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"Islam Encourages Its Followers to Exercise to Maintain Physical and Spiritual Health, Here Are 6 Benefits"

"Dream - Islam encourages its followers to adopt a healthy lifestyle. For example, there is a command to consume halal food and drinks, to rest, and to exercise regularly. This is as stated in the words of Allah SWT in Surah Al-Anfal verse 60 as follows: "And prepare against them whatever you are able of power." (QS. Al-Anfal: 60) There are many types of sports that friends of Dream can choose from and adjust according to their abilities or preferences."

"Because the fundamental purpose of all sports is to strengthen the body and enhance the ability for jihad fi sabilillah (struggle in the way of Allah SWT)."

Islam Encourages Its Followers to Exercise for Physical and Spiritual Health, Here Are 6 Benefits
Islam Encourages Its Followers to Exercise for Physical and Spiritual Health, Here Are 6 Benefits

"Well, here is an explanation about the recommendation to exercise in Islam and its advantages as summarized by Dream through various sources."

The translation of "Anjuran Berolahraga dalam Islam" to English is "The Encouragement of Exercising in Islam."

"Islam teaches its followers to maintain health, both physical and spiritual. Both are very important and influence each other."

Anjuran Berolahraga dalam Islam

Rasulullah saw said: \

Keutamaan Olahraga dalam Islam

The translation of "Keutamaan Olahraga dalam Islam" to English is "The Importance of Sports in Islam."

"There are various benefits that Dream friends can gain from exercising. Here are some important benefits you should know:"

"1. The Importance of Maintaining Health"

"Islam places great emphasis on the importance of maintaining health. One way to do this is by exercising. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "A strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than a weak believer." (HR. Muslim) This hadith indicates the importance of maintaining physical strength in order to be more productive in worship and activities."

"2. Emulating the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)"

"In his life, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also always exercised. For example, walking, running, swimming, archery, and horseback riding. Well, such things should be emulated by his followers as an effort to maintain a healthy body."

Islam Encourages Its Followers to Exercise for Physical and Spiritual Health, Here Are 6 Benefits

The translation of "3. Amanah Menjaga Tubuh" to English is "3. Trust in Maintaining the Body".

The body that we have right now is a gift from Allah SWT that we must take care of as best as possible. Because with a healthy body, Dream friends can more easily engage in various activities in daily life. In addition, you can also be beneficial to the people around you.

The translation of "4. Mengindari Penyakit" to English is "4. Avoiding Disease".

"Exercising is one of the efforts to avoid disease. Because with exercise, the body's immunity will increase. You can be protected from serious illnesses, such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Even the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also advised his followers to seek treatment when ill as a form of effort."

"5. Encouraging Cooperation and Solidarity"

"There are various types of sports that must be done in groups. For example, soccer, volleyball, and so on. Indirectly, this can encourage cooperation and solidarity among each player."

Islam Encourages Its Followers to Exercise for Physical and Spiritual Health, Here Are 6 Benefits

"6. Balancing Body and Soul"

"Through sports, one can balance between the body and the soul. When the body of a Dream friend is healthy, the soul will also be healthy and more comfortable in living daily life."

to English is:

"Rasulullah taught his followers about the importance of maintaining health and safety of the body. One of the ways he recommended is by doing sports of the following types."

Jenis Olahraga yang Dianjurkan Rasulullah SAW

"First, it is walking. The Prophet Muhammad often walked as a form of exercise. Walking is an easy sport to do and does not require expensive costs. Then, it is followed by running. The Prophet Muhammad also ran as a form of physical training. Running is a sport that can improve fitness and body health. Next, it is swimming. The Prophet Muhammad taught his followers about the importance of mastering swimming techniques. Swimming is a good sport for maintaining body health and does not put too much strain on the joints."

"Besides that, he also encouraged cycling. Cycling is a type of sport that can be done easily and does not require high costs. In addition, the Prophet Muhammad also recommended his followers to play soccer. Soccer is a sport that can burn calories and improve heart health. Lastly, practicing martial arts such as silat is also encouraged. The Prophet emphasized the importance of self-defense and protecting his followers, making martial arts one of the recommended types of sports."

"By engaging in the types of sports recommended by the Prophet Muhammad, Muslims can maintain their health and safety. These types of sports are easy to perform, do not require expensive costs, and are beneficial for health."

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