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Understanding the Law of Reciting the Opening Prayer in Prayer, Complete Arabic Recitation and Its Meaning.

Understanding the Law of Reciting the Opening Prayer in Prayer, Complete Arabic Recitation and Its Meaning.

- is an obligation that must be carried out by every Muslim. One important part of the prayer is reciting the opening prayer (doa iftitah). The opening prayer is recited before reciting Surah Al-Fatihah. This prayer contains praise to Allah and a request for forgiveness and guidance from Him. Reciting the opening prayer correctly is necessary for our prayer to become more focused and meaningful. Knowing the ruling of reciting the opening prayer in prayer is very important for every Muslim to perfect their worship.

Memahami Hukum Membaca Doa Iftitah dalam Sholat, Lengkap Bacaan Arab dan Artinya

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "The law of reciting the opening supplication (doa iftitah) in prayer is highly recommended (sunnah muakkadah). Although it is not obligatory, the doa iftitah holds significant value in the sequence of prayer and helps to calm the heart when facing Allah."

"Reading of Iftitah Prayer Muhammadiyah"

Allahumma baa'id bainii wa baina khathayaaya kamaa baa'adta bainal masyriqi wal maghribi. Allahumma naqqini minal khathaya kama yunaqqats tsaubul abyadlu minad danasi. Allahummaghsil khathayaya bil maa-i wats tsalji wal baradi.


"O Allah, keep me away from my mistakes as You keep the East and the West apart. O Allah, cleanse me from my mistakes as the white clothes are cleansed from dirt. O Allah, wash away my mistakes with water, snow, and cold water."


"Reading of the Prayer of Iftitah Nahdlatul Ulama"

Allah is the greatest, and all praise is due to Allah abundantly. Glory be to Allah in the morning and evening. I have directed my face towards the One who created the heavens and the earth, sincerely and in submission, and I am not among the polytheists. Indeed, my prayers, my sacrifices, my living and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I have no partner, and with this I have been commanded, and I am among the Muslims.


"Allah is the Greatest and His greatness is perfect, all praise belongs to Allah, abundant praise, and glorified be Allah in the morning and evening. I turn my face (heart) towards Allah who created the heavens and the earth in a straight condition and surrender myself, and I am not among the polytheists. Indeed, my prayer, worship, life, and death are only for Allah, the Lord of all worlds. There is no partner for Allah and I am commanded not to associate partners with Him. And I am among the Muslims.""

"Opening Prayer in Prayer"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The law of reciting the opening prayer in prayer is a highly recommended sunnah, which is a sunnah that is strongly encouraged to be performed. The opening prayer is a prayer that is recited after the takbiratul ihram. This prayer is not obligatory, but the Prophet Muhammad himself strongly encouraged Muslims to recite it during prayer."


Reading the opening prayer during prayer has an amazing virtue. By reciting the opening prayer, a person asks Allah SWT for ease in their daily life.

Memahami Hukum Membaca Doa Iftitah dalam Sholat, Lengkap Bacaan Arab dan Artinya

Besides that, the prayer of iftitah can also make someone's heart more focused and concentrated in performing prayers. Therefore, it is advisable for every Muslim to pay attention to the rule of reciting the prayer of iftitah in prayers. Although it is not obligatory, practicing the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad is a very good thing. This sunnah practice will bring blessings in worship. Therefore, it is better to always make it a habit to recite the prayer of iftitah in prayers as a form of practicing the sunnah of the Prophet.

"Conditions for Reciting the Opening Supplication in Prayer"

As quoted from, reading the opening prayer has 4 conditions. If one of the conditions is not fulfilled, then the recommended act of reading the opening prayer will be lost. The following are the conditions for the recommended act of reading the opening prayer:


1. Salah (Prayer) Other Than Funeral Prayer

The condition for the first sunnah is to recite the opening prayer is that the prayer being performed is not a funeral prayer. Even if the prayer is done on a grave or in a state of invisibility, where the deceased is located far from the prayer place, it is still not allowed to recite the opening prayer.


2. Enough Time to Perform Prayer

The condition for the recommended practice of reciting the second prayer of opening (doa iftitah) is to have sufficient time to perform the prayer and also recite the doa iftitah. If someone deems that the available time is too short, then it is not necessary to recite the doa iftitah; what is important is to still fulfill the obligatory pillars of the prayer that must be done.


3. Don't Worry About Missing Out on Reading Al-Fatihah

In congregational prayer, if the follower is not worried about missing reciting Surah Al-Fatihah, then it is recommended to recite the opening supplication (doa iftitah) first. However, if one is concerned about missing reciting Al-Fatihah during congregational prayer, then there is no need to recite the opening supplication.


4. Following the Position of the Imam

"If you become a latecomer in prayer and see the imam performing a different prayer movement, then it is not recommended for you to recite the opening supplication (doa iftitah). Instead, you should immediately align yourself with the imam's position at that time. (Muhammad bin Umar bin Alin Nawawi Banten, Nihayatuz Zain, Songqopuro Indonesia, al-Haramin, first edition, page 62)."

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