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"Schedule of Pemko Makassar Mutation, Mayor Blak-Blakan Criteria for Head of Department"

Jadwal Mutasi Pemko Makassar, Wako Blak-Blakan Kriteria Kadis

"Dream - The Mayor of Makassar, Danny Pomanto, has announced a list of level II officials who will experience non-job or be released from duty. This decision was made after 34 level II officials of Makassar City Government underwent a job fit process in early November."

Danny Pomanto explained that the criteria for non-job officials who are suspended are low performance and inability to master their main tasks. Some of them also received complaints from the public. "Not only reports from the public, but also reports from the Mayor himself. You all must know. If there is someone being replaced, there must be a strong reason for the replacement," said Danny Pomanto on Tuesday, November 23, 2023.

Jadwal Mutasi Pemko Makassar, Wako Blak-Blakan Kriteria Kadis

Danny Pomanto emphasized that the replacement of officials will only be done if there is a strong reason. In addition to non-job positions, some officials will also experience mutation or be transferred to other Local Government Organizations (OPD).

This is done because the official in question is considered unsuitable for the position currently held. "There are officials whose performance is not in line with their current positions. Some of them will experience a transfer. Only hoping that after being moved, they will still be suitable for their new tasks," added Danny.

Danny Pomanto plans to carry out a mutation in December, but there is a delay because the City Government and the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) are still completing the discussion of the Main Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) for 2023. The determination of APBD is scheduled no later than November 30. "Initially, I thought it would be finished on November 24-23. It turns out that it will return to normal on November 30. After that, we will carry out the mutation," he said.

"After that, the mutation will be implemented. In addition to officials at the II echelon, Danny also plans to make changes at the III and IV echelon levels, especially in the scope of sub-district heads, neighborhood heads, section heads, and department heads. The Head of the Makassar Employment and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM), Akhmad Namsum, stated that the job fit results have been submitted to the Mayor."

Jadwal Mutasi Pemko Makassar, Wako Blak-Blakan Kriteria Kadis

However, the implementation of mutations and appointments of officials is still awaiting further instructions from the Mayor. After the mutation, vacant positions will be auctioned off.

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