others. In Islam itself, insulting and demeaning others is a highly forbidden act. Surely, Allah SWT has prepared punishment for those who engage in such wrongdoing. Therefore, be a good creature to anyone and avoid demeaning or insulting others."

If Dream's friend experiences humiliation, it is best not to respond with anger or revenge. Instead, read a prayer when being insulted and belittled by others. This method will help you become calmer and alleviate the anger caused by such treatment.

Prayer when Insulted and Humiliated by Others, Here's How to Respond According to Islamic Teachings
Prayer when Insulted and Humiliated by Others, Here's How to Respond According to Islamic Teachings

"How to read the prayer? Find out more about the prayer readings when being insulted and humiliated by others!"

Proofs about Insulting Other People

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Rasulullah SAW is an exemplary figure for every human being on earth. His noble character is never eroded by time and always remains relevant to this day. He taught his followers noble qualities and behaviors, one of which is to act with love and compassion towards others, and never to insult or belittle others."


The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Narrated from Ali bin Abi Thali RA when the Prophet Muhammad SAW was asked about the punishment for someone who insults another person, he answered as follows: "It is a bad deed, there is a ta'zir punishment (punishment whose extent is not determined by sharia), but there is no fixed punishment (punishment whose extent has been determined by sharia) for it."

"(HR. Baihaqi and rated hasan by Al-Albani)"


Sin Insulting Others

There is usually an occurrence of insults due to a reason, one of which is the occurrence of disputes. Insulting others among people or groups in conflict, then the sin is borne by the person who started it.

Prayer when Insulted and Humiliated by others

When receiving insults from others, it is best for Dream's friends to read a prayer. The following prayer, when insulted and humiliated by others, can make you calmer and suppress anger within you. This prayer also includes a request for forgiveness from Allah SWT for those who do wrong. Here is the prayer to read when insulted and humiliated by others that Dream's friends can practice:

Allahummaghfirli qaumi fa innahum la ya'lamun.

Meaning: "O Allah, forgive my people, for they do not know." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).



"The Attitude of Prophet Muhammad when Insulted and Humiliated"

Need to know, my friend Dream, that when Prophet Muhammad SAW was still alive, he often received insults and was belittled by others. It was not only insults, but he also endured physical abuse. However, he did not retaliate, seek revenge, or get angry with those who had treated him badly. Instead, he prayed for those who insulted and hurt him with good prayers.

As explained in a hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim, the following: "During that time, he was hit until he bled. The bleeding on the face of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) indicates that the blows inflicted upon him were extremely severe. While wiping his blood, he did not retaliate their treatment. Instead, he prayed for them with the following prayer."

The sentence "Kalimat fa innahum laa ya'lamun yang dibaca Nabi di atas menunjukkan bahwa Nabi SAW sangat memahami kondisi orang-orang yang menghina dan memukuli beliau. Mereka, bagi Nabi SAW, adalah orang-orang yang tidak mengetahui kemuliaan ajaran yang dibawa Rasulullah. Jika mereka mengetahui, mereka pasti akan sadar dan merasa malu telah berbuat demikian." translates to English as follows while preserving the HTML tags: "The sentence fa innahum laa ya'lamun that was read by the Prophet above shows that the Prophet PBUH understands very well the condition of those who insult and hit him. For the Prophet PBUH, they are people who do not know the nobility of the teachings brought by the Messenger of Allah. If they knew, they would surely realize and feel ashamed of their actions."

"How to Behave when Being Bullied and Humiliated by Others"

Facing insults and being belittled by others can be a heavy challenge. However, Islam provides clear guidance on how to behave in such situations. Here are some ways that can be taken according to Islamic teachings:


1. Stay Calm and Patient Allah SWT says in the Quran, "And be patient. Indeed, Allah is with the patient." (QS. Al-Anfal: 46). Patience is the key to facing insults. Stay calm and do not let emotions take control. 2. Pray and Remember Allah Remembering Allah through prayer and remembrance can help calm the heart and mind. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) taught us to recite, "Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal wakil" (Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs).

3. Forgive Those Who Insult Islam teaches us to forgive those who do wrong to us. Allah SWT says, "Be forgiving and enjoin what is good, and turn away from the ignorant" (Quran, Al-A'raf: 199). 4. Be Humble and Do Not Retaliate Respond to evil with goodness. Allah SWT says, "Repel [evil] by that which is better" (Quran, Fussilat: 34). The Prophet Muhammad SAW also said, "The strong person is not the one who can wrestle others down, but the strong person is the one who can control themselves when they are angry" (Hadith, Bukhari and Muslim).

5. Take Wisdom and Self-Reflection Use insults as a means for self-reflection. There may be things that can be improved within ourselves. However, do not let insults destroy our self-esteem and self-confidence. 6. Seek Support from Closest People Talk to family or closest friends who can provide support and advice. They can help provide a more positive perspective and strengthen us.

7. Do Good and Continue to Do Good Continue to do good even if you are insulted. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the best example in this matter, always responding to evil with goodness. 8. Preserve Self-Honor Continue to preserve self-honor by not following others in demeaning others. Allah SWT says, "O you who have believed, let not a people ridicule [another] people" (Surah Al-Hujurat: 11).

By following these steps, insyaAllah we can face insults and mistreatment in a manner that is in accordance with the teachings of Islam, maintaining inner peace, and gaining rewards from our patience and self-control.

Prayer when Insulted and Humiliated by Others, Here's How to Respond According to Islamic Teachings
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