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"Can One Fast Arafah While Still Having Unpaid Ramadan Fasts? Here’s the Explanation According to Scholars"

"Dream - The Arafah fast is one of the recommended sunnah fasts for Muslims. Especially for those who are not performing the pilgrimage. The Arafah fast itself is observed on the 9th of Dzulhijjah or one day before the Eid al-Adha celebration. At that time, the pilgrims are performing wukuf at Arafah. Observing the Arafah fast has various virtues that are unfortunate to miss. However, at that moment, there are usually some Muslims, especially women, who still have debts of Ramadan fasting."

Then, what is the ruling on fasting Arafah while still having debts of Ramadan fasting? To find out the answer, here is a summary as compiled by Dream from various sources.

Is it Permissible to Fast on Arafah While Still Having Ramadan Fasting Debts? Here is the Explanation According to Scholars
Hukum Puasa Arafah tapi Masih Memiliki Utang Puasa Ramadan

The Law of Arafah Fasting but Still Having Ramadan Fasting Debts

"Not a few Muslims are still confused about observing the Arafah fast on the 9th of Dzulhijjah, while on the other hand, they still have unpaid Ramadan fasts that have not been completed."

Quoted from, according to the Deputy Secretary of Bahtsul Masail of the Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (LBM PBNU), Alhafiz Kurniawan stated that fasting performed on the recommended day may be intended as qadha or nazar while also gaining the merit of the sunnah. Furthermore, it is explained in the book Ansal Mathalib Volume V by Sheikh Zakariya Al-Anshari, that a person who fasts on the day of Ashura, for example, for qadha or nazar fasting, will receive the reward of fasting on the sunnah day of Ashura.

The opinion has been agreed upon by Al-Ushfuwani, Al-Faqih Abdullah An-Nasyiri, and Al-Faqih Ali bin Ibrahim bin Shalih Al-Hadhrami. That opinion is a strong one. In addition, in the book I'anatut Thalibin, in Al-Kurdi, there is a text written in Asnal Mathalib and similar works, namely by Al-Khatib As-Syarbini, Sheikh Sulaiman Al-Jamal, and Sheikh Ar-Ramli, that the Sunnah fasting on days that are highly recommended for fasting is indeed intended for that day. However, if someone fasts with a different intention on that day, they will still receive its merit.

"Even so, it is advised for Muslims to make up the fasts of Ramadan first. Only then can they observe the sunnah fasts. It is different if Dream friends just remember they have a debt of Ramadan fasts approaching the day of Arafah, then it is better to make up their fasts on the day of Arafah."

The translation of "Keutamaan Puasa Arafah" to English is "The Virtues of Arafah Fasting".

"For Dream friends who are observing the Arafah fast, here are some of the virtues that you will receive:"

The translation of

"1. Erasing Sin for 2 Years"

The first virtue of fasting on Arafah is that it can erase sins for two years. That is, the sins of the past year and the coming year. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Fasting on the day of Arafah can erase the sins of the two past years and the coming year, and fasting on Ashura (the 10th of Muharram) erases the sins of the past year."

"2. Kept away from the Fire of Hell"

"Every Muslim certainly aspires that when they pass away, they can be placed in paradise. No human wants to be placed in hell. One of the deeds that can save you from the fire of hell is by observing the Sunnah fast of Arafah. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: 'There is no day on which Allah frees more servants from hell than the day of Arafah, and indeed He draws near and boasts about them before the Angels and says: 'What do they want?' (HR. Muslim)"

to English while preserving the HTML tags is:

The recommended fasting of Arafah is, among other reasons, because Allah SWT greatly loves this act of worship. This is explained in a hadith: “There is no good deed that is more beloved to Allah than the good deeds performed on these days (i.e., the first 10 days of Dzul Hijjah).” The companions asked: “Not even jihad in the way of Allah?” The Prophet shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam replied: “Not even jihad in the way of Allah, except for a person who goes out for jihad with his soul and wealth, and does not return at all.” (HR. Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah. A similar hadith is also narrated by Tirmidhi and Ahmad)

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